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Le sondage de Wépion
PDF of Graulich, J (1961): Geological Survey of Belgium., vol. n°02 - 1961. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-14.6176074366
Etude géomagnétique de la partie méridionale du massif devillien de Grand-Halleux (massif de Stavelot)
PDF of Graulich, J and Koeningsfeld, J (1962): Geological Survey of Belgium., vol. n°03 - 1962. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-14.1336023691
Atlas des roches éruptives de Belgique
PDF of Corin, F (1965): Geological Survey of Belgium., vol. n°04 - 1965. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-14.3513162725
Conodont stratigraphy of the Famennian stage (Upper Devonian) in Belgium
PDF of Bouckaert, J, Ziegler W, and Thorez, J (1965): Geological Survey of Belgium., vol. n°05 - 1965. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-14.3822650451
Ronquières. Documents géologiques
PDF of Legrand, R (1967): Geological Survey of Belgium., vol. n°06 - 1967. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-14.2425753087
Carte des mines du bassin houiller de la Basse-Sambre et notice pédologique
PDF of Bouckaert J and Remy, J (1967): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°07 - 1967. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-14.5279151391
The stratigraphy and palaeobotany of the Late Pleistocene in Belgium
PDF of Paepe R and Vanhoorne, R (1967): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°08 - 1967. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-14.4707595018
Le Massif du Brabant
PDF of Legrand, R (1968): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°09 - 1968. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-15.2966524093
Conodont stratigraphy and paleontology of the Namurian of Belgium
PDF of Higgins, A and Bouckaert, J (1968): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°10 - 1968. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-16.8181643442
Le sondage de Kallo (au nord-ouest d'Anvers)
PDF of Gulinck, M, Drooger, C, and Martini, E (1969): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°11 - 1969. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-16.3592558358
Notice explicative de la carte hydrogéologique au 50.000e du Tournaisis (nappe du calcaire carbonifère)
PDF of Gulinck, M and Legrand, R (1970): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°12 - 1970. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-20.7755678361
Note sur l'extension des facies fluvio-lagunaires du Landénien de la Belgique. Etude des sporomorphes du Landénien de Belgique
PDF of Gulinck, M and Roche, E (1973): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°13 - 1973. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-20.3433885800
Jalons géothermiques
PDF of Legrand, R (1975): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°16 - 1975. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-20.3069703868
Der rest eines actinolepidien placoderm (pisces) aus der Bohrung Bolland (Emsium, Belgien)
PDF of Schmidt, W (1976): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°14 - 1976. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-20.7590865448
The Quaternary of Belgium in its relationship to the stratigraphical legend of the Geological map
PDF of Paepe, R and Vanhoorne, R (1976): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°18 - 1976. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-22.8926233796
Les sélaciens des terrains néocrétacés & paléocènes de Belgiques & des contées limitrophes. Eléments d'une biostratigraphie intercontinentale.
PDF of Herman, J (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°15 - 1977. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-20.4694189526
Sur le stratotype du Montien à Mons
PDF of Marlière, R, Villate, J, and Poignant, A (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°17.1 - 1977. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-20.5150466349
Le dinantien du sondage de Saint-Ghislain. Stratigraphie et paléontologie.
