Preliminary Report on joint sensitivity mapping. Final Report MUMM of Task F of the BE-AWARE project, Bonn Agreement, 26 pp.
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RBINS Staff Publications
Programme de sauvegarde du Tétras lyre dans les Hautes Fagnes Rapport finale 2023
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Progress report Year 2, WP4 - Sediment plume dilution and dispersion. Report JPI--oceans "Ecological impacts of deep-sea mining"
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Proposal of follow-up action for BONN on the Compliance monitoring pilot for MARPOL Annex VI (CompMon).
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Quantification of hydrodynamic changes induced by an offshore mussel aquaculture farm (SYMAPA)
The goal of this numerical study is the quantification of hydrodynamic changes (especially sea currents) induced by an offshore aquaculture farm similar to that of the industrial project “Westdiep Sea Farm”. To do that, a parameterization of the impact of longlines and droppers on hydrodynamics has been included in the 3D COHERENS hydrodynamic model and the impact of several configurations of the aquaculture farm on currents and bottom shear stress has been estimated in a simplified test case. The mussel aquaculture technique of longlines used in this project is known to disturb currents by, among other things, increasing the velocity of currents under the farm and significantly increasing the turbulence developing in the wake of the rigs. From an environmental point of view, an open question is whether or not these changes can modify the erosion/sedimentation pattern around the farm, leading, for example, to a risk of destabilization of the neighbouring sandbanks. As part of the SYMAPA (Synergy between Mariculture & Passive Fisheries) project, the goal is to link current variations in and around the farm to the amount of food available for mussels attached to droppers. At the seabed, a link between hydrodynamic processes and modification of the sedimentation scheme may be considered following this report. This preliminary study can help lead to the final goal of determining the scope of the impact that the aquaculture farm may have on the ecosystems in the farm and on the benthos. Three major effects will be studied for three different farm designs: the impact on surface currents, the sinking of currents under the farm and the impact on bottom shear stress.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Quantification of hydrodynamic changes induced by an offshore mussel aquaculture farm (Part 1)
The goal of this end-of-studies internship proposed by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) is the quantification of hydrodynamic changes (especially sea currents) induced by an offshore aquaculture farm similar to that of the industrial project “Westdiep Sea Farm”. The mussel aquaculture technique used in this project is known to disturb currents by, among other things, increasing the velocity of currents under the farm and significantly increasing the turbulence developing in the wake of the rigs. However, according to the knowledge of the RBINS, no study quantifies these disturbances. From an environmental point of view, an open question is whether or not these changes can modify the erosion/sedimentation pattern around the farm, leading, for example, to a risk of destabilization of the neighbouring sandbanks. First, the objective of this internship is to implement the parameterization of droppers impacts in the COHERENS hydrodynamic model. For this, a literature study will be carried out. Then, a sensitivity study will be conducted in order to use the implementation in a test case of a similar and simplified mussel farm. If time permits, the final objective would be to apply these different tests and simulations on the realistic case of the "Westdiep Sea Farm".
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Quantification of hydrodynamic changes induced by an offshore mussel aquaculture farm using COHERENS (Part 2)
The goal of this numerical study is the quantification of hydrodynamic changes (especially sea currents) induced by an offshore aquaculture farm similar to that of the industrial project “Westdiep Sea Farm”. To do that, a parameterization of the impact of longlines and droppers on hydrodynamics has been included in the 3D COHERENS hydrodynamic model and the impact of several configurations of the aquaculture farm on currents and bottom shear stress has been estimated in a simplified test case. In this previous internship project, a numerical study to quantify the impacts of an offshore aquaculture farm on hydrodynamics processes has been performed. To do so, a new module has been developed in the COHERENS model to compute the drag forces exerted by the droppers and then this module has been applied on a simplified case study, i.e. a modest farm with up to 40 longlines of 104 droppers and located in a straight open channel of 500 m width and 2 km length. The simulations show that, in all configurations tested, the presence of droppers significantly changes the hydrodynamics of the channel. Particularly, analysis of the bottom shear stress variations allowed to conclude that the presence of a modest offshore aquaculture farm could modify the erosion/sedimentation pattern around the farm, leading, for example, to a risk of destabilization of the neighbouring sandbanks, which would justify the implementation of an environmental monitoring program. Nevertheless, this previous work remains a preliminary study and many simplifications have been applied in order to obtain results in the given time. This second work (Part 2) will allow to refine the physics of the test channel in order to make it more realistic and to obtain results more faithful to the hydrodynamic reality in the North Sea. In this report, different sensitivity studies will be carried out mainly for the first phase of the project. Several metrics will be illustrated. Then, comparisons between the different phases will be made.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Quaregnon, Grand'Place : rapport d'étude archéo-anthropologique
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Radar registrations of bird migration validation through an interdisciplinary approach (RAVen project)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Rapport analytique relatif au matériel lithique médiéval de Tourcoing (F). Focus sur l'analyse archéométrique des pierres à aiguiser de Eidsborg (Télémark, Norvège)
non public
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RBINS Staff Publications 2021