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Inproceedings Reference Vers un inventaire des écureuils arboricoles, porteurs de Monkeypox en RD Congo
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
File text/texmacs Versatility of marine geological databases in view of MSFD related assessments
Located in PDF / PDF Posters
Inproceedings Reference Versatility of marine geological databases in view of MSFD related assessments
To ensure harmonised seabed mapping over large areas and to facilitate the exchange of information, a common geological knowledge base is being developed for the southern part of the North Sea. Data, sustaining this marine geological database, originate from a variety of sources, including the industry. Related to the seabed and its subsurface, two main databases are being compiled: one comprising all available lithological descriptions and one with all numerical grain-size information. To enable standardisation of the data and make them easily queryable, non-numerical descriptions are being coded to an international standard (EU FP7 Geo-Seas), of which the Udden-Wentworth scale is the main classifier. Several other parameters were derived, such as percentages mud, sand, gravel, shells and organic material. For the second database, cumulative grain-size distribution curves were compiled, enabling calculations of any desired granulometry parameter, such as percentages of the grain-size fractions (fine, medium, coarse sand) and percentiles that are relevant in seabed-habitat mapping or sediment-transport modelling (D35, D50, D84). To quantify data uncertainty in the derived data products, metadata on sampling and coring techniques, analytical methods, horizontal and vertical positioning accuracy and the exact timing of data acquisition were included. These metadata fields are also crucial in the quantification of habitat changes, a key issue in the assessment of good environmental status within Europe’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The newly developed database and its associated data products contribute to the objectives of the projects TILES (Belspo Brain-be), EMODnet-Geology (EU DG MARE), and ZAGRI (private revenues from the marine-aggregate industry).
Located in Library / No RBINS Staff publications
Book Reference VERSLAG MEERDAAGSE EXCURSIE GEOLIM 2022, 16-17 september 2022
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Inproceedings Reference Vestibular sensitivity and locomotor behavior in early paleocene mammals
The end-Cretaceous extinction triggered the collapse of ecosystems and a drastic turnover of mammalian communities. During the Mesozoic, mammals were ecologically diverse, but less than extant species. Modern ecological richness was established by the Eocene, but questions remain about the ecology of the first wave of mammals radiating after the extinction. Postcranial fossils are often used to determine locomotor behavior; however, the semicircular canals of the inner ear also represent a reliable proxy. These canals detect the angular acceleration of the head during locomotion and transmit neuronal signals to the brain to allow stabilization of the eyes and head. Accordingly, vestibular sensitivity to rapid rotational head movements is higher in species with a larger canal radius of curvature and more orthogonal canals. We used high-resolution computed tomography scanning to obtain inner ear virtual endocasts for 30 specimens. We supplemented these with data from the literature to construct a database of 79 fossils from the Jurassic to the Eocene and 262 extant mammals. We compared data on canal morphology and another lifestyle proxy, the size of the petrosal lobules, which have a role in maintaining eyes’ movements and position. We find that Paleocene mammals exhibited a lower average and more constricted range of Agility Indices (AI), a new measure of canal radius size relative to body size, compared to Mesozoic, Eocene and extant taxa. In the early Paleocene, body mass and canal radius increased, but the former outpaced the latter leading to an AI decline. Similarly, their petrosal lobules were relatively smaller on average compared to other temporal groups, which suggests less ability for fast movements. Additionally, Paleocene mammals had similar AIs to extant scansorial and terrestrial quadrupeds. In contrast, the lack of canal orthogonality change from the Mesozoic to the Paleocene indicates no trend toward lower vestibular sensitivity regardless of changes in body size. This result may reflect functional differences between canal orthogonality and radius size. Our results support previous work on tarsal morphology and locomotor behavior ancestral state reconstruction suggesting that ground dwelling mammals were more common than arboreal taxa during the Paleocene. Ultimately, this pattern may indicate that the collapse of forested environments immediately after extinction led to the preferential survivorship of more terrestrially adapted mammals. Funding Sources Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: IF, European Research Council StG, National Science Foundation, Belgian Science Policy Office, DMNS No Walls Community Initiative.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Article Reference Vis, havik en konijn Een laatmiddeleeuws ensemble van dierenresten uit een beerput langs de Spanjaardstraat in Brugge
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Techreport Reference Visievorming AQUACULTUUR in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Techreport Reference Visievorming ONTMANTELING OFFSHORE WINDPARKEN in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Techreport Reference Vision paper DECOMMISSIONING OFFSHORE WINDPARKS in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Inproceedings Reference Ways forward in quantifying data uncertainty in geological databases
Issues of compatibility of geological data resulting from the merging of many different data sources and time periods may jeopardize harmonization of data products. Important progress has been made due to increasing data standardization, e.g., at a European scale through the SeaDataNet and Geo-Seas data management infrastructures. Common geological data standards are unambiguously defined, avoiding semantic overlap in geological data and associated metadata. Quality flagging is also applied increasingly, though ways in further propagating this information in data products is still at its infancy. For the Belgian and southern Netherlands part of the North Sea, databases are now rigorously re-analyzed in view of quantifying quality flags in terms of uncertainty to be propagated through a 3D voxel model of the subsurface ( An approach is worked out to consistently account for differences in positioning, sampling gear, analysis procedures and vintage. The flag scaling is used in the interpolation process of geological data, but will also be used when visualizing the suitability of geological resources in a decision support system. Expert knowledge is systematically revisited as to avoid totally inappropriate use of the flag scaling process. The quality flagging is also important when communicating results to end-users. Therefore, an open data policy in combination with several processing tools will be at the heart of a new Belgian geological data portal as a platform for knowledge building (KB) and knowledge management (KM) serving the marine geoscience, the policy community and the public at large.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017