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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Baut, J and Genault, B (1999).
Les elasmobranches des Sables de Kerniel (Rupélien), à Gellik, Nord Est de la Belgique
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°45 - 1999. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium.

Bellier, C, Bott, S, Cattelain, P, Fritz, C, and Jadin, I (1999).
La rondelle au mammouth de Chaleux
In: Préhistoire d'Os. Recueil d'études sur l'industrie osseuse préhistorique offert à Henriette Camps-Fabrer, ed. by JULIEN, M., AVERBOUH, A., RAMSEYER, D. & BUISSON, D., CATTELAIN, P., PATOU-MATHIS, M.. Publications de l'Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence , chap. -, pp. 101-125.

Boevé, J (1999).
Chemical ecology of the European apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea
In: IOBC wprs Bulletin, ed. by Witzgall, P. and El-SAyed, A., vol. 22, pp. 15–19.

Bonte, D, Baert, L, Ransy, M, Dekoninck, W, and Grootaert, P (1999).
De spinnenfauna van de Latemse Meersen: een survey in functie van het grondgrebruik.
Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 14(2-3):69-82.

Bonte, D, Baert, L, Ransy, M, Dekoninck, W, and Grootaert, P (1999).
Spinnen van de Latemse Meersen: soortensamenstelling in functie van het grondgebruik.
Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 14(2-3):68-82.

Bosquet, D, Jadin, I, Hauzeur, A, and Haeck, J (1999).
Relevé en sauvetage de puits à Oleye - La Jonquette
Chronique de l'Archéologie wallonne, 7/1999 (Activités 1998):119-120.

Bosselaers, M (1999).
Wolvenberg van onder tot boven - fossielen uit Berchem-Antwerpen
Ankona Jaarboek, 1999.

Boulvain, F and Coen-Aubert, M (1999).
Le sondage de Focant : lithostratigraphie et implications structurales
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°43 - 1997. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium.

Boulvain, F, Bultynck, P, Coen, M, Coen-Aubert, M, Lacroix, D, Casier, J, Dejonghe, L, Dumoulin, V, Ghysel, P, Godefroid, J, Helsen, S, Mouravieff, N, Sartenaer, P, Tourneur, F, and Vandeguestaine, M (1999).
Les Formations du Frasnien de la Belgique
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 44:126 pp..

Boulvain, F, Bultynck, P, Coen, M, Coen-Aubert, M, Lacroix, D, Laloux, M, Casier, J, Dejonghe, L, Dumoulin, V, Ghysel, P, Godefroid, J, Helsen, S, Mouravieff, N, Sartenaer, P, Tourneur, F, and Vanguestaine, M (1999).
Les formations du Frasnien de la Belgique
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°44 - 1999. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium.

Butlin, R, Schön, I, and Martens, K (1999).
Origin, age and diversity of clones
Journal of evolutionary Biology , 12:1020-1022.

Butlin, R, Schön, I, and Martens, K (1999).
Origin, age and diversity of clones
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 12:1020-1022.

Casier, J and Bultynck, P (1999).
The Protection of the New reference section of the Frasnian/Famennian boundary at Senzeille (Dinant Basin, Belgium).
Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d'Italia, 54:79-82.

Casier, J, Lethiers, F, and Baudin, F (1999).
Ostracods, organic matter and anoxic events associated with the Frasnian/Famennian boundary in the Schmidt quarry parastratotype section (Kellerwald, Germany)
Géobios, 32(6):869-881.

Cecca, F, Dhondt, A, and Bogdanova, T (1999).
The aptian stratigraphy of Southern Tuarkyr (Nw Turkmenistan, Central Asia)
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 105(3):377-396.

Court-Picon, M (1999).
Etude des peuplements de chênes lièges (Quercus suber L.) dans le Massif des Maures (Département du Var). Essai d’identification des "crûs de liège" et corrélation avec les différents paramètres de l’environnement.
Mémoire de Maîtrise, Université Nancy I.

Damblon, F (1999).
Wood analysis of two Scytho-Siberian kurgans in the Sebÿstei valley (Altai Republic)
In: Multidisciplinary archaeological research in the Sebÿstei valley 1996-1997 (Kosh-Agash region, Altai Republic), ed. by I. BOURGEOIS, J. BOURGEOIS, L. CAMMAERT, H. DECLEIR, R. LANGHOR, J.H. MIKKILSEN & W. VAN HUELE. Eurasia Antiqua Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, vol. 5, chap. 1, pp. 364-367.

Danielopol, D and Martens, K (1999).
The contribution if Jan H. Stock to the origin and biodiversity of subterranean aquatic crustaceans (an introduction to the Jan H. Stock memorial Syposium's theme)
Crustaceana, 72(8):761-766.

Danielopol, D, Martens, K, and von VAUPEL KLEIN, J (1999).
Jan H. Stock Memorial Issue "Crustacean Biodiversity in Subterranean, Ancient Lake and Deep Sea Habitats" - editorial
Crustaceana, 72(8):721-722.

Dejonghe, L, De Cuyper, J, and Lucion, C (1999).
Les filons d’antimoine de la région de CâmPha, province de Quang Ninh, nord-est du Viêt-nam : géologie, métallogénie, minéralurgie
Bulletin des Séances de l'Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, 44(1998-4):661-675.

Dekoninck, W, Bonte, D, and Grootaert, P (1999).
Distribution of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in inland dunes of Flanders: preliminary results with description of a new species for Belgium.
In: Proceedings of the 6th Benelux Congress of Zoology, ed. by Ter Maat A. & Peters RC.

Dekoninck, W, Bonte, D, and Grootaert, P (1999).
Entomofauna of Flemish Inland Dunes: a Survey in Function of Heathland regeneration
In: Proceedings of the 6th Benelux Congress of Zoology, ed. by Ter Maat A. & Peters RC, pp. 38.

Delmer, A (1999).
Tectonique du front varisque en Hainaut et dans le Namurois
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°50 - 1999. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium.

Drumont, A, Muret, P, Hager, B, and Penner, D (1999).
Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Melolontha Frabricius originaire de Sardaigne
Lambillionea, 99(2):185-189.

Ervynck, A, Baeteman, C, Demiddele, H, Hollevoet, Y, Pieters, M, Schelvis, j, Tys, D, Van Strydonck, M, and Verhaeghe, F (1999).
Human occupation because of a regression, or the cause of a transgression? A critical review of the interaction between geological events and human occupation in the Belgian coastal plain during the first millennium AD
Probleme der Küstenforschung im südlichen Nordseegebied, 26:97-121.

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