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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024 / Evidence for a single population expansion event across 24,000 km: the case of the deep‑sea scavenging amphipod Abyssorchomene distinctus

Déborah W. E. Dupont, Tasnim Patel, Marc Kochzius, and Isa Schön (2024)

Evidence for a single population expansion event across 24,000 km: the case of the deep‑sea scavenging amphipod Abyssorchomene distinctus

Hydrobiologia, 851:2309–2327.

Anthropogenic activities such as mining pose a putative threat to deep-sea ecosystems and baseline studies of key indicator species are required to assess future loss of biodiversity. We examined population genetic structure, connectivity, cryptic diversity and phylogeography of the deep-sea scavenging amphipod, Abyssorchomene distinctus, using DNA sequence data (mitochondrial COI and nuclear 28S genes) from 373 specimens collected from six abyssal basins. We observed a striking absence of cryptic diversity, suggesting a single, widely distributed species in the Pacifc and Indian Ocean. A single event of population expansion across distances up to 24,000 km is further supported by a main ancestral haplotype in the star-like shaped COI haplotype network, a skewed nucleotide mismatch distribution and deviations from evolutionary neutrality tests. In the Pacifc, A. distinctus showed weak genetic population structure and low diferentiation between the basins of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone and the DISCOL Experimental Area, suggesting a possible higher chance of recovery from deep-sea mining impacts. However, since our data indicate a single recent historic population expansion event, A. distinctus populations will likely be afected to unknown extents, as the exact drivers shaping distribution and dispersion of A. distinctus are still unclear
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