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Lepers L., Kint L., Baetens K., Baeye M., Van den Eynde D., Legrand S. & Van Lancker V., 2024. Sand, sand, sand, where does it all end? In: Proceedings VLIZ Young Marine Science Day, March 6, 2024, Ostend, Belgium, pp. 2 pp.
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Haelters J., Devolder M., Lauwaert B., Roose P., Brabant R., De Cauwer K., Degraer S., Desmit X., Kerkhove T., Kapasakali D., Kint L., Legrand S., Merveille J., Norro A., Parmentier K., Rumes B., Taymans C., Van den Eynde D., Van Lancker V. & Van Roy W., 2024. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van de aanvraag van de Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, K.M.O., Middenstand en Energie, Algemene Directie Energie, voor de aanleg en exploitatie van offshore windparken en parkbekabeling in de Prinses Elisabeth-zone (PEZ). Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.
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Tanner S. E., Barbut L., Berg F., Darnaude A. M., Domingos I., Faria A. M., Hunter E., Lastra Luque P., Loher T., McMillan M., Quintella B. R., Arregui I., Arrizabalaga H., Cabello de los Cobos M. & Reis-Santos P., 2024. Fish movement In: Ecology of Marine Fish, ed. by Henrique Cabral, Mario Lepage, Jérémy Lobry, Olivier Le Pape. Academic Press., chap. chapter 5, pp. 91-118.
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Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kint L. & Montereale Gavazzi G., 2023. Tracking the human influence on the modern sedimentary system of the North Sea In: MARID VII. Seventh International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics. Rennes, France, 3-5 April 2023. University of Rennes 1 and Shom, ed. by Valance, A., Garlan, T., Crave A., and Gangloff, A, pp. 2 pp.
Montereale Gavazzi G., Roche M. & Van Lancker V., 2023. A pragmatic at-sea solution to comply with the multisource multibeam backscatter conundrum In: Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping (GeoHab '23). Saint-Gilles-Les-Bains, La Réunion, France, May 8-12, ed. by Cawthra, H.C., Devillers, R, pp. p 100.
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Montereale Gavazzi G., Degraer S. & Van Lancker V., 2023. Predictive modelling of seafloor surficial gravel distribution within the Princess Elisabeth offshore wind farm zone (Belgium). In: 2023. EDEN 2000 – Exploring options for a nature-proof development of offshore wind farms inside a Natura 2000 area. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, ed. by Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Vanaverbeke, J. . Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, , chap. 1, pp. 27-63.
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Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kapel M., Kint L., Van den Eynde D., Hademenos V., Missiaen T., De Mol R., De Tré G., Appleton R., van Heteren S., van Maanen P., Stafleu J., Stam J., Degrendele K. & Roche M., 2019. Transnational and integrated long-term marine exploitation strategies In: NCK Book of Abstracts 2019 Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research. Enkhuizen (NL), March, 20 2019., pp. 2 pp.
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Degraer S., Van Lancker V., Van Dijk T., Birchenough S., De Witte B., Elliott M., Lebot S., Reiss H., Stelzenmüller V., Van Gaever S., Balian E., Cox D., Hernandez F., Lacroix G., Lindeboom H., Reubens J. & Soetaert K., 2019. Interdisciplinary science to support North Sea marine management: lessons learned and future demands Hydrobiologia, 845:1-11.
Kaskela A., Kotilainen A., Alanen U., Cooper R., Green S., Guinan J., van Heteren S., Kihlman S., Van Lancker V., Stevenson A. & EMODnet Geology Partners T., 2019. Pick up the pieces - Harmonising and collating seabed substrate data for European Maritime Areas Geosciences, 9:84.
Zhao T., Lazendic S., Zhao Y., Montereale-Gavazzi G. & Pizurica A., 2019. Classification of multibeam sonar image using the Weyl transform In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing and Communications, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September 11–13, 2019, ed. by Michał Choraś and Ryszard S. Choraś, pp. 206-213.
Delerue-Ricard S., Stynen H., Barbut L., Morat F., Mahé K., Hablützel P. I., Hostens K. & Volckaert F. A., 2019. Size-effect, asymmetry, and small-scale spatial variation in otolith shape of juvenile sole in the Southern North Sea Hydrobiologia, 845:95-108.
Terseleer N., Degrendele K., Kint L., Roche M., Van den Eynde D. & Van Lancker V., 2019. Automated estimation of seabed morphodynamic parameters In: Extended Abstract, Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID VI, 1-3 April 2019, Bremen, Germany, pp. 6.
Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kapel M., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., Hademenos V., Missiaen T., De Mol R., De Tré G., van Heteren S., Stafleu J., Degrendele K. & Roche M., 2018. Code of sand In: Annual Conference MIN-GUIDE (H2020), Brussels, Belgium, 11-12/12/2018.
Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kapel M., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., Hademenos V., Missiaen T., De Mol R., De Tré G., van Heteren S., Stafleu J., Degrendele K. & Roche M., 2018. Code of sand. From seabad mapping to geological knowledge base In: Conference Evolving the European Ocean Observation System (EOOS) - Connection communities for end-to-end solutions. Future look at the next generation of observing and monitoring tool and approaches. Brussels, 21-23/11/2018.
Van Lancker V., Lint L., Terseleer N., Hademenos V., Missiaen T., De Mol R., De Tré G., van Heteren S., Stafleu J., Degrendele K. & Roche M., 2018. Transnational Belgian-Dutch geological knowledge base on marine aggregates. From 3D voxel modelling to 4D cross-border environmental assessments In: Proceeding RFG2018 Resources for Futgure Generations, Vancouver, Canada, June 16-21, 2018. Session: Marine geoscience and geospatial data crossing borders.
Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kapel M., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., Hademenos V., Missiaen T., De Mol R., De Tré G., Appleton R., van Heteren S., van Maanen P., Stafleu J., Degrendele K. & Roche M., 2018. Transnational Belgian-Dutch geological knowledge base on marine aggregates. From 3D voxel modelling to 4D cross-border environmental assessments In: GeoHAB 2018, Marine Geological and Biological Habitat mapping, 7-11/5/2018, Santa Barbara, U.S.
Lagring R., Vander Zande D., Fettweis M., Le H., Nohe A., Tyberghein L., Sabbe K. & Desmit X., 2018. Long-term dataset on water clarity in the BPNS (1971-2016) In: Proceedings 50th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Long term studies in oceanography, 28/5-1/6, 2018, Liège, Belgium.
Hademenos V., Missiaen T., Kapel M., Kint L., Terseleer N., De Tré G., De Mol R., Stafleu J., van Maanen P., Appleton R. & Van Lancker V., 2018. Mapping offshore resources of the Belgian Continental Shelf using 3D voxel modelling In: Proceeding RFG2018 Resources for Futgure Generations, Vancouver, Canada, June 16-21, 2018. Session: Three-dimensional geological modelling for sustainable resource development.
Dannheim J., Beermann J., Lacroix G., De Mesel I., Kerckhof F., Schön I., Degraer S., Birchenough S., Garcia C., Coolen J. W. & Lindeboom H., 2018. Understanding the influence of man-made structures on the ecosystem functions of the North Sea (UNDINE) Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany), Final scientific report INSITE-UNDINE, 47pp.
Desmit X., Thieu V., Lassaletta L., Dulière V., Campuzano F., Ménesguen A., Silvestre M., Garnier J., Sobrinho J., Pinto L., Gypens N., Neves R., Billen G. & Lacroix G., 2018. Social, economic and cultural options to recover from eutrophication In: 4th International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems (EUTRO 2018), 18-20 June 2018, Nyborg, Denmark.
Garcia C., Dannheim J., Birchenough S., Degraer S., Lacroix G., Coolen J., Lindeboom H., De Mesel I., Brey T., Beerman J. & Vanaverbeke J., 2018. Evaluating the effects of man-made structures on the functioning of the benthic system in the North Sea In: Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS). Annual Science Meeting, 31 Oct.-2nd Nov. 2018, Glasgow, Scotland.
Hernandez F., Smith G., Baetens K., Cossarini G., Garcia-Hermosa I., Drévillon M., Maksymczuk J., Melet A., Régnier C. & von Schuckmann K., 2018. Measuring Performances, Skill and Accuracy in Operational Oceanography: New Challenges and Approaches In: New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography, ed. by E. Chassignet, A. Pascual, J. Tintoré, and J. Verron. GODAE ocean view, chap. 29, pp. 759-795.
Desmit X., Thieu V., Billen G., Campuzano F., Dulière V., Garnier J., Lassaletta L., Ménesguen A., Neves R., Silvestre M., Sobrinho J. & Lacroix G., 2018. Reducing marine eutrophication may require a paradigmatic change Science of the Total Environment, 635:1444-1466.
Gallego A., O'Hara Murray R., Berx B., Turrell W., Beegle-Krause C., Inall M., Sherwin T., Siddorn J., Wakelin S., Vlasenko V., Hole L., Dagestad K., Rees J., Short L., Rønningen P., Main C., Legrand S., Gutierrez T., Witte U. & Mulanaphy N., 2018. Current status of deepwater oil spill modelling in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, Northeast Atlantic, and future challenges Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127:484-504.
Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kapel M., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., Hademenos V., Missiaen T., De Mol R., De Tré G., van Heteren S., Stafleu J., Stam J., Degrendele K., Roche M., Baetens K., De Clercq M., Scory S., Stolk A. & van der Voet E., 2018. Code of Sand: 17 messages guiding a more sustainable use of marine sands. Proceedings TILES Final Conference on ‘Marine Sands as a Precious Resource’. RBINS, Brussels.
