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Stelzenmüller V., Coll M., Cormier R., Mazaris A., Pascual M., Loiseau C., Claudet J., Katsanevakis S., Gissi E., Evagelopoulos A., Rumes B., Degraer S., Ojaveer H., Moller T., Giménez J., Piroddi C., Markantonatou V., Dimitriadis C., Rumes B. & Degraer S., 2020. Operationalizing risk-based cumulative effect assessments in the marine environment Science of The Total Environment, 724:138118.
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Van de Perre F., Willig M., Presley S., Boeckx P., Verbeeck H., Kearsley E., Kesel A., Ballings P., Broeck D., Haan M., Würsten B., Janssens S., Lachenaud O., Grootaert P., Leponce M., Cooleman S., Dessein S., Leirs H. & Verheyen E., 2017. The relationship between taxonomic diversity and aboveground carbon storage is taxon-specific In: European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 6-10 Feb. 2017, pp. 321.
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Leponce M., Novotny V., Pascal O., Robillard T., Legendre F., Villemant C., Munzinger J., Molino J., Drew R., Odegaard F., Schmidl J., Tishechkin A., Sam K., Bickel D., Dahl C., Damas K., Fayle T. M., Gewa B., Jacquemin J., Keltim M., Klimes P., Koane B., Kua J., Mantilleri A., Mogia M., Molem K., Moses J., Nowatuo H., Orivel J., Pintaud J., Roisin Y., Sam L., Siki B., Soldati L., Soulier-Perkins A., Tulai S., Yombai J., Wardhaugh C. & Basset Y., 2016. Land module of Our Planet Reviewed - Papua New Guinea: aims, methods and first taxonomical results In: Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea, ed. by Robillard, Tony and Legendre, Frederic and Villemant, Claire and Leponce, Maurice, vol. 209, pp. 13-48, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.
Vanderheyden A., Sonet G., Herrera H., Delsinne T., Donoso D., Lattke J., Hendrickx F., Leponce M., Backeljau T. & Dekoninck W., 2016. DNA barcoding of ants from the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador) In: Entomology in Belgium 2016, 6th Symposium of the Royal Belgian Entomological Society, Brussels, 2/12/2016., pp. 13.
Degraer S., Rumes B., Alsebai M., Botteldooren D., Brabant R., Courtens W., Debusschere E., Derweduwen J., De Mesel I., Erkman A., Haelters J., Hostens K., Kerckhof F., Lafontaine R., Laurent Y., Moens T., Norro A., Persoon K., Ranson J., Reubens J., Smith A., Stienen E., Ribeiro da Costa A. M., Torreele E., Vanaverbeke J., Vandendriessche S., Vanermen N., Van de walle M., Verstraete H., Vigin L., Vidao J., Vincx M. & Wittoeck J., 2016. Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) (2016). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Environmental impact monitoring reloaded. pp. i-ix Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS).
Thomsen F., Gill A., Kosecka M., Andersson M., Andre M., Degraer S., Folegot T., Gabriel J., Judd A., Neumann T., Norro A., Risch D., Sigray P., Wood D. & Wilson B., 2016. MaRVEN- Environmental Impacts of Noise, Vibrations and Electromagnetic Emission from Marine Renewable Energy European Union, technical report(EU 27738).
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Oberdorff T., Bigorne R., De Wever A., Jézéquel C., Maldonado-Ocampo J., Martens K., Ortega H., A Tedesco P., Torrente-Vilara G. & Zuanon J., 2016. Um projeto de colaboraçao transnacional para um banco de dados abrangente sobre a distribuicao de peixes amazônicos -AMAZONFISH Boletim Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 116:16-19.
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Debusschere E., Hostens K., Vandendriessche S., Botteldooren D., Vincx M. & Degraer S., 2016. The effects of high intensity impulsive sound on young European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax, with special attention to pile driving. In: .). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea. Environmental impact monitoring reloaded, ed. by Degraer, S., R. Brabant, B. Rumes & L. Vigin . . Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, chap. 11, pp. 169-183.
