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RBINS Staff Publications 2024

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 478 references in this bibliography folder.

error, e (error).

Bonjean, D, Chassin de Kergommeaux, A, Goovaerts, T, Leduc, T, Lemasson, Q, Pirson, S, Salomon, H, and Goemaere, E (2025).
Origine, caractérisation et mise en place de matériaux riches en fer dans la grotte Scladina (Andenne, Belgique) : processus naturels et sources anthropiques potentielles.
Paléo, à préciser:à préciser.

Delcourt, J, Vangeluwe, D, and Poncin, P (2025).
Renforcement de la population de Tétras lyre en Belgique Rapport final de l’opération de translocation 2024 de Tétras lyres suédois dans la Réserve Naturelle des Hautes Fagnes
No source specified

Goemaere, E, Thonart, P, and Mottequin, B (2025).
Robert Garcet's Eben-Ezer Flint Tower (Bassenge, Belgium): from Stone Masonry to Stone Mythology.
Geoheritage, to precise:to precise.

Hua, X, Lusk, C, Dickie, I, Adu-Bredu, S, Allen, K, Araus, V, Augusto, L, Barsukov, P, Bauman, D, Brédoire, F, Burslem, D, Dalling, J, Depauw, L, Dexter, K, Drouet, T, Godlee, J, Godoy, R, Gutiérrez, R, Muledi, J, Jacobs, A, Kooyman, R, Latorre, C, Angulo, J, Macé, S, Maes, S, Gonçalves, F, Junior, B, Nicolas, M, Nilus, R, O'Brien, M, Menor, I, Piper, F, Read, J, Reynolds, G, Saldaña, A, Marimon, B, Verheyen, K, Westoby, M, Wigley, B, and Wright, I (2025).
Site-Specific Nutrient Data Reveal the Importance of Soils in Driving the Mycorrhizal Make-Up of Woody Vegetation Worldwide
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 34(1):e13936.

Ablett, JD and Breure, AS (2024).
Annotated type catalogue of Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Natural History Museum, London: A supplement
Folia Malacologica, 32(1):27-46.

Alfsen, A, de Muizon, C, Bianucci, G, Lambert, O, Salas-Gismondi, R, Urbina, M, McCurry, M, Kaffler, A, Houssaye, A, Hampe, O, and Amson, E (2024).
Diversity of microanatomical patterns in long bones of semi-aquatic mammals
In: The Palaeontological Association 68th Annual Meeting, Programme and Abstracts, pp. 100-101, The Palaeontological Association.

Ambakina, H, Gómez Abal, K, Guénard, B, Monzenga, J, Economo, EP, and Dekoninck, W (2024).
Overview of myrmecological studies and a checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Biodiversity Data Journal, 12(e132915):1-95.

Anaïs, P (2024).
Le siège de la citadelle de Tournai (1709) : étude archéo-anthropologique
Master thesis, Université de Bordeaux.

André, C, Bogemans, F, Sabbe, K, Van De Vijver, B, Storme, A, Allemeersch, L, De Clercq, W, Trachet, J, Poulain, M, and Louwye, S (2024).
The palaeoecological conditions of the tidal channel network of the Zwin region (Flanders, Belgium)
Geologica Belgica, 27(1-2).

Anon (2024).
Findings as well as technical and operational implications of MARPOL Annex VI related issues at international level

Anon (2024).
Update from the MARPOL Annex VI Working Groups on strategic and operational issues (MAVI SOWG) and on technical issues (MAVI-TWG)

Anon (2024).
Draft report on Tour d’Horizon 2023 and multi-annual TdH trends

Anon (2024).
Regional Priorities 2024 – update by the ICG-RP

Anon (2024).
Update from the MARPOL Annex VI Working Groups on strategic and operational issues (MAVI SOWG) and on technical issues (MAVI TWG)

Anon (2024).
Aerial Surveillance Expert Assessment Panel.

Anougmar, S, Meesters, A, van Ree, D, and Compernolle, T (2024).
The dilemma of valuing geodiversity: geoconservation versus geotourism
Philosophical Transactions - The Royal Society A, 382(20230049).

Azar, D, Maksoud, S, Robin, N, Godefroit, P, Cavin, L, Olive, S, Rey, K, Vallée-Gillette, N, De Brito, L, Heneine, G, and Nel, A (2024).
The first and oldest record of Issidae from the Lower Cretaceous of Lebanon (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha)
Zootaxa, 5562(1):38-44.

Barbut, L, Lehuta, S, Volckaert, FA, and Lacroix, G (2024).
Lessons from the calibration and sensitivity analysis of a fish larval transport model
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 731:67--88.

Bartak, M and Grootaert, P (2024).
Description of twelve new species of Platypalpus Macquart from Europe and the Middle East (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae)
Zootaxa, 5443(2):161-185.

Bassouo N’tie, T, Kasseney BD, Gomina, M, Tozoou, P, Mollong, E, Amoudj, AD, Bassaï Bodjona, E, Komlan Akantetou, P, Dekoninck, W, Nuto, Y, Wiyao Poutouli, P, Baïla Ndiay, A, Yeo, K, and Glitho, AI (2024).
Role of windbreaks on ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) conservation in a cotton-growing agroecosystem of the humid savannah in Togo
Journal of Asia-Paciϧc Entomology, 28(102349):1-9.

Beaujean, B, Doperé, F, Bes, P, De Cupere, B, and Poblome, J (2024).
The Archaeology, Architecture and Afterlife of the Odeion of Ancient Sagalassos
Anatolica, 50:193-242.

Beauthier, J, Dierkens, A, Polet, C, Beauthier, F, and Lefèvre, P (2024).
Le crâne attribué au saint roi mérovingien Dagobert II. Étude historique et anthropologique.
Archives of Legal Medicine.

Bianucci, G, Benites-Palomino, A, Collareta, A, Bosio, G, de Muizon, C, Merella, M, Di Celma, C, Malinverno, E, Urbina, M, and Lambert, O (2024).
A new Late Miocene beaked whale (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Pisco Formation, and a revised age for the fossil Ziphiidae of Peru
Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 63(1):21-43.

Bossert, S, Pauly, A, Danforth, BN, Orr, MC, and Murray, EA (2024).
Lessons from assembling UCEs: A comparison of common methods and the case of Clavinomia (Halictidae)
Molecular Ecology Resources, 24(e13925):1-18.

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