Monbaliu J., Toorman E., Troch P., Verwaest T., Dehauwere N., Claus S., Van den Eynde D. & Mertens T., 2018. Voortgangsrapport IWT, Project CREST KULeuven, UGent, Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium, VLIZ and KBIN.
Haelters J., Brabant R., Devolder M., Degraer S., De Mesel I., Rumes B., Van den Eynde D. & Lauwaert B., 2018. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van de exploitatie van een maritiem innovatie- en ontwikkelingsplatform voor de kust van Oostende KBIN, Operationele Directie Naturulijk Milieu, Beheerseenheid Mathematische Model Noordzee, Brussel.
Fettweis M., Legrand S., Luyten P., Montereale Gavazzi G., Ponsar S., Van den Eynde D., Van Lancker V., Toorman E., Bi Q., Lee B., Monbaliu J., Shen X., Verney R., Chapalain M., Jacquet M., Le Berre D. & Repecaud M., 2018. INDI67 Annual Network Report. Brain.be contract BR/143/A2/INDI67 RBINS, Brussels.
Van Lancker V., Vandereyken H., Lauwaert B., De Backer A. & Devriese L., 2018. Sand and gravel extraction In: Knowledge Guide Coast and Sea - Compendium for Coast and Sea, ed. by Devriese, L., Dauwe, S., Verleye, T., Pirlet, H., Mees, J.. VLIZ, Oostende, Belgium, chap. 5, pp. 79-89.
Van Lancker V., Vandereyken H., Lauwaert B., De Backer A. & Devriese L., 2018. Zand- en grindwinning In: Kennisgids Gebruik Kust en Zee - Compendium voor Kust en Zee, ed. by Devriese, L., Dauwe, S., Verleye, T., Pirlet, H., Mees, J. VLIZ, Oostende, Belgium, chap. 5, pp. 79-90.
Martens C., Van den Eynde D., Lauwaert B., Van Hoey G. & Devriese L., 2018. Dredging and dumping In: Knowledge guide coast and see- Compendium for Coast and Sea, ed. by Devriese, L., Dauwe, S., Verleye, T., Pirlet, H., Mees, J. . VLIZ, Oostende, Belgium, chap. 4, pp. 69-78.
Martens C., Van den Eynde D., Lauwaert B., Van Hoey G. & Devriese L., 2018. Baggeren en storten In: Kennisgids Gebruik Kust en Zee - Compendium voor de Noordzee, ed. by Devriese L, Dauwe S., Verleye T., Pirlet H and Mees J. VLIZ, Oostende, Beglium, chap. 4, pp. 69-78.
De Tré G., De Mol R., van Heteren S., Stafleu J., Chademenos V., Missiaen T., Kint L., Terseleer N. & Van Lancker V., 2018. Data quality assessment in volunteered geographic decision support In: Mobile informations systems leveraging volunteered geographic information for earth observation, ed. by Bordogna G an P Carrara. Springer, Cham, Switserland, chap. 9, pp. 173-192. Earth systems data and models.
Termonia P., Van Schaeybroeck B., De Cruz L., De Troch R., Caluwaerts S., Giot O., Hamdi R., Vannitsem S., Duchêne F., Willems P., Tabari H., Van Uytven E., Hosseinzadehtalaei P., Van Lipzig N., Wouters H., Vanden Broucke S., van Yperseele J., Marbaix P., Villaneuva-Birriel C., Fettweis X., Wyard C., Scholzen C., Doutreloup S., De Ridder K., Gobin A., Lauwaert D., Stravrakou T., Bauwens M., Müller J., Luyten P., Ponsar S., Van den Eynde D. & Pottiaux E., 2018. The Cordex.be initiative as a foundation for climate services in Belgium Climate Services, 11:49-61.
Maar M., Butenschön M., Daewel U., Eggert A., Fan W., Hjøllo S., Hufnagl M., Huret M., Ji R., Lacroix G., Peck M., Radtke H., Sailley S., Sinerchia M., Skogen M., Travers-Trolet M., Troost T. & Wolfshaar K., 2018. Responses of summer phytoplankton biomass to changes in top-down forcing: Insights from comparative modelling Ecological Modelling , 376:54 - 67.
Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., De Mol L., De Tré G., De Mol R., Missiaen T., Chademenos V., Bakker M., Maljers D., Stafleu J. & van Heteren S., 2017. Building a 4D Voxel-Based Decision Support System for a Sustainable Management of Marine Geological Resources IGI Global. Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development..
Desmit X., Thieu V., Dulière V., Campuzano F., Silvestre M., Garnier J., Sobrinho J., Pinto L., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Neves R., Ménesguen A., Billen G. & Lacroix G., 2017. Modelling eutrophication along the land-ocean continuum of the NEA In: Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR), Plymouth (UK), 3-6 July 2017.