Dannheim J., Birchenough S., De Mesel I., Lacroix G., Garcia C., Beermann J., Coolen J., Degraer S. & Lindeboom H., 2016. Understanding the influence of man-made structures on the ecosystem functions of the North Sea (UNDINE) In: First INSITE day meeting, London, 1-2 décembre 2016.
M. Lewandowska A., Biermann A., T. Borer E., A. Cebrian-Piqueras M., A. J. Declerck S., De Meester L., Van Donk E., Gamfeldt L., S. Gruner D., Hagenah N., Harpole W. S., Kirkman K. P., A. Klausmeier C., Kleyer M., M. H. Knops J., Lemmens P., M. Lind E., Lichtman E., Mantilla-Contreras J., Martens K., Meier S., Minden V., L. Moore J., Olde Venterink H., W. Seabloom E., Sommer U., Striebel M., Trenkamp A., Trinogga J., Urabe J., Vyverman W., B. Van de Waal D., E. Widdicombe C. & Hillebrand H., 2016. The influence of balanced and imbalanced resource supply on biodiversity - functioning relationship across ecosystems Philosophical transactions B, 371(20150283):1-9.
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Reiss H., Birchenough S. N., Borja A., Buhl-Mortensen L., Craeymeersch J., Dannheim J., Darr A., Galparsoro I., Gogina M., Neumann H., Populus J., Rengstorf A. M., Valle M., Van Hoey G., Zettler M. L. & Degraer S., 2015. Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management ICES Journal of Marine Science Advance Access, 72(2):297 - 315.
Danielopol D., Baltanas A., Carbonel P., Colins J., Crasquin S., Decrouy L., De Deckker P., Gliozzi E., Groos-Uffenorde H., Horne D., Iepure S., Keyser D., Kornicker L., Lord A., Martens K., Matzke-Karasz R., Miller C., Oertli H., Pugliese N., Russo A., Sames B., Schön I., Siveter D., Smith A., Viehberg F., Wouters K. & Yassini I., 2015. From Naples 1963 to Rome 2013 - A brief review of how the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO) developed as a social communication system Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 419:3-22.
Rumes B., Di Marcantonio M., Brabant R., De Mesel I., Duliére V., Haelters J., Kerckhof F., Norro A., Van den Eynde D., Vigin L. & Lauwaert B., 2015. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het MERMAID offshore energiepark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank RBINS - MUMM, EIA.
Rumes B., Devolder M., Brabant R., De Mesel I., Degraer S., Haelters J., Kerckhof F., Norro A., Van den Eynde D., Vigin L. & Lauwaert B., 2015. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHWESTER 2 offshore windpark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank RBINS - MUMM, EIA.
De Jong Y., Kouwenberg J., Boumans L., Hussey C., Hyam R., Nicolson N., Kirk P., Paton A., Michel E., Guiry M., Boegh P., Pedersen H., Enghoff H., von Raab-Straube E., Güntsch A., Geoffroy M., Müller A., Kohlbecker A., Berendsohn W., Appeltans W., Arvanitidis C., Vanhoorne B., Declerck J., Vandepitte L., Hernandez F., Nash R., Costello M., Ouvrard D., Bezard-Falgas P., Bourgoin T., Wetzel F., Glöckler F., Korb G., Ring C., Hagedorn G., Häuser C., Aktaç N., Asan A., Ardelean A., Borges P., Dhora D., Khachatryan H., Malicky M., Ibrahimov S., Tuzikov A., De Wever A., Moncheva S., Spassov N., Chobot K., Popov A., Boršić I., Sfenthourakis S., Kõljalg U., Uotila P., Olivier G., Dauvin J., Tarkhnishvili D., Chaladze G., Tuerkay M., Legakis A., Peregovits L., Gudmundsson G., Ólafsson E., Lysaght L., Galil B., Raimondo F., Domina G., Stoch F., Minelli A., Spungis V., Budrys E., Olenin S., Turpel A., Walisch T., Krpach V., Gambin M., Ungureanu L., Karaman G., Kleukers R., Stur E., Aagaard K., Valland N., Moen T., Bogdanowicz W., Tykarski P., Węsławski J., Kędra M., M. de Frias Martins A., Abreu A., Silva R., Medvedev S., Ryss A., Šimić S., Marhold K., Stloukal E., Tome D., Ramos M., Valdés B., Pina F., Kullander S., Telenius A., Gonseth Y., Tschudin P., Sergeyeva O., Vladymyrov V., Rizun V., Raper C., Lear D., Stoev P., Penev L., Rubio A., Backeljau T., Saarenmaa H. & Ulenberg S., 2015. PESI - a taxonomic backbone for Europe Biodiversity Data Journal, 3(e5848).
