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RBINS Staff Publications 2023

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 387 references in this bibliography folder.

Denis, S, Deramaix, I, Jadin, I, Cayol, N, Gehrès, B, Goemaere, E, Gomart, L, Hamon, C, Teetaert, D, and Zeebroeck, M (soumis 2024, à paraître 2024).
Ath « Les Haleurs », deux villages Rubané et Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain (Néolithique ancien) : mécanismes de transition culturelle par l’étude intégrée des productions.
Anthropologica et Praehistorica, 132/2024:à compléter.

Picavet, P, Goemaere, E, Leduc, T, and Goovaerts, T (soumis 2022, accepté 2023, non encore édité).
TTourcoing « Grand Place » (Nord). Fouille José Barbieux. Étude du macro-outillage lithique (meules et pierres à aiguiser).
Revue du Nord, hors-série (à préciser):à préciser.

Collette, O and Goemaere, E (soumis 11/2022, mis en pages 2023, en attente de publication).
La ville de Huy entre eaux et pierres.
Monographie archéologie SPW, à compléter:à compléter.

Picavet, P, Jaccottey, L, Monchablon, C, Brisotto, V, Chaigneau, C, Collette, O, Donnart, K, Etchart-Salas, M, Fronteau, G, Garcia, C, Gourio, L, and Goemaere, E (soumis 09/2023).
Production de meules va-et-vient au Hallstatt final – La Tène ancienne au « Camp de Macquenoise » à Saint-Michel (Aisne) et contextes d’utilisation régionaux.
Revue archéologique de Picardie, volume Hors Série,(N°27):à préciser.

Goemaere, E, Hermans, C, Hardy, C, and Cornélis, M (accepté finalisé 2023, publié 2024).
Les matières premières argileuses en région andennaise : de l’extraction des terres crues aux terres cuites.
In: Actes du Congrès WAPI (Wallonie picarde, Tournai 2020 ayant eu lieu en 2021) de 2020 à Tournai, ed. by Fédération des Cercles d’archéologie et d’histoire de Belgique, vol. à compléter, chap. à compléter, pp. à compléter, Fédération des Cercles d’archéologie et d’histoire de Belgique, Tournai. Actes du Congrès WAPI .

Charruadas, P, Goemaere, E, and Sosnowska, P (2024 (à paraître en juin 2024)).
Contribution to the history of roofing slate in Southern Brabant: a methodological approach from the Brussels case study (Belgium).
Construction History , à préciser(à préciser):à préciser.

Dreesen, R, Goemaere, E, and Kremer, G (2024 (soumis 11/2022, accepté 2023)).
Provenance analysis of the natural stones in funerary monuments from the western part of the civitas Treverorum.
Akten des 17. Internationalen Kolloquiums zum provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffen Wien – Carnuntum, 16.–21. Mai 2022, 64:43-50.

García Gonzalez, LM, Alba Gómez, JM, Barba Colmenero, V, Lechuga Ibáñez, C, De Cupere, B, Van Neer, W, Rubio Salvador, A, Díaz Blanco, A, Belén Jiménez Iglesias, A, Yvanez, E, Díaz Hernández, R, and Jiménez Serrano, A (2024 (2022)).
Resultados de la 14a campaña de excavación arqueológica del Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa de la Universidad Jaén en Asuán (Egipto) (2022)
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología, 31:69-95.

Abrams, G, Devièse, T, Pirson, S, Groote, I, Flas, D, Jungels, C, Jadin, I, Cattelain, P, Bonjean, D, Mathys, A, Semal, P, Higham, T, and Modica, K (2024).
Investigating the co-occurrence of Neanderthals and modern humans in Belgium through direct radiocarbon dating of bone implements
Journal of Human Evolution, 186:103471.

Baker, K, Gray, H, Lister, A, Spassov, N, Welch, A, Trantalidou, K, De Cupere, B, Bonillas, E, De Jong, M, Çakirlar, C, Sykes, N, and Hoelzel, AR (2024).
Ancient and modern DNA track temporal and spatial population dynamics in the European fallow deer since the Eeemian interglacial
Scientific Reports, 14:3015.