Hufnagl M., Payne M., Lacroix G., Bolle L., Daewel U., Dickey-Collas M., Gerkema T., Huret M., Janssen F., Kreus M., Pätsch J., Pohlmann T., Ruardij P., Schrum C., Skogen M., Tiessen M., Petitgas P., van Beek J., Van der Veer H. & Callies U., 2017. Variation that can be expected when using particle tracking models in connectivity studies Journal of Sea Research, 127:133-149.
Delerue-Ricard S., Stynen H., Barbut L., Glatczak D., Vanden Bavière A., Coscia I., Robbens J., Lacroix G. & Volckaert F. A., 2017. No anonymity for flatfish: tracing juveniles of common sole of the North Sea combining genomics, otolith microchemistry and otolith shape analysis In: 10th International Flatfish Symposium (11-16 nov. 2017, Saint Malo, France).
Adriaens R., Zeelmaekers E., Fettweis M., Vanlierde E., Vanlede J., Stassen P., Elsen J., Środoń J. & Vandenberghe N., 2017. Quantitative clay mineralogy as provenance indicator for the recent muds located at the marine limit of influence of the Scheldt estuary Schelde-Ems workshop, 16-17 February, Antwerp (Belgium).
Delerue-Ricard S., Stynen H., Barbut L., Vanden Bavière A., Coscia I., Hostens K., Robbens J., Lacroix G., Maes G. & Volckaert F. A., 2017. Integrated tracers using genomics, otolith shape and microchemistry to measure sole connectivity at the regional and North-East Atlantic scales In: 3rd International Marine Connectivity Conference (iMarCo2017) (11-13 Sept. 2017, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).
Adriaens R., Zeelmakers E., Fettweis M., Vanlierde E., Vanlede J., Stassen P., Elsen J., Środoń J. & Vandenberghe N., 2017. Quantitative clay mineralogy as provenance indicator for the recent muds located in the southern North Sea In: INTERCOH, 13-17 November, Montevideo (Uruguay).
Fettweis M., Riethmüller R., Verney R., Becker M., Backers J., Baeye M., Chapalain M., Claeys S., Claus J., Cox T., Deloffre J., Depreiter D., Druine F., Flöser G., Grünler S., Jourdin F., Lafite R., Nauw J., Nechad B., Röttgers R., Sottolichio A., Vanhaverbeke W., Van Hoestenberge T. & Vereecken H., 2017. On best practice for in situ high-frequency long-term observations of suspended particulate matter concentration using optical and acoustic systems In: INTERCOH, 13-17 November, Montevideo (Uruguay).
Fettweis M., Baeye M., Dulière V., Luyten P., Montereale Gavazzi G., Ponsar S., Van den Eynde D., Van Lancker V., Toorman E., Bi Q., Lee B. J., Monbaliu J., Shen X., Verney R., Chapalain M., Jacquet M., Le Berre D. & Repecaud M., 2017. Annual Network Report INDI67 (BR/143/A2/INDI67). Belgian Science Policy, Brain.be framework programme. RBINS.
Van Lancker V., Francken F., Kapel M., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., Degrendele K., Roche M., De Tré G., De Mol R., Missiaen T., Hademenos V., Stafleu J., van Heteren S., van Maanen P. P. & van Schendel J., 2017. Flexible querying of geological resource quantities and qualities, a sustainable perspective In: Proceedings Studiedag Zand en Grid - Belgisch Zeezand - een schaars goed? Oostende 9/6/2018, pp. 13.
Van Lancker V., Kint L., Montereale Gavazzi G., Terseleer N., Chademenos V., Missiaen T., De Mol R., De Tré G., van Heteren S., van Maanen P. P. & stafleu J., 2017. How subsurface voxel modelling and uncertainty analysis contribute to habitat-change prediction and monitoring In: Book of abstracts, GeoHab 2017, Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1-5/5/2017.
Madricardo F., Foglini F., Kruss A., Ferrarin C., Pizzeghello N. M., Murri C., Rossi M., Bajo M., Bellafiore D., Campiani E., Fogarin S., Grande V., Janowski L., Keppel E., Leidi E., Lorenzetti G., Maicu F., Maselli V., Mercorella A., Montereale Gavazzi G., Minuzzo T., Pellegrini C., Petrizzo A., Prampolini M., Remia A., Rizzetto F., Rovere M., Sarretta A., Sigovini M., Sinapi L., Ummgiesser G. & Trincardi F., 2017. High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon Scientific Data.
Pinay G., Gascuel C., Ménesguen A., Souchon Y., Le Moal (coord) M., Levain A., Moatar F., Pannard A. & Souchu P., 2017. L’eutrophisation : manifestations, causes, conséquences et prédictibilité. Synthèse de l’Expertise scientifique collective CNRS – IFREMER – INRA – Irstea (France), 148 pages. Unpublished.
