RBINS Staff Publications 2020
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 578 references in this bibliography folder.
Boevé, J and Rozenberg, R
Body distribution of toxic peptides in larvae of a pergid and an argid sawfly species
The Science of Nature, 107(1):5.
Bogemans, F and Meyvis, B
Documentering van de tijdelijke ontsluiting ‘leemgroeve te Volkegem, Oudenaarde’
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen - Belgische Geologische Dienst..
Bosquet, D, Vanmechelen, R, Bielen, A, Delaunois, E, Devillers, C, Gerard, P, and Germonpre, M
Namur/Namur : dernières interventions archéologiques au Grognon, lors de la construction du parking.
Chronique de l'archéologie Wallonne, 28.
Botella, H, Olive, S, Pradel, A, Rodríguez-Charry, G, Colmenares, F, Garcia, L, Manzanares, E, Paredes-Aliaga, MV, Navas-Parejo, P, and Martinez-Perez, C
First occurrence of fossil vertebrates from the Carboniferous of Colombia
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 40(1):e1764967.
Brabant, R and Rumes, B
Offshore renewable energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea
In: Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, ed. by Degraer Steven, Brabant Robin, Rumes Bob & Vigin Laurence. RBINS, chap. 2, pp. 13-18.
Brabant, R and Vanermen, N
Collision risk for six seabirds species in the first Belgian offshore wind farm zone
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, scientific report.
Brabant, R and Vanermen, N
Collision risk for six seabird species in the first Belgian offshore wind farm zone
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, scientific report.
Braeckman, U, Bruns, E, Buyse, J, Courtens, W, De Backer, A, Hostens, K, Lefaible, N, Mavraki, N, Moens, T, Stienen, E, Van De Walle, M, Brabant, R, Degraer, S, Norro, A, Rumes, B, Vanaverbeke, J, and Vigin, L
Executive summary: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management
In: Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, ed. by Degraer Steven, Brabant Robin, Rumes Bob & Vigin Laurence. RBINS, chap. 1, pp. 7-11. Memoirs on the Marine Environment.
Brecko, J and Mathys, A
Handbook of best practice and standards for 2D+ and 3D imaging of natural history collections
European Journal of Taxonomy(623).
Bresseel, J and Constant, J
Microrestes gen. nov., a new genus in the Oriental stick insect tribe Datamini Rehn & Rehn, 1939 with a new species and a new combination (Phasmida: Heteropterygidae: Dataminae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 106:1-19.
Bresseel, J and Constant, J
The new stick insect genus Pterulina gen. nov., a second winged Clitumninae genus from Vietnam with a new combination and a new species (Phasmida, Phasmatidae, Clitumninae, Clitumnini)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 96:1-30.
Breure, AS
Typpe material of taxa described by Cousin and Jousseaume in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Folia Malacologica, 28(2):95-113.
Breure, AS
Additional data on eastern Pantepui Orthalicoidea land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
Journal of Conchology, 43(5):481-496.
Breure, AS and Vega-Luz, R
Peruvian Plekocheilus species (Mollusca, Gastropoda): an overview and description of a new species
Folia Conchyliologica, 59:5-10.
Breure, AS and Vega-Luz, R
Mystery solved: a new Drymaeus species from northern Peru (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Bulimulidae)
Folia Conchyliologica, 59:1-4.
Breure, AS, Ablett, JD, and Audibert, C
A proposed solution to a lengthy dispute: what is Leptinaria (uni)lamellata (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Achatinidae)?
Folia Conchyliologica, 58:23-31.
Breure, B and Backhuys, W
Malacologie in de Nederlanden: een kort historisch perspectief
Spirula, 423:40-43.
Brückner, H and Engel, M
Noah’s flood – probing an ancient narrative using geoscience.
In: Palaeohydrology – traces, tracks and trails of extreme events. , ed. by Herget, J., Fontana, A., (eds.). Springer, Cham, chap. 7, pp. 135-151.
Buchholz, S, Baert, L, Rodriguez, J, Causton, CE, and Jäger, H
Spiders in Galapagos – diversity, biogeography and origin
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 130(1):41-48.
Burlet, C and Vanbrabant, Y
Laser-induced remote fluorescence measurements during the 2017-2019 Belair Campaign (contract SR/36/351B)
Stereo III Final Report : BELAIR HESBANIA – ST TRUIDEN:15-18.
Buyse, F, Dewaele, S, Decrée, S, and Mees, F
Mineralogical and geochemical study of the rare earth element mineralization at Gakara (Burundi).
Ore Geology Reviews(124):103659.
Carpentier, S, Vandeweijer, V, Petitclerc, E, Paap, B, and Verdel, A
Using Fibre-Optic DAS surveying to de-risk a shallow geothermal energy storage site in Brussels, Belgium
In: First EAGE Workshop on Fibre Optic Sensing - Reservoir and Production Monitoring, 9-11 March 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Cattelain, L, Cattelain, P, Deom, H, and Goemaere, E
Les tombes tardo-romaines dans le bassin moyen de la Meuse au travers des découvertes du Tienne del Baticulle à Nismes.
Archéo-Situla, 39:169-204.
Cattelain, L, Cattelain, P, Déom, H, Goemaere, E, Goffette, Q, Lauwers, C, Polet, C, and Vrielynck, O
Les tombes tardo-romaines dans le bassin moyen de la Meuse au travers des découvertes du Tienne del Baticulle à Nismes
Archéo-Situla, 39:169-204.
Cattelain, P, Smolderen, A, Cattelain, L, Cauwe, N, Collin, J, Gillard, M, Goemaere, E, Goffette, Q, Polet, C, and Horevoets, M
Une hache polie vieille d'environ 5000 ans découverte à Matignolle en 2020
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