PDF of Groessens, E, Conil, R, and Hennebert, M (1979): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°22 - 1979. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.6774188383
Givetische Ostracoden aus der Bohrung Boussu in Belgien
PDF of Becker, G (1980): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°20 - 1980. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.7687565246
Foraminifera of the Montian stratotype and of subjacent strata in the "Mons well 1969" with a review of Belgian Paleocene Stratigraphy
PDF of Moorkens, T (1982): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°17.2 - 1982. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-20.3618373971
Die Bryozoen des klassischen Dano-Montiens von Mons (Belgien)
PDF of Voigt, E (1987): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°17.3 - 1987. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-22.6082942872
Subsurface structural analysis of the late-Dinantian carbonate shelf at the northern flank of the Brabant Massif (Campine Basin, N-Belgium)
PDF of Dreesen, R, Bouckaert, J, Dusar, M, Soille, J, and Vandenberghe, N (1987): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°21 - 1987. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.5450105307
Lithogéochimie des sédiments de plate-forme déposés au Sud du Massif du Brabant (Belgique) pendant le Mésodévonien et le Frasnien
PDF of Dejonghe, L (1987): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°23 - 1987. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.3713778050
Cynodontier-Zähne aus der Ober-Trias von Gaume (S-Belgien)
PDF of Hahn, G, Wild, R, and Wouters, G (1987): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°24 - 1987. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.3189380722
The Meer well in North Belgium
PDF of Vandenberghe, N, Dusar, M, Laga P, and Bouckaert, J (1988): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°25 - 1988. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.4685207228
Le sondage d'Havelange : principales données et aspects techniques
PDF of Graulich, J, Leclercq, V, and Hance, L (1989): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°26 - 1989. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.4817337050
Etude palynostratigraphique du Dévonien inférieur dans l'Ouest de l'Europe
PDF of Steemans, P (1989): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°27 - 1989. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.7215445680
La minéralisation Ba, (Zn, Pb) de Chaudfontaine (Synclinorium de Verviers, Belgique)
PDF of Dejonghe, L (1990): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°28 - 1990. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.3228274150
The Knokke well (11E/138) with a description of the Den Haan (22W/276) and Oostduinkerke (35E/142) wells
PDF of Laga, P and Vandenberghe, N (1990): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°29 - 1990. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.0999158968
Radon et gaz rares dans les sciences de la terre et de l'environnement. Actes du Colloque International sur la Géochimie des Gaz (Mons - 3-6 octobre 1990 - Belgique)
PDF of Doremus, P, Dejonghe, L, and Charlet, M (1992): Geological Survey of Belgium,, vol. n°32 - 1992. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.1578134138
Les formations du Dévonien moyen de la Belgique
PDF of Bultynck, P, Coen-Aubert, M, Dejonghe, L, Godefroid, J, Hance, L, Laroix, D, Préat, A, Stainier, P, Steenmans, P, Streel, M, and Tourneur, F (1991): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°30 - 1991. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-23.4567326213
Sédimentologie, paléoécologie et paléontologie des calcaires crinoidiques au voisinage de la limite Couvinien-Givetien à Wellin: bord sud du synclinorium de Dinant)
PDF of Coen-Aubert, M, Mamet, B, Préat, A, and Tourneur, F (1991): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°31 - 1991. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.9348521729
Atlas des gisements plombo-zincifères du Synclinorium de Verviers (Est de la Belgique)
PDF of Dejonghe, L, Ladeuze, F, and Jans, D (1993): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°33 - 1993. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.7135589047
Onder de Euregio - de verbinding tussen landschap en geologie in de Euregio Maas-Rijn
PDF of Bless, M and Fernandez Narvaiza, M (1993): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°34 - 1993. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.7966509775
Quaternary geological mapping on basis of sedimentary properties in the eastern branch of the Flemish Valley (sheets Boom-Mechelen & Vilvoorde-Zemst)
PDF of Bogemans, F (1993): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°35 - 1993. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.4554386509
Contribution à la tephrostratigraphie du Quaternaire et son application a la géomorphologie
PDF of Juvigné, E (1993): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°36 - 1993. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.8466814288
Les dinokystes des craies du Campanien au Danien a Halembaye, Turnhout (Belgique) et a Beutenaken (Pays-Bas)
PDF of Slimani, H (1994): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°37 - 1994. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.0090035256
Les Formations du Devonien inférieur du Massif de la Vesdre, de la fenêtre de Theux et du synclinorium de Dinant (Belgique, France)
PDF of Godefroid, J, Blieck, A, Bultynck, P, Dejonghe, L, Gerienne, P, Hance, L, Meilliez, F, Stainier, P, and Steemans, P (1994): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°38 - 1994. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.4772116055
Les reptiles marins du Toarcien (Jurassique inférieur) belgo-luxembourgeois