Gibb H., Sanders N. J., Dunn R. R., Watson S., Photakis M., Abril S., Andersen A. N., Angulo E., Armbrecht I., Arnan X., Baccaro F. B., Bishop T. R., Boulay R., Castracani C., Del Toro I., Delsinne T., Diaz M., Donoso D. A., Enriquez M. L., Fayle T. M., Feener D. H., Fitzpatrick M. C., Gomez C., Grasso D. A., Groc S., Heterick B., Hoffmann B. D., Lach L., Lattke J., Leponce M., Lessard J. P., Longino J., Lucky A., Majer J., Menke S. B., Mezger D., Mori A., Munyai T. C., Paknia O., Pearce-Duvet J., Pfeiffer M., Philpott S. M., de Souza J. L. P., Tista M., Vasconcelos H. L., Vonshak M. & Parr C. L., 2015. Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1808):20150418-20150418.
Jacquemin J., De Bakker D., Maraun M., Maraun M., Roisin Y. & Leponce M., 2015. Fourmis, papous et isotopes: les réseaux trophiques le long du Mont Wilhelm. In 28ème Congrès de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux, UIEIS 2015, Tours, 26-28 août, p. 17. Miscellaneous publication, In 28ème Congrès de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux, UIEIS 2015, Tours, 26-28 août, pp. 17..
Leponce M., 2015. Arboreal ant mosaics meltdown with elevation. In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 302, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. Miscellaneous publication, In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 302, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil.
Leponce M., 2015. In the treetops of Papua New Guinea. . In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 159, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. Miscellaneous publication, In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 159, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil.
Leponce M. & Basset Y., 2015. Data flow in IBISCA projects. . In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 97, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. Miscellaneous publication, In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 97, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil.
Leponce M., Delabie J., Klimes P., Queiroz J., Delsinne T., Jacquemin J. & Dejean A., 2015. Ant mosaics in neotropical forests and elsewhere. . In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 76, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. Miscellaneous publication, In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 76, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil.
Vanbavinckhove G., Rumes B. & Pirlet H., 2015. Energie (inclusief kabels en leidingen) In: Compendium Kust & Zee, ed. by Pirlet, H., Verleyen, T., Lescrauwaet, A. K., Mees, J.. Jan Mees (VLIZ), chap. 5, pp. 119-140. (ISBN: 978-94-92043-17-7).
Sonet G., Delsinne T., Donoso D., Troya A., Leponce M., Dekoninck W., Nagy Z. T., Lattke J. & Backeljau T., 2015. Large-scale DNA barcoding of ants from Ecuador In: Genome (Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference), ed. by Sarah J. Adamowicz, vol. 58, pp. 283.
Debusschere E., Blom L., Botteldooren D., De Boeck G., De Coensel B., De Jong C., Hostens K., Kumar Sinha A., Vandendriessche S., Vercauteren M., Vincx M., Wessels P. & Degraer S., 2015. A comprehensive study to assess the impact of impulsive sound on juvenile sea bass In: Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day., ed. by Mees, J. et al.. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), vol. 71, chap. N/A, pp. 52. VLIZ Special Publication.