Van Lancker V., Kint L., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., Missiaen T., Hademenos V., De Tré G., De Mol R., van Heteren S., van Maanen P. P. & Stafleu J., 2017. 3rd Annual Network Report, TILES (BR/121/A2/TILES). Belgian Science policy, Brain.be framework programme RBINS.
Termonia P., Van Schaeybroeck B., De Cruz L., De Troch R., Giot O., Hamdi R., Vannitsem S., Willems P., Tabari H., Van Uytven E., Hosseinzadehtalaei P., Van Lipzig N., Wouters H., Vanden Broucke S., van Ypersele J. P., Marbaix P., Villanueve-Birriel C., Fettweis X., Wyard C., Scholzen C., Doutreloup S., De Ridder K., Gobin A., Lauwaet D., Stavrakou T., Bauwens M., Müller J. F., Luyten P., Ponsar S., Van den Eynde D. & Pottiaux E., 2017. Combining regional downscaling expertise in Belgium: CORDEX and beyond. Final Report, Belgian Science Policy, Brain.be project CORDEX.be RMI.
De Stigter H., Vink A., van Haren H., Maren W., Schulz M., Paul A., Purkiani K., Naudts L., Fettweis M., Baeye M., Van den Eynde D., Vasiliu D., Greinert J., Koschinsky A., Preuss I., Paul S. & Gillard B., 2017. Progress report Year 2, WP4 - Sediment plume dilution and dispersion. Report JPI--oceans "Ecological impacts of deep-sea mining" NIOZ, NL.
De Mesel I., Van Lancker V., Kapasakali D., Montereale Gavazzi G., Kerkhof F., Van Hoey G., Wittoeck J., Hillewaert H., Ranson J., Vanelslander B. & Hostens K., 2017. Analyse van de huidige status van de bodemfauna in de bodembeschermingszones in de Vlaamse Banken RBINS, Operationele Directie Natuurlijk Milieu en ILVO.
Fettweis M., Baeye M., Cardoso C., Dujardin A., Van den Eynde D., Van Hoestenberghe T., Vanlede J., Van Poucke L., Velez C. & Martens C., 2016. The impact of disposal of fine grained sediments from maintenance dredging works on SPM concentration and fluid mud in and outside the harbor of Zeebrugge VLIZ Marine Scientist' Day, 12 February, Brugge (Belgium).
Desmit X., Thieu V., Duliere V., Campuzano F., Garnier J., Gypens N., Pinto L., Lancelot C., Neves R., Ménesguen A., Billen G. & Lacroix G., 2016. River-Ocean Models as Support to eutrophication management In: EC Workshop on ReDEveloping Models of the European Marine Environment. (20-21 January 2016, Brussels, Belgium).
Fettweis M., Baeye M., Bi Q., Chapalain M., De Bisschop J., Dulière V., Legrand S., Lurton X., Luyten P., Montereale-Gavazzi G., Roche M., Shen X., Toorman E., Van den Eynde D., Van Lancker V., Verney R. & Zhang Q., 2016. Tools to support the monitoring of MSFD descriptors 6 'Sea-floor integrity' and 7 'Hydrographical conditions' North Sea Open Science Conference, 7-10 November, Ostend (Belgium).
Dannheim J., Birchenough S., De Mesel I., Lacroix G., Garcia C., Beermann J., Coolen J., Degraer S. & Lindeboom H., 2016. Understanding the influence of man-made structures on the ecosystem functions of the North Sea (UNDINE) In: First INSITE day meeting, London, 1-2 décembre 2016.
Desmit X., Thieu V., Duliere V., Campuzano F., Silvestre M., Garnier J., Sobrinho J., Pinto L., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Neves R., Ménesguen A., Billen G. & Lacroix G., 2016. Past, present and future eutrophication levels in the North East Atlantic In: North Sea Open Science Conference, Ostend, 7-10 November 2016.
Delerue-Ricard S., Stynen H., Barbut L., Glatczak D., Vanden Bavière A., Coscia I., Robbens J., Lacroix G. & Volckaert F. A., 2016. No anonymity for fish: tracing sole juveniles arriving at the Belgian nursery combining genomics, otolith microchemistry and otolith shape analysis In: North Sea Open Science Conference, Ostend, 7-10 November 2016.
Desmit X., Thieu V., Duliere V., Campuzano F., Silvestre M., Garnier J., Sobrinho J., Pinto L., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Neves R., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Billen G., Troost T., Van der Molen J., Los H., Lenhart H. & Lacroix G., 2016. Past, present and future eutrophication in the North East Atlantic coastal waters In: Workshop on Scheldt Eutrophication at FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Brussels, Belgium, 20 October 2016.
