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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Wood analysis of two Scytho-Siberian kurgans in the Sebÿstei valley (Altai Republic)

Freddy Damblon (1999)

Wood analysis of two Scytho-Siberian kurgans in the Sebÿstei valley (Altai Republic)

In: Multidisciplinary archaeological research in the Sebÿstei valley 1996-1997 (Kosh-Agash region, Altai Republic), ed. by I. BOURGEOIS, J. BOURGEOIS, L. CAMMAERT, H. DECLEIR, R. LANGHOR, J.H. MIKKILSEN & W. VAN HUELE. Eurasia Antiqua Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, vol. 5, chap. 1, pp. 364-367.

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