PDF of Godefroit, P (1994): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°39 - 1989. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.8287196781
Etude sédimentologique de la Grande Brèche viséenne("V3a") du Bassin de Namur - Dinant
PDF of De Putter, T (1995): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°40 - 1995. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.8958346941
L'intrusion de la Helle (Hautes-Fagnes, Belgique) et la minéralisation cupro-molybdenifère associée: synthèse bibliographique, données des sondages et interprétation globale
PDF of Dejonghe, L and Melchior, A (1996): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°41 - 1996. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.3121886919
Sédimentologie des formations de Marteau, du Bois d'Ausse et de la partie inférieure de la Formation d'Acoz (Dévonien inférieur) dans l'Est de la Belgique, au bord nord du Massif de Stavelot
PDF of Goemaere, E, Catot, E, Dejonghe, L, Hance, L, and Steemans, P (1997): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°42 - 1997. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-24.1853826452
Le sondage de Focant : lithostratigraphie et implications structurales
PDF of Boulvain, F and Coen-Aubert, M (1999): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°43 - 1997. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-25.7405266289
Les formations du Frasnien de la Belgique
PDF of Boulvain, F, Bultynck, P, Coen, M, Coen-Aubert, M, Lacroix, D, Laloux, M, Casier, J, Dejonghe, L, Dumoulin, V, Ghysel, P, Godefroid, J, Helsen, S, Mouravieff, N, Sartenaer, P, Tourneur, F, and Vanguestaine, M (1999): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°44 - 1999. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-26.6857792053
Les elasmobranches des Sables de Kerniel (Rupélien), à Gellik, Nord Est de la Belgique
PDF of Baut, J and Genault, B (1999): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°45 - 1999. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-26.8563860376
Nouvelle zonation aux kystes de dinoflagellés du Campanien au Danien dans le nord et l'est de la Belgique et dans le sud-est des Pays-Bas
PDF of Slimani, H (2000): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°46 - 2000. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.0204148395
Bioklasten-stratigrafie of ecozonatie voor het krijt (Santoniaan - Campaniaan - Maastrichtiaan) van Zuid-Limburg en oostelijk België
PDF of Felder, PS (2001): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°47 - 2001. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.4684046460
A new microvertebrate fauna from the Middle Hettangian. (Early Jurassic) of Fontenoille. (Province of Luxembourg, south Belgium)
PDF of Delsate, D, Duffin, C, and Weis, R (2002): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°48 - 2002. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.1885653536
Palaeozoic deformation history of the Asquempont-Virginal area (Brabant Massif, Belgium)
PDF of Debacker, T, Herbosch, A, Sintubin, M, and Verniers, J (2003): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°49 - 2003. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.3810584259
Tectonique du front varisque en Hainaut et dans le Namurois
PDF of Delmer, A (1999): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°50 - 1999. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.3433461405
Biostratigraphie et paléontologie de l'Hettangien en Belgique et au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
PDF of Delsate, D and Thuy, B (2005): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°51 - 2005. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.7177545575
Stratigraphic interpretation of the Neogene marine-continental record in the Maaseik well (49W0220) in the Roer Valley Graben, NE Belgium
PDF of Vandenberghe, N, Laga, P, Louwye, S, Vanhoorne, R, Marquet, R, De Meuter, F, Wouters, K, and Hagemann, H (2005): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°52 - 2005. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.1351835453
Structural analysis of narrow reworked boudins and influence of sedimentary successions during a two-stage deformation sequence (Ardenne-Eifel region, Belgium-Germany)
PDF of Vanbrabant Y and Dejonghe, L (2006): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°53 - 2006. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2014-01-27.8602378263
New specimens of Allodaposuchus precedens from France: intraspecific variability and the diversity of European Late Cretaceous eusuchians
PDF of Martin, J, Delfino, M, Garcia, G, Godefroit, P, Berton, S, and Valentin, X (2015): Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015:1-25. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/articlereference.2015-10-05.5584717415
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het MERMAID offshore energiepark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank
PDF of Rumes, B, Di Marcantonio, M, Brabant, R, De Mesel, I, Duliére, V, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B (2015): RBINS - MUMM, EIA. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/MERMAIDMEB
A phylogeny of Cichlidogyrus species (Monogenea, Dactylogyridea) clarifies a host switch between fish families and reveals an adaptive component to attachment organ morphology of this parasite genus
PDF of Messu Mandeng FD, Bilong Bilong, CF, Pariselle, A, Vanhove, MP, Bitja Nyom, AR, and Agnèse, J (2015): Parasites & Vectors, 8:582. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/articlereference.2015-11-25.9666766488
New early Eocene tapiromorph perissodactyls from the Ghazij Formation of Pakistan, with implications for mammalian biochronology in Asia
PDF of Missiaen, P and Gingerich, P (2012): Acta Palaeontologica Polonica , 57(1):21-34. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/articlereference.2013-03-08.8984417285
Geological model of the Ypresian Clay.