Debusschere E., Hostens K., Adriaens D., Ampe B., Botteldooren D., De Boeck G., De Muynck A., Kumar Sinha A., Vandendriessche S., Van Hoorebeke L., Vincx M. & Degraer S., 2015. Acoustic stress responses in juvenile sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax induced by offshore pile driving Environmental Pollution.
Stelzenmüller V., Vega Fernandez T., Cronin K., Röckmann C., Pantazani M., Vanaverbeke J., Stamford T., Hostens K., Pecceu E., Degraer S., Buhl-Mortensen L., Carlström J., Galparsoro I., Johnson K., Piwowarczyk J., Vassilopoulou V., Jak R., Pace M. & van Hoof L., 2015. Assessing uncertainty associated with the monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas. Marine Policy, 51:151-162.
Degraer S., Hostens K., Provoost S., Stienen E., Vanaverbeke J. & Pirlet H., 2015. Natuur en milieu. In: Compendium voor Kust en Zee 2015: Een geïntegreerd kennisdocument over de socio-economische, ecologische en institutionele aspecten van de kust en zee in Vlaanderen en België. , ed. by Pirlet, H., Verleye, T., Lescrauwaet, A.K., Mees, J. . Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), Oostende, vol. 2, chap. 1, pp. 57-76. (ISBN: 978-94-92043-17-7).
Basset Y., Cizek L., Cuenoud P., Didham R. K., Novotny V., Odegaard F., Roslin T., Tishechkin A. K., Schmidl J., Winchester N. N., Roubik D. W., Aberlenc H. P., Bail J., Barrios H., Bridle J. R., Castano-Meneses G., Corbara B., Curletti G., Duarte da Rocha W., De Bakker D., Delabie J. H., Dejean A., Fagan L. L., Floren A., Kitching R. L., Medianero E., Gama de Oliveira E., Orivel J., Pollet M., Rapp M., Ribeiro S. P., Roisin Y., Schmidt J. B., Sorensen L., Lewinsohn T. M. & Leponce M., 2015. Arthropod Distribution in a Tropical Rainforest: Tackling a Four Dimensional Puzzle PLoS One, 10(12):e0144110.
Reiss H., Birchenough S. N., Borja A., Buhl-Mortensen L., Craeymeersch J., Dannheim J., Darr A., Galparsoro I., Gogina M., Neumann H., Populus J., Rengstorf A. M., Valle M., Van Hoey G., Zettler M. L. & Degraer S., 2015. Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management ICES Journal of Marine Science Advance Access , June 19.
Birchenough S. N., Reiss H., Degraer S., Mieszkowska N., Borja A., Buhl-Mortensen L., Braeckman U., Craeymeersch J., De Mesel I., Kerckhof F., Kröncke I., Parra S., Rabaut M., Schröder A., Van Colen C., Van Hoey G., Vincx M. & Wätjen K., 2015. Climate change and marine benthos: a review of existing research and future directions in the North Atlantic WIREs Clim Change.
Brihaye E., Bouveroux T., Degraer S., Dulière V., Haelters J., Pezeril S. & Jauniaux T., 2014. Where did common porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) come from before stranding? In: Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 23, Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) .
Mandiki S., Gillardin V., Martens K., Erckens D., De Roeck E., De Bie T., Declerck S., De Meester L., Brasseur C., Van Der Heiden E., Scippo M. & Kestermont P., 2014. Effect of land use on pollution status and risk if fish endocrine disruption in small farm land ponds Hydrobiologia, 723:103-120.
Loos P., Jauniaux T., Garigliany M., Bourgain J., Coignoul F., Haelters J., Karpouzopoulos J., Pezeril S. & Desmecht D., 2014. Bite injuries of grey seals on harbour porpoises: the DNA proof vol. Abstract Book: 167, European Cetacean Society, Liège, Belgium, 5-9 April 2014.
Jauniaux T., Garigliany M., Loos P., Bourgain J., Bouveroux T., Coignoul F., Haelters J., Karpouzopoulos J., Pezeril S. & Desmecht D., 2014. Les morsures de phoque gris sur le marsouin: l'approche médico-légale Réseau National Ecouages XVIème Séminaire, Dunkerque, France.
