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Techreport Reference Vooruitgangsrapport (juni 2024) over de effecten op het mariene milieu van baggerspeciestortingen (vergunningsperiode 01/01/2022-31/12/2026).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Wave attenuation by intertidal vegetation is mediated by trade-offs between shoot-and canopy-scale plant traits
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference Ways forward in quantifying data uncertainty in geological databases
Issues of compatibility of geological data resulting from the merging of many different data sources and time periods may jeopardize harmonization of data products. Important progress has been made due to increasing data standardization, e.g., at a European scale through the SeaDataNet and Geo-Seas data management infrastructures. Common geological data standards are unambiguously defined, avoiding semantic overlap in geological data and associated metadata. Quality flagging is also applied increasingly, though ways in further propagating this information in data products is still at its infancy. For the Belgian and southern Netherlands part of the North Sea, databases are now rigorously re-analyzed in view of quantifying quality flags in terms of uncertainty to be propagated through a 3D voxel model of the subsurface ( An approach is worked out to consistently account for differences in positioning, sampling gear, analysis procedures and vintage. The flag scaling is used in the interpolation process of geological data, but will also be used when visualizing the suitability of geological resources in a decision support system. Expert knowledge is systematically revisited as to avoid totally inappropriate use of the flag scaling process. The quality flagging is also important when communicating results to end-users. Therefore, an open data policy in combination with several processing tools will be at the heart of a new Belgian geological data portal as a platform for knowledge building (KB) and knowledge management (KM) serving the marine geoscience, the policy community and the public at large.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Weak population structure and recent demographic expansion of the monogenean parasite Kapentagyrus spp. infecting clupeid fishes of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference Were ancient foxes far more carnivorous than recent ones? Carnassial morphological evidence
Crown shape variation of the first lower molar in the arctic (Vulpes lagopus) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) was analyzed using five groups of morphotypes. Carnassial morphologies were compared between the species and between spatially and temporally distant populations: one Late Pleistocene (n = 45) and seven modern populations of the arctic fox (n = 259), and one Late Pleistocene (n = 35) and eight modern populations of the red fox (n = 606). The dentition of Holocene red foxes had larger morphotype variability than that of arctic foxes. The lower carnassials of the red fox kept have some primitive characters (additional cusps and stylids, complex shape of transverse cristid), whereas the first lower molars of the arctic fox have undergone crown shape simplification, with the occlusal part of the tooth undergoing a more pronounced adaptation to a more carnivorous diet. From the Late Pleistocene of Belgium to the present days, the arctic fox’s crown shape has been simplified and some primitive characters have disappeared. In the red fox chronological changes in the morphology of the lower carnassials were not clearly identified. The phyletic tree based on morphotype carnassial characteristics indicated the distinctiveness of both foxes: in the arctic fox line, the ancient population from Belgium and recent Greenland made separate branches, whereas in the red foxes the ancient population from Belgium was most similar to modern red foxes from Belgium and Italy.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference West African Hastula (Gastropoda: Terebridae) with the description of three new cryptic species from the Cape Verde and Canary Islands
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Techreport Reference Westdiep Aquaculture Monitoring: Understanding and monitoring the effects of an offshore mussel, oyster and seaweed aquaculture farm on the seabed and suspended sediments composition and dynamics off the coast of Nieuwpoort, Belgium. Activity Report 2022
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA
Inproceedings Reference What about Platybrachys & c. planthoppers one century after Henry Hacker? (Hemiptera: Eurybrachidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Inproceedings Reference What did DNA barcoding do for millipede taxonomy?
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Inproceedings Reference What lies beneath the busiest shipping lane of the world? Stony reefs in the Belgian Continental Shelf: a quantitative mapping approach.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021 OA