PDF of Walstra, J, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M (2014): Unpublished. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/unpublishedreference.2014-07-14.0876483834
Analyse des restes fauniques découverts à proximité de quatre haches néolithiques dans les rochers de Dave (prov. de Namur, B)
PDF of Goffette, Q, Jadin, I, and Lacroix, P (2014): Notae Praehistoricae, 34/2014:163-171. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/GoffetteEtAl2014g
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHWESTER 2 offshore windpark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank
PDF of Rumes, B, Devolder, M, Brabant, R, De Mesel, I, Degraer, S, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B (2015): RBINS - MUMM, EIA. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/MEBMERMAID
A gigantic bird from the Upper Cretaceous of Central Asia
PDF of Naish, D, Dyke, G, Cau, A, Escuillié, F, and Godefroit, P (2012): Biology Letters, 8(1):149-158. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/articlereference.2013-06-01.1682490235
Natuursteen in Ninove - rondleiding voor gidsen 27/09/2014
PDF of De Ceukelaire, M (2014): Unpublished. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/unpublishedreference.2014-11-27.3062576107
Natuursteen in Oost-Brabant als bindteken tussen natuur en cultuur
PDF of Dusar, M (2014): Vos, Margriet, Leuven, Natuurpunt Oost-Brabant Werkgroep Natuur & Erfgoed. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/proceedingsreference.2014-03-10.9255980280
Invasive process and repeated cross-sectional surveys of the mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus establishment in Belgium
PDF of Damiens, D, Ayrinhac, A, Van Bortel, W, Versteirt, V, Dekoninck, W, and Hance, T (2014): PloS One, 9(4):e89358. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/damiens_invasive_2014
Le barrage de travertin de la vallée du Williers (sondages de Villers-devant-Orval)
PDF of Paepe, R, Souchez, R, Peeters, G, and Kugler, M (1970): Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 1970/1 - N°51. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-04.2035376510
Le Famennien de la tranchée de Dison; données biostratigraphiques
PDF of Dreesen, R (1975): Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium.. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-09.7632818462
Le sondage de Buvrinnes au lieu-dit "Le Luce"
PDF of Delmer, A and Tricot, J (1976): Geological Survey of Belgium. . Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.1689799833
Le bassin du Hainaut et le sondage de Saint-Ghislain
PDF of Delmer, A (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium. , vol. 1977/6 - N° 143. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.7971061864
Étude d'un sondage effectué dans le Frasnien à Nettinne au lieu-dit "Le Poteau", lithologie, macropaléontologie, géochimie, minéralisation
PDF of de Walque, L, Dejonghe, L, Martin, H, and Bouckaert, J (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium. , vol. 1977/7 - N° 144. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.4939957592
Trente-huit forages entre Polleur et Solwaster (autoroute A27, Verviers – Steinebrück)
PDF of Calembert, L, Lambrecht, L, Pel, J, and Schroeder, C (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium. , vol. 1977/8 - N° 145. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.9109184719
Précision sur le rejet de la Faille Bordière. Le sondage E4bis à Villers-Saint-Siméon
PDF of Legrand, R (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium. , vol. 1977/9 - N° 146. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.3560627195
Contribution à la connaissance des ostracodes du Frasnien de la Belgique
PDF of Casier, J (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium. , vol. 1977/10 - N° 147. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.1006278079
Olie en gas in het Pre-Perm van West-Europa?