Baker, KH, Miller, H, Doherty, S, Gray, HW, Daujat, J, Çakirlar, C, Spassov, N, Trantalidou, K, Madgwick, R, Lamb, AL, Ameen, C, Atici, L, Baker, P, Beglane, F, Benkert, H, Bendrey, R, Binois-Roman, A, Carden, RF, Curci, A, De Cupere, B, Detry, C, Gál, E, Genies, C, Kunst, GK, Liddiard, R, Nicholson, R, Perdikans, S, Peters, J, Pigière, F, Pluskowski, AG, Sadler, P, Sicard, S, Strid, L, Sudds, J, Symmons, R, Tardio, K, Valenzuela, A, van Veen, M, Vuković, S, Weinstock, J, Wilkens, B, Wilson, RJ, Evans, JA, Hoelzel, AR, and Sykes, N (2024).
The 10,000-year biocultural history of fallow deer and its implications for conservation policy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 121(8):e2310051121.

Baldoni, M, De Martino, M, Di Corcia, T, Rovelli, V, Serventi, P, De Cupere, B, Van Neer, W, and Ottoni, C (2024).
First insights into the ancient oral microbiome of Egyptian cat mummies
In: 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 28-31/08/2024, Rome (Italy).

Bisconti, M, Bosselaers, M, Locatelli, C, Carnavale, G, and Lambert, O (2024).
The tympanoperiotic complex of the blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus
The Anatomical Record.

Constant, J and Pham, HT (2024).
Sixteen issid planthopper species in one day in Dong Son-Ky Thuong Nature Reserve in North Vietnam: Eight new species, one new genus and additional new records (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae)
European Journal of Taxonomy, 919:1-87.

Cotte, L, Lepers, L, Legrand, S, Aprin, L, and Le Floch, S (2024).
Tackling the evaporation rates of volatile HNS: A lab- scale experiment to serve marine pollution response
International Oil Spill Conference.

Cresci, A, Degraer, S, Zhang, G, Dannheim, J, and Browman, HI (2024).
Answering the key stakeholder questions about the impact of offshore wind farms on marine life using hypothesis testing to inform targeted monitoring
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 0(0):1-8.

De Cupere, B and Lock, K (2024).
De watertoestand van de Zenne in laatmiddeleeuws Brussel (Br.)
Archaeologia Mediaevalis Kroniek, 47:49-51.

De Cupere, B and Vanhuysse, M (2024).
A raven (Corvus corax) from medieval Brussels with pathologies: was it truly free as a bird?
In: 11th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group, 05-08/06/2024, Copenhague (Denmark).

De Cupere, B, Timmermans, J, and Ghesquière, V (2024).
Un cheval du Bruxelles médiéval, souffrant d'un trouble de la colonne vertébrale
In: Colloque du Groupe des Paleopathologistes de Langue Française, GPLF2024, 15-16/03/2024, Lille (France).

De Martino, M, Rovelli, V, De Cupere, B, Alhaique, F, Minniti, C, Wierer, U, Wilkens, B, Peters, J, Van Neer, W, and Ottoni, C (2024).
Ancient DNA and the dispersal of the domestic cat in Italy.
In: 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 28-31/08/2024, Rome (Italy).

Decrée, S, Goemaere, E, Vanbrabant, Y, and Devleeschouwer, X (2024).
Geological context and tectonostratigraphic units in Belgium, and their relationship to the main metallotects
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 66:11-16.

Decrée, S, Vanbrabant, Y, and Goemaere, E (2024).
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 66:106-110.

Devos, Y, De Cupere, B, Speleers, L, Van de Vijver, K, Van Schepdael, N, and Vrydaghs, L (2024).
Environmental Archaeology in Brussels (Belgium): The development of a framework
In: 25th EAC Heritage Management Symposium. Urban archaeology and the cities of tomorrow, 21-22/03/2024, Brussels (Belgium).

Dewaele, L and de Muizon, C (2024).
A new monachine seal (Monachinae, Phocidae, Mammalia) from the Miocene of Cerro La Bruja (Ica department, Peru)
Geodiversitas, 46(3):31-100.

Drumont, A, Adlbauer, K, Tavakilian, G, Schimrosczyk, D, Reinhard, JE, and Constant, J (2024).
Illustrated and commented checklist of the longhorn beetles of Kuzikus Wildlife Reserve in the Kalahari, Namibia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 151:1-35.

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