Desmit X., Thieu V., Duliere V., Campuzano F., Silvestre M., Garnier J., Sobrinho J., Pinto L., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Neves R., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Billen G., Troost T., Van der Molen J., Los H., Lenhart H. & Lacroix G., 2016. Modelling eutrophication along the land-ocean continuum In: ECSA56, Coastal systems in transition. From a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically-modified’ state, Bremen, Germany, 4-7 September 2016.
Delerue-Ricard S., Stynen H., Barbut L., Vanden Bavière A., Coscia I., Lacroix G., Robbens J., Maes G., Geffen A. & Volckaert F. A., 2016. Where does this fish come from? Tracing sole juveniles arriving at the Belgian nursery using genomics and otolith shape In: Annual Symposium of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Bangor, Wales, 18-22 July 2016.
Lacroix G., Groot Crego C., Barbut L., Delerue-Ricard S., Vanden Bavière A., Coscia I., Robbens J. & Volckaert F. A., 2016. How is connectivity of flatfish impacted by reproductive strategy? In: 2nd International Marine Connectivity Conference, Saint Andrews, Scotland, 27-29 June 2016.
Delerue-Ricard S., Stynen H., Barbut L., Vanden Bavière A., Coscia I., Lacroix G., Robbens J. & Volckaert F. A., 2016. Where are sole larvae and juveniles arriving at the Belgium coast coming from? In: 2nd International Marine Connectivity Conference, Saint Andrews, Scotland, 27-29 June 2016.
Barbut L., Lehuta S., Delerue-Ricard S., Vanden Bavière A., Maes G., Robbens J., Volckaert F. A. & Lacroix G., 2016. Modelling larval transport and connectivity of sole:using ICES survey assessment for parameterization In: 2nd International Marine Connectivity Conference, Saint Andrews, Scotland, 27-29 June 2016.
Lacroix G., Groot Crego C., Barbut L., Delerue-Ricard S., Vanden Bavière A., Coscia I., Robbens J. & Volckaert F. A., 2016. How is connectivity of flatfish impacted by reproductive strategy? In: Working Group on Integrative, Physical-Biological and Ecosystem Modelling, Brest, France, 6-8 June 2016.
Alvera-Azcárate A., Barth A., Norro A., Djenidi S., Lacroix G., Karimova S., Lejeune P., Leduc M., Beckers J. & Gobert S., 2016. Water circulation inside the Bay of Calvi (Corsica, France): historical review and future perspectives In: International Liège Colloquium, Liège, Belgium, 23-27 May 2016.
De Stigter H., Vink A., Van Haren H., Walter M., Schulz M., Paul A., Purkiani K., Naudts L., Fettweis M., Baeye M., Van den Eynde D., Vasiliu D., Greinert J., Koschinsky A., Preuss I., Paul S. & Gillard B., 2016. WP4 – Sediment plume dilution and disperion, Activity Report 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015 JPI-Oceans Ecological Impact of Deep Sea Mining Activities, Activity report.
Fettweis M., Baeye M., Dulière V., Luyten P., Montereale-Gavazzi G., Van den Eynde D., Van Lancker V., Toorman E., Monbaliu J., Ernst S., Bi Q., Lee B. J., Verney R., Chapalain M., Jacquet M., Le Berre D. & Répécaud M., 2016. INDI67 Annual Network Report Belspo - Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks (Brain.be), Technical report.
Fettweis M., Baeye M., Cardoso C., Dujardin A., Lauwaert B., Van den Eynde D., Van Hoestenberghe T., Vanlede J., Van Poucke L., Velez C. & Martens C., 2016. The impact of disposal of fine grained sediments from maintenance dredging works on SPM concentration and fluid mud in and outside the harbor of Zeebrugge Ocean Dynamics, 66:1497-1516.
Desmit X., Lacroix G., Duliere V., Lancelot C., Gypens N., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Billen G., Garnier J., Thieu V., Silvestre M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Guittard G., Théry S., Neves R., Campuzano F., Garcia A. C., Pinto L., Sobrinho J., Mateus M. & Ascione Kenov I., 2015. Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM). Final report. 174p. RBINS, Final scientific report, contract SD/ER/11.
Roose P., Degraer S., Legrand S., Luyten P., Naudts L., Parmentier K., Ruddick K., Van den Eynde D., Van der Zande D. & Van Lancker V., 2015. Expertise van OD Natuur. Presentatie voor Vlaamse Baaien project. Brussel, 13/02/2015. KBIN.
Papili S., Jenkins C., Roche M., Wever T., Lopera O. & Van Lancker V., 2015. Influence of shells and shell debris on backscatter strength: investigation using modeling, sonar measurements and sampling on the Belgian Continental Shelf In: Seabed and Sediment Acoustics: Measurements and Modelling, ed. by Blondel et al., vol. 37(1), pp. 304-310, University of Bath, Bath, Institute of Acoustics. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics.