PDF of Bless, M, Bouckaert, J, Calver, M, Dejonghe, L, Oliveira, J, Graulich, J, Horn, M, Kimpe, W, Kullmann, J, Meessen, J, Naylor, D, Paproth, E, Paris, F, Perdigao, J, Ribeiro, A, Robardet, M, Sanchez de Posada, L, and Truyols, J (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium. . Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.7528486456
Y-a-t-il des hydrocarbures dans le Pré-Permien de l'Europe occidentale?
PDF of Bless, M, Bouckaert, J, Calver, M, Dejonghe, L, Oliveira, J, Graulich, J, Horn, M, Kimpe, W, Kullmann, J, Meessen, J, Naylor, D, Paproth, E, Paris, F, Perdigao, J, Ribeiro, A, Robardet, M, Sanchez de Posada, L, and J., T (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium., vol. 1977/11 - N° 148. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium.. Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.9348435098
Le sondage de Soiron
PDF of Graulich, J (1977): Geological Survey of Belgium. . Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium... Located at portal path: http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/library-1/rbins-staff-publications/bookreference.2013-12-10.4066832159
Nouveaux sondages pour l'étude hydrologique des eaux chaudes à Chaudfontaine
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Résultats de quatre sondages de reconnaissance pour la construction d'un pont supérieur (BK 27748) sur la ligne de chemin de fer (L94) à Enghien
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Quaternary sea-level investigations from Belgium. A contribution to IGCP project 200
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De steenkoolverkenningsboring Hechtel-Hoef (boring 174 van het Kempisch bekken).
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PP 286 - 1998/1 _ Annexe. Rencontre de pétrole au sondage n°118 à Bourg-Léopold
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Characteristics of the Boom Clay organic matter, a review
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Deux sondages profonds à Fauroeulx (Estinnes). Planchette 163W n° 144 et 578
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Lithostratigraphy and geological structure of the Cambrian rocks at Halle-Lembeek (Zenne valley, Belgium)
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De Mergelgrotten van Hinnisdael te Vechmaal (gemeente Heers, Limburgs Haspengouw), een geologische bijdrage tot de studie van het Krijt
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Petrographic atlas of the potentially alkali-reactive rocks in Europe
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4th International Meeting of Anthracology, Brussels, 8-13 September 2008. Charcoal and microcharcoal: Continental and Marine Records. Programme and Abstracts
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De Holocene evolutie van de Belgische kustvlakte
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Étude géologique du site de l'Hermeton
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Site Saint-Lambert, à Liège : Datations Carbone 14 par A.M.S. des occupations mésolithiques et néolithiques (secteur DDD et SDT)
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Satellite derived algal bloom timing in European waters
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The role of CCS in the greenhouse gas mitigation portfolio of Kazakhstan
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Ecosystem Models as support to eutrophication management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM). In: "European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly", Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2013.
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Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management
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Origin of the high frequency variability of bio-optical properties in complex coastal environments (OO121246).
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Aggregation at windmill artificial reefs: CPUE of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and pouting (Trisopterus luscus) at different habitats in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
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Techno-economic evaluation of CO2-EOR in the North Sea
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A new exceptional vertebrate site from the Late Cretaceous of the Hateg Basin (Romania)
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New eutherian mammals from the Late Cretaceous of Aix-en-Provence Basin, south-eastern France
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