Jauniaux T., Garigliany M., Loos P., Bourgain J., Bouveroux T., Coignoul F., Haelters J., Karpouzopoulos J., Pezeril S. & Desmecht D., 2014. Bite injuries of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) on harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Plos ONE, 9(12):e108993.
Danielopol D., Baltanas A., Carbonel P., Colin J., Crasquin S., Decrouy L., De Deckker P., Gliozzi E., Groos-Uffenorde H., Horne D., Iepure S., Keyser D., Kornicker L., Lord A., Martens K., Matzke-Karasz R., Miller C., Oertli H., Pugliese N., Russo A., Sames B., Schön I., Siveter D., Smith A., Viehberg F., Wouters K. & Yassini I., 2014. From Naples 1963 to Rome 2013 - A brief review of how the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO) developed as a social communication system Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 419:3-22.
Rumes B., Di Marcantonio M., Brabant R., De Mesel I., Degraer S., Haelters J., Kerckhof F., Norro A., Schallier R., Van den Eynde D., Vigin L. & Lauwaert B., 2014. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het Belgian Offshore Grid, onderzoek van de aanvraag van nv Elia Asset. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Noordzee, 185 pp. KBIN.
Van Lancker V., Baeye M., Francken F., Van den Eynde D., Evangelinos D., De Mesel I., Kerckhof F., Van den Branden R. & Naudts L., 2014. Working together on innovative monitoring strategies: adapting to nature, huge demands and grand challenges. VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day, 7/3/2014, Brugge, Abstract + Poster. RBINS.
Stelzenmüller V., Vega Fernandez T., Cronin K., Röckmann C., Pantazi M., Vanaverbeke J., Stamford T., Hostens K., Pecceu E., Degraer S., Buhl-Mortensen L., Carlström J., Galparsoro I., Johnson K., Piwowarczyk J., Vassilopoulou V., Jak R., Pace M. L. & van Hoof L., 2014. Assessing uncertainty associated with the monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas Marine Policy, 51:151-162.
Debusschere E., De Coensel B., Bajek A., Botteldooren D., Hostens K., Vanaverbeke J., Vandendriessche S., Van Ginderdeuren K., Vincx M. & Degraer S., 2014. In Situ Mortality Experiments with Juvenile Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Relation to Impulsive Sound Levels Caused by Pile Driving of Windmill Foundations. PLOS ONE, 9 (10).
Rumes B., Di Marcantonio M., Brabant R., De Mesel I., Dulière V., Haelters J., Kerckhof F., Norro A., Van den Eynde D., Vigin L. & Lauwaert B., 2013. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het SEASTAR offshore windmolenpark ten noordwesten van de Lodewijkbank en ten zuidoosten van de Bligh Bank. BMM, OD Natuurlijk Milieu, KBIN, 188 pp. KBIN.
Schmit O., Adolfson S., Vandekerkhove J., Rueda J., Bode S., Rossetti G., Michalakis Y., Jokela J., Martens K. & Mesquita-Joanes F., 2013. The distribution of sexual reproduction of the geographic parthenogen Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda) matches environmental gradients in a temporary lake Canadian Journal of Zoology, 91(9):660-671.
Pinto R., Rocha C., Rossetti G. & Martens K., 2013. Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Vestalenula Rossetti & Martens, 1998 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Darwinulidae), with the description of a new species, V. carinata sp. n., from the island of Florianopolis, Brazil Zootaxa, 3666:66-72.
Schmit O., Bode S., Camacho A., Horne D., Lamatsch D., Martens K., Martins M., Namiotko T., Rossetti G., Rueda-Sevilla J., Schön I., Vandekerkhove J. & Mesquita-Joanes F., 2013. Linking present environment and the segregation of reproductive modes (geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda) Journal of Biogeography, 40(12):2396-2408.