Roche M., Baeye M., De Bisschop J., Degrendele K., De Mol L., Papili S., Lopera O. & Van Lancker V., 2015. Backscatter stability and influence of water column conditions: estimation by multibeam echosounder and repeated oceanographic measurements, Belgian part of the North Sea In: Seabed and Sediment Acoustics: Measurements and Modelling, ed. by Blondel et al., vol. 37(1), pp. 74-84, University of Bath, Bath, Institute of Acoustics. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics.
Golbeck I., Li X., Janssen F., Brüning T., Nielsen J., Huess V., Söderkvist J., Büchmann B., Siiriä S., Vähä-Piikkiö O., Hackett B., Kristensen N. M., Engedahl H., Blockley E., Sellar A., Lagemaa P., Ozer J., Legrand S., Ljungemyr P. & Axell L., 2015. Uncertainty estimation for operational ocean forecast products—a multi-model ensemble for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea Ocean Dynamics, 65(12):1603-1631.
Rumes B., Di Marcantonio M., Brabant R., De Mesel I., Duliére V., Haelters J., Kerckhof F., Norro A., Van den Eynde D., Vigin L. & Lauwaert B., 2015. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het MERMAID offshore energiepark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank RBINS - MUMM, EIA.
Rumes B., Devolder M., Brabant R., De Mesel I., Degraer S., Haelters J., Kerckhof F., Norro A., Van den Eynde D., Vigin L. & Lauwaert B., 2015. Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHWESTER 2 offshore windpark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank RBINS - MUMM, EIA.
Van den Eynde D., Lauwaert B., Martens C. & Pirlet H., 2015. Dredging and dumping In: Compendium for Coast and Sea 2015: An integrated knowledge document about the socio-economic, environmental and institutional aspects of the coast and sea in Flanders and Belgium, ed. by Pirlet, H.; Verleye, T.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Mees, J. . VLIZ, chap. 3, pp. 97-104. (ISBN: 978-94-92043-19-1).
Van den Eynde D., Lauwaert B. & Martens C., 2015. Baggeren en storten In: Compendium voor Kust en Zee: Een geïntegreerd kennisdocument over de socio-economische, ecologische en institutionele aspecten van de kust en zee in Vlaanderen, ed. by Pirlet, H., Verleye, T., Lescrauwaet, A.K., Mees, J.. VLIZ, chap. 3, pp. 101-108. (ISBN: 978-94-92043-17-7).
Van Lancker V., Kint L., Montereale Gavazzi G., Terseleer N., Van den Eynde D., Missiaen T., Hademenos V., De Tré G., De Mol R., van Heteren S., Cox D., De Mol L., Roche M., Van Gaver S., Van Quickelborne E., De Nil K., Matton C., Stolk A. & Vanden Eede S., 2015. TILES Workshop 2: Discussie resultaten grondstofmodellering met eindgebruikers. Belspo Brain-be project TILES (BR/121/A2/TILES). RBINS, OD Nature, ECODAM.
Van Lancker V., Kint L., Terseleer N., Missiean T., Hademenos V., De Tré G., De Mol R., van Heteren S., Bakker M., Busschers F., Maljers D. & Stafleu J., 2015. 2nd Annual Network Report TILES (BR/121/A2/TILES). Belgian Science Policy, Brain-be framework programme (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks). RBINS, OD Nature, ECODAM.
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Van den Eynde D., Baeye M., Fettweis M., Francken F. & Van Lancker V., 2015. Validation of modelled bottom shear stress under the influence of currents and waves, using long-term measurements. Book of Abstract, 13th International Conference of Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes, 7-11 September 2015, Leuven, Belgium, 116-117.
Lacroix G., Duliere V., Desmit X., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Billen G., Garnier J., Thieu V., Silvestre M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Neves R., Sobrinho J., Campuzano F., Pinto L., Garcia C., Lenhart H., Troost T., Los H. & van der Molen J., 2015. Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM) In: World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling (Bordeaux, France, 29/06-01/07/2015).
Desmit X., Lacroix G., Duliere V., Thieu V., Silvestre M., Billen G., Garnier J., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Campuzano F., Sobrinho J., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Neves R., Lenhart H., Los H., Troost T. & van der Molen J., 2015. Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM) In: IMBER IMBIZO IV (Trieste, Italy, 26-30 October 2015).
Lacroix G., Desmit X., Duliere V., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Billen G., Garnier J., Thieu V., Silvestre M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Guittard G., Théry S., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Mateus M., Neves R., Sobrinho J., Ascione Kenov I., Garcia A. C., Lenhart H., Los H., Troost T. & van der Molen J., 2014. Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM). In: Book of abstracts. VLIZ young marine scientists' day. Brugge, 7 March 2014, pp. 77. VLIZ Special publication 67.
