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RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 31 references in this bibliography folder.

Burke, PM, Boerman, SA, Perrichon, G, Martin, JE, Smith, T, Vellekoop, J, and Mannion, PD (2024).
Endocranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of the crocodylian Eosuchus lerichei from the late Paleocene of northwestern Europe and potential adaptations for transoceanic dispersal in gavialoids
The Anatomical Record:1-35.

D'Haijere, T (2024).
Plan de recherche pour le Plan d’Aménagement et de Gestion 2024- 2034: Parc National de la Kibira
IRSNB-CEBioS, Plan de recherche.

Delhaye, L (2024).
Westdiep Aquaculture Monitoring: Understanding and monitoring the effects of an offshore mussel, oyster and seaweed aquaculture farm on the seabed and suspended sediments composition and dynamics off the coast of Nieuwpoort, Belgium. Activity Report 2022
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brusssels.

Delhaye, L, Baeye, M, Kint, L, Taymans, C, Van Roozendael, B, Van Lancker, V, and Van den Eynde, D (2024).
Report Princess Elisabeth Island turbidity threshold workshop 1 June 2024
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.

Desmit, X, Dujardin, J, Kallend, A, Terseleer, N, De Rijcke, M, Sabbe, K, and Fettweis, M (2024).
BioGeochemical PARTicle interactons and feedback loops on the Belgian Continental Shelf, 3rd Annual Report.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Desmit, X, Schartau, M, Riethmüller, R, Terseleer, N, Van der Zande, D, and Fettweis, M (2024).
The transition between coastal and offshore areas in the North Sea unraveled by suspended particle composition
Science of The Total Environment, 915.

Everaert, S, Deckers, J, Bosselaers, M, Schiltz, M, and Louwye, S (2024).
A Neogene succession in the city centre of Antwerp (Belgium): stratigraphy, palaeontology and geotechnics of the Rubenshuis temporary outcrop
Geologica Belgica, 27(1-2):47-70.

Fettweis, M, Desmit, X, Tran, D, and Silori, S (2024).
Particles in the North Sea (PiNS), 2nd Annual Report
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Fettweis, M, Silori, S, and Desmit, X (2024).
Monitoring and Modellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO), Activiteitenrapport 1 juli – 31 december 2023.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Report MOMO/10/MF/202403/NL/AR4(124 pp).

Fettweis, M, Tran, D, and Knockaert, M (2024).
Monitoring and Modellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO), Activiteitenrapport 1 januari – 30 juni 2024
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Report MOMO/10/MF/202403/NL/AR4(27 pp).

Folie, A, Čerňanský, A, Smith, R, and Smith, T (2024).
Les lézard anguimorphes de l’Eocène inférieur (MP7) de Dormaal, Belgique
In: Congrès APF 2024, Résumés, Montauban, 03 juin - 07 juin, pp. 23, Association Paléontologique Française.

Godefroit, P (2024).
Louis Dollo et les Iguanodons de Bernissart
Espèces, 53:22-31.

Haelters, J, Devolder, M, Brabant, R, Degraer, S, Kerkhove, T, Rumes, B, Van den Eynde, D, Van Lancker, V, Van Roy, W, and Lauwaert, B (2024).
Gemotiveerde conclusie over de aanvraag van Betoncentrale Van den Braembussche voor de verlenging van de concessie voor de exploitatie en exploratie van zand in de zeegebieden onder de rechtsbevoegdheid van België.
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, BMM, Brussel.

Lemierre, A, Bailon, S, Folie, A, and Laurin, M (2024).
Early Evolution and Paleobiogeographic Distribution of Pipimorphs Reflects the Opening of the South Atlantic
In: 10th World Congress of Herpetology, vol. Book of Abstracts, pp. 251-252, World Congress of Herpetology.

Lepers, L, Baetens, K, Kint, L, Van den Eynde, D, Van Lancker, V, and Legrand, S (2024).
D3.3 Cumulative sediment dispersal mapping of seafloor-disturbing activities

Lepers, L, Kint, L, Baetens, K, Baeye, M, Van den Eynde, D, Legrand, S, and Van Lancker, V (2024).
Sand, sand, sand, where does it all end?
In: Proceedings VLIZ Young Marine Science Day, March 6, 2024, Ostend, Belgium, pp. 2 pp.

Mathys, A, Pollet, Y, Gressin, A, Muth, X, Brecko, J, Dekoninck, W, Vandenspiegel, D, Jodogne, S, and Semal, P (2024).
Sphaeroptica: A tool for pseudo-3D visualization and 3D measurements on arthropods
PLOS ONE, 19(10):e0311887.

Orliac, MJ, Waqas, M, Rana, RS, and Smith, T (2024).
Digital restoration of the snout of Khirtharia inflata (Raoellidae, Artiodactyla) from the middle Eocene of northwest Himalaya
MorphoMuseuM, M3 Journal:e224 (8 pages).

Romanelli, H, Baetens, K, Barbut, L, Capet, A, Denis, P, Dulière, V, Gozingan, A, Lacroix, G, Legrand, S, Lepers, L, Luyten, P, Puthan Purayil, S, Ponsar, S, Ricour, F, Terseleer, N, Van den Eynde, D, and Gourgue, O (2024).
North sea hydrodynamics with nested models
In: Proceedings AGU Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 9-13 December 2024, pp. 1 pp.

Roos, P, Van Lancker, V, Van den Eynde, D, van Veelen, T, and Hulscher, S (2024).
Understanding tidal sandbank dynamics and impacts of sand extraction in sediment-scarce environments
In: Proceedings 21th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS), Bordeaux, France, September 23-27 2024, pp. 2 pp.

Smith, T (2024).
« L’arche de Noé » indienne avant sa collision avec l'Eurasie : paléoenvironnement et paléobiogéographie de la faune de vertébrés continentale de l'Éocène inférieur du Gujarat
In: Congrès APF 2024, Résumés, Montauban, 03 juin - 07 juin, pp. 56, Association Paléontologique Française.

Tilley, L, Woodburn, M, Vincent, S, Casino, A, Addink, W, Berger, F, Bogaerts, A, Smedt, S, French, L, Islam, S, Mergen, P, Nivart, A, Papp, B, Petersen, M, Santos, C, Schiller, E, Semal, P, Smith, V, and Wiltschke, K (2024).
Systematic Design of a Natural Sciences Collections Digitisation Dashboard
Research Ideas and Outcomes, 10:e118244.

Tissier, J, Vautrin, Q, and Smith, T (2024).
PerissOrigin : phylogénie et diversification des premiers périssodactyles
In: Congrès APF 2024, Résumés, Montauban, 03 juin - 07 juin, pp. 59, Association Paléontologique Française.

Van den Eynde, D (2024).
Numerical models used for the PEZ sediment transport calculations
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Van Lancker, V and Kint, L (2024).
Mapping indirect habitat loss: about awareness, implementation realities and prevention.
In: Proceedings GeoHab 2024, Arendal, Norway, May 6-10, 2024 , pp. 1 pp.

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