Schmidt O., Bode S., Camacho A., Horne D., Lamatsch D., Martens K., Martins M., Namiotko T., Rossetti G., Rueda-Sevilla J., Schön I., Vandekerkhove J. & Mesquita-Joanes F., 2013. Linking present environment and reproductive modes segregation (Geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda) J. Biogeogr., 40:2396-2408.
Peltier H., Baagoe H., Camphuysen K., Czech R., Dabin W., Daniel P., Deaville R., Haelters J., Jauniaux T., Jensen L., Jepson P., Keijl G., Siebert U., Van Canneyt O. & Ridoux V., 2013. The stranding anomaly as population indicator: the case of harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in North-Western Europe. PLOS , 8(4).
Haelters J., Leopold M., Kerckhof F., Jauniaux T., Degraer S., Verheyen D., Hese E., Mielke L., Baptist M., Keijl G., Begeman L., Hiemstra S. & Grone S., 2013. Grey seals predating on harbour porpoises: a recent and spreading phenomenon? 27th Conference of the European cetacean society: Interdisciplinary approaches in the study of marine mammals. European cetacean society.
Haelters J., Debusschere E., Botteldooren D., Dulière V., Hostens K., Norro A., Vandendriessche S., Vigin L., Vincx M. & Degraer S., 2013. The effect of pile driving on marine mammals and fish in Belgian waters. In Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimize future monitoring programs. Degraer S., Brabant R. and Rume RBINS.
Stelzenmüller V., Breen P., Thomsen F., Badalamenti F., Borja A., Buhl-Mortensen L., Carlstöm J., D'Anna G., Dankers N., Degraer S. & Dujin M., 2013. Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas: A generic framework for implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application. Marine Policy, 37:149-164.
Leponce M., Delabie J., Da Rocha W., do Nascimento I., Carmo A., Orivel J., Corbara B., Ribeiro S., Campos R., Didham R., Schmidl J., Basset Y. & Dejean A., 2013. Intensive ant biotic surveys: lessons from IBISCA-Panama and new perspectives. In: XXI simposio Mirmecologia, Fortaleza, 1-5 Dec. 2013.
Hostens K., Courtens W., Craeymeersch J., Goudswaard P., Houziaux J., Merckx B., Van Hoey G., Kerckhof F., Perdon K., Stienen E., Van Lancker V., Vigin L., Vincx M. & Degraer S., 2013. Invasive American razor clam Ensis directus in Belgian waters: a true opportunity for shell-fisheries? RBINS.
Degraer S., De Mesel I., Baeye M., Botteldooren D., Brabant R., Coates D., Courtens W., Debusschere E., Dekoninck L., De Maersschalk V., Deschutter Y., Derweduwen J., Di Marcantonio M., Dulière V., Fettweis M., Francken F., Haelters J., Haerens P., Hostens K., Houthaeve R., Houziaux J., Kerckhof F., Mathys M., Norro A., Onkelinx T., Reubens J., Rumes B., Sas M., Stienen E., Vanaverbeke J., Vandendriessche S., Vanden Eede S., Van den Eynde D., Van de Walle M., Vanermen N., Van Hoey G., Vanhulle A., Van Lancker V., Van Renterghem T., Verstraete H., Vigin L. & Vincx M., 2013. Optimising the future Belgian offshore wind farm monitoring programme RBINS.
Degraer S., Baeye M., Botteldooren D., Brabant R., Coates D., Courtens W., Debusschere E., Dekoninck L., De Maersschalk V., De Mesel I., Deschutter Y., Derweduwen J., Di Marcantonio M., Dulière V., Fettweis M., Francken F., Haelters J., Haerens P., Hostens K., Houthaeve R., Houziaux J., Kerckhof F., Mathys M., Norro A., Onkelinx T., Reubens J., Rumes B., Sas M., Stienen E., Vanaverbeke E., Vandendriessche S., Vanden Eede S., Van den Eynde D., Van de Walle M., Vanermen N., Van Hoey G., Vanhulle A., Van Lancker V., Van Renterghem T., Verstraete H., Vigin L. & Vincx M., 2013. Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) (2013). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. pp. 9-13 RBINS.
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