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Lacroix G., Duliere V., Lancelot C., Gypens N., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Billen G., Garnier J., Thieu V., Silvestre M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Guittard G., Théry S., Neves R., Mateus M., Sobrinho J., Ascione Kenov I., Garcia A. C., Campuzano F., Viegas C., Pinto L. & Lenhart H., 2014. Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM), Annual Scientific Report for the period 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014, 64p. RBINS, Annual scientific report, contract SD/ER/11 (year#2)..
Lacroix G., Billen G., Desmit X., Duliere V., Garnier J., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Lenhart H., Los H., Mateus M., Ménesguen A., Neves R., Thieu V., Troost T. & Vander Molen J., 2013. Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM). In: "Estuaries and Coastal areas in times of intense change (ECSA53)", Shanghai (China), 13-17 October 2013. RBINS.
Lacroix G., Billen G., Desmit X., Garnier J., Gypens N., Lancelot C., Lenhart H., Ménesguen A., Los H., Mateus M., Neves R., Thieu V., Troost T. & Van Der Molen J., 2013. Ecosystem Models as support to eutrophication management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM). In: "European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly", Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2013. RBINS.
Lacroix G., Duliere V., Desmit X., Lancelot C., Gypens N., Menesgues A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Billen G., Garnier J., Thieu V., Silvestre M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Guittard G., Théry S., Neves R., Mateus M., Sobrinho J., Ascione Kenov I., Garcia A. C. & Lenhart H., 2013. Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM), Annual Scientific Report for the period 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2013, 54p. RBINS, Annual scientific report, contract SD/ER/11 (year#1).
Lenhart H., Desmit X., Große F., Mills D., Lacroix G., Los H., Ménesguen A., Pätsch J., Troost T., van der Molen J., van Leeuwen S. & Wakelin S., 2013. “Distance to target” modelling assessment OSPAR Eutrophication Series 599/2013, London. 80pp.
Lancelot C., Rousseau V., Lacroix G., Denis K., Gypens N., Grosjean P., Van Nieuwenhove K., Desmit X., Parent J., Terseleer Lillo N., Ruddick K. & Delbare D., 2012. Final report Combined effect of changing hydroclimate and human activity on coastal ecosystem health, AMORE III BELSPO, Final report, contract SD/NS/03.
Vanaverbeke J., Braarup A., Braeckman U., Courtens W., Cuveliers E., Deneudt K., Goffin A., Hellemans B., Huyse T., Lacroix G., Larmuseau M., Mees J., Provoost P., Rabaut M., Remerie T., Savina M., Soetaert K., Stienen E., Verstraete H., Volckaert F. & Vincx M., 2011. Understanding benthic, pelagic and airborne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas: 'Westbanks': final report Miscellaneous publication.
Lenhart H., Mills D., Baretta-Bekker H., van Leeuwen S., van der Molen J., Baretta J., Blaas M., Desmit X., Kühn W., Lacroix G., Los H., Ménesguen A., Neves R., Proctor R., Ruardij P., Skogen M., Vanhoutte-Brunier A., Villars M. & Wakelin S., 2010. Predicting the consequences of nutrient reduction on the eutrophication status of the North Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 81:148-170.
Sirjacobs D., Alvera-Azcárate A., Barth A., Park Y., Nechad B., Lacroix G., Ruddick K. & Beckers J., 2009. Uses of DINEOF algorithm (Data interpolation with Empirical Orthogonal Functions) for reconstruction and analysis of incomplete satellite databases over the North Sea and the Mediterranean, synthesis from the RECOLOUR project. In: Earth Observation Days, Maaseik (Belgium), 28 April 2009, BELSPO - Belgian Scientific Policy.
Ruddick K., Lacroix G., Lancelot C., Nechad B., Park Y., Peters S. & Van Mol B., 2008. Optical remote sensing of the North Sea In: Remote sensing of the European Seas, ed. by Barale, V. and Gade, M., pp. 79-90, Springer-Verlag.
Sirjacobs D., Alvera-Azcárate A., Barth A., Lacroix G., Park Y., Nechad B., Ruddick K. & Beckers J., 2008. REconstruction of COLOUR scenes: project summary, North Sea preliminary results, perspectives. In: Belgian Earth Observation Day, Namur (Belgium),12 February 2008, BELSPO - Belgian Scientific Policy.
Sirjacobs D., Alvera-Azcárate A., Barth A., Lacroix G., Nechad B., Park Y., Ruddick K. & Beckers J., 2008. Reconstruction of missing satellite total suspended matter data over the Southern North Sea and English Channel using Empirical Orthogonal Function decomposition of satellite imagery and hydrodynamical modelling. In: Proceedings Ocean Optics XIX, Barga (Italy), 6-10 October 2008, pp. 9.