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RBINS Staff Publications 2020

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 578 references in this bibliography folder.

Thomaes, A, Beck, O, Liegeois, S, Struyve, T, Van Hoydonck, G, and Dekoninck, W (2020).
Rectification : When and where to apply for permits in Belgium when studying insects (Bulletin SRBE/KBVE, 154 : 273-280)
Bulletin SRBE/KBVE, 156:84-92.

Thomaz, SM, Naselli-Flores, L, Fontaneto, D, and Martens, K (2020).
Preface : Emerging Trends in Aquatic Ecology III
Hydrobiologia, 847(7):1565-1570.

Tilstone, G, Dall’Olmo, G, Hieronymi, M, Ruddick, K, Beck, M, Ligi, M, Costa, M, D’Alimonte, D, Vellucci, V, Vansteenwegen, D, Bracher, A, Wiegmann, S, Kuusk, J, Vabson, V, Ansko, I, Vendt, R, Donlon, C, and Casal, T (2020).
Field Intercomparison of Radiometer Measurements for Ocean Colour Validation
Remote Sensing, 12(10):1587.

Timmermans, J, Devos, Y, Ghesquière, V, De Cupere, B, Deforce, K, Speleers, L, Vrydaghs, L, and Van Bellingen, S (2020).
Brucity/Parking 58 : Un ancien quai de Senne (XVe siècle) (RBC/BHG)
Archaeologia Mediaevalis Kroniek, 43:80-81.

Note on Asilidae (Diptera) collected near Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 156:212-226.

Tomasovic, G and Dekoninck, W (2020).
Study on a lot of Asilidae collected on the Mount Kilimanjaro (Diptera; Asilidae)
Bulletin SRBE/KBVE, XXX:xxx-yyy.

Tomasovic, G, Constant, J, and Grootaert, P (2020).
Robber flies from mangroves in Hong Kong (Diptera: Asilidae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 91:1-21.

Troukens, W and Drumont, A (2020).
Opilo mollis (Coleoptera: Cleridae) in de Benelux
Phegea, 48(4):138-142.

Troukens, W, Crevecoeur, L, and Drumont, A (2020).
Isorhipis melasoides (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) in de Botanische Tuin Jean Massart (Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest)
Phegea, 48(2):44-46.

Troukens, W, Ignace, D, Limbourg, P, Dahan, L, Raemdonck, H, and Drumont, A (2020).
Rhizophagus fenestralis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Monotomidae) in de Benelux
Phegea, 48(3):77-79.

Tsai, C, Collareta, A, and Bosselaers, M (2020).
A Pliocene gray whale (Eschrichtius Sp.) from the Eastern North Atlantic
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 126(1):189-196.

Urbisz, AZ, Martin, P, Lagnika, M, Chajec, Ł, and Świątek, P (2020).
Microorganization of ovaries and oogenesis of Haplotaxis sp. (Clitellata: Haplotaxidae)
Journal of Morphology, 282(1):98-114.

Van de Perre, F, Willig, MR, Presley, SJ, Mukinzi, IJ, Gambalemoke, MS, Leirs, H, and Verheyen, E (2020).
Functional volumes, niche packing and species richness: biogeographic legacies in the Congo Basin
Royal Society Open Science, 7(3):191582.

Van de Putte, A, Christiansen, H, Volckaert, F, and Schön, I (2020).
The COPE project: Conservation management of polar ecosystems using genomic approaches to study connectivity across spatial and functional scales
Abstracts of XXVI SCAR 2020, Hobart, Australia.

van de Velde, SJ, Reinhard, C, Ridgwell, A, and Meysman, FJ (2020).
Bistability in the redox chemistry of sediments and oceans
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(52):33043-33050.

Van de Vijver, K (2020).
Terreininterventie en archeo-antropologische detailstudie van menselijke resten uit WO I afkomstig van een toevalsvondst te Wijtschate – Wijtschatestraat 82 (2020) (TV ID 4468)
KBIN, Onderzoeksprogramma “Mens en Milieu in het Quartair"(rapport 2020-11, 23 p.).

Van de Vijver, K (2020).
Archeo-antropologisch assessment van de menselijke resten van de opgraving Baardegem-N411
KBIN, Onderzoeksprogramma “Mens en Milieu in het Quartair"(rapport 2020-06, 42 p.).

Van den Eynde, D, Baeye, M, and Van Lancker, V (2020).
Effect of wind farms on the siltation of gravel beds
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Brussels.

Van den Eynde, D, Baeye, M, and Van Lancker, V (2020).
Analysis of oceanographic profiles taken during RV Belgica campaign ST2019/09
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Brussels, Report MOZ4-ZAGRI/X/DVDE/2020/EN/SR07( 36 pp.).

Van der Meer, J, Eijsackers, H, and Haelters, J (2020).
Derde advies Bruinvisonderzoek. Bruinvisadviescommissie
Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Nederland, Advies(, Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Nederland.

Van der Zande, D, Alvera-Azcarate, A, Troupin, C, Cardoso Dos Santos, J, and Van den Eynde, D (2020).
Multi-scale ocean colour synergy producs for coastal water quality monitoring
In: Proceedings EGU Generay Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 May 2020. .

van Heteren, S, van der Klugt, P, and Van Lancker, V (2020).
Met zulk mooi zand kun je alleen maar winnen
Grondboor & Hamer, 2020, 4:134-137.

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Francken, F, Kint, L, Montereale Gavazzi, G, Terseleer, N, and Van den Eynde, D (2020).
Effecten van mariene aggregaatextractie op zeebodemintegriteit en hydrografische condities. Nieuwe inzichten en ontwikkelingen.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Brussels.

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Montereale Gavazzi, G, Kint, L, Terseleer, N, and Van den Eynde, D (2020).
Monitoring of the impact of the extraction of marine aggregates, in casu sand, in the zone of the Hinder Banks. Period 1/1 – 31/12 2019 and Synthesis of results 2016-2019.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Brussels, Report ,(71 pp + 5 Annexes).

Van Maren, B, Vroom, J, Fettweis, M, and Vanlede, J (2020).
Formation of the Zeebrugge Coastal Turbidity Maximum: The role of uncertainty in near-bed exchange processes.
Marine Geology, 425.

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