« Les agglomérations nerviennes au Haut Empire : la campagne à la ville ? Les apports de l'Archéobotanique »
A partir des données carpologiques d'un établissement rural, de quatre villae et de deux agglomérations secondaires du Haut-Empire de la civitas nerviorum, mises en perspective avec les données d'établissements ruraux de la cité ménapienne voisine, le mode d'approvisionnement en céréales de ces centres urbains a pu être appréhendé. La découverte de nombreux résidus de premier battage dans les deux agglomérations fait entrer les établissements agricoles et leurs activités dans la ville, qui gère ainsi une partie de son approvisionnement en céréales. Si les blés vêtus constituent les principales productions céréalières de la cité, les blés panifiables -froment et épeautre- tiennent une plus grande place dans les centres urbains et villae. Ces dernières semblent ainsi tenir un rôle privilégié dans l'approvisionnement des agglomérations. La répartition géographique nord/sud de ces deux taxons, avec le froment au sud et l’épeautre au nord du territoire de la cité, coïncide avec les potentialités agricoles des sols. Le froment, espèce exigeante quant à la qualité des sols, est cultivé sur les terres les plus propices à l'agriculture tandis que l'épeautre est mené dans les terres plus sableuses, à moindre potentialité. Ainsi, l'un des critères majeurs quant au choix des céréales qui approvisionnent les centres urbains tient plus à la possibilité de faire du pain qu'à l'espèce elle même. Celles-ci semblent être sélectionnées, de manière opportuniste, selon des critères agronomiques.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
« Un manuel de terrain pour standardiser les prélèvements des restes biologiques : une nécessité ou un luxe ? Une année d’expérience belge du point de vue de la carpologie »
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
[Ath] Les fouilles préventives du site des « Haleurs » à Ath.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
A (very) brief vademecum on biological nomenclature
This editorial is aimed at explaining why the editors of Hydrobiologia are so concerned with biological nomenclature and why we ask our authors the utmost precision when referring to species in their papers. In particular, the Instructions for Authors of the journal specify that “When a species name is used for the first time in an article, it should be stated in full, and the name of its describer should also be given” (https://www.springer.com/journal/10750/submission-guidelines?IFA#Instructions%20for%20Authors_Scientific%20style). In the next lines, we want to show that this is not just an old fashion formalism, but a necessity to correctly and univocally identify the biological subjects that are the basis of the research published in this journal. Moreover, Hydrobiologia is a generalist journal giving voice to research embedded in a wide ecological and evolutionary context, carried out in any kind of aquatic ecosystem, and considering all their biological entities from small viruses onwards to large whales! Thus, the work of a, for example, fish biologist, should be readable for a botanist and vice versa. This achievement can be reached by avoiding as much as possible the jargon typical of each discipline (as the so called “common names” can be considered) and allowing the unequivocal identification of the targeted biological entities.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022
A 3D numerical baroclinic application of the COHERENS model in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa
In this study, we have developed a three-dimensional (3D) numerical model based on COHERENS modelling system to describe the tidal, wind-driven and thermohaline induced hydrodynamic regime in the coastal water of the Gulf of Guinea. The model is validated with respect to water levels, sea currents, temperature and salinity during 2017. Validation for astronomical tides showed that the model is able to simulate observed tidal elevation and phases for both diurnal and semi-diurnal principal constituents with a consistent level of agreement at measurement station. A statistical analysis of the results showed that the correlation coefficient and skill index between the modelled and observed tidal elevations are both above 0.96 with an average RMSE of 9 cm. The atmospheric contribution to water levels was also validated. In this case, we observe a good agreement between modelled and measured water levels with a correlation coefficient of 0.75 and an average RMSE of 1.23 cm. The validation of spatial distribution and vertical evolution of zonal current, salinity and temperature also indicated a high model accuracy for these variables. Overall, we show that our model of the Gulf of Guinea leads to highly accurate simulations, providing a basis for further fundamental and applied research studies in the area.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
A 365-Million-Year-Old Freshwater Community Reveals Morphological and Ecological Stasis in Branchiopod Crustaceans
Branchiopod crustaceans are represented by fairy, tadpole, and clam shrimps (Anostraca, Notostraca, Laevicaudata, Spinicaudata), which typically inhabit temporary freshwater bodies, and water fleas (Cladoceromorpha), which live in all kinds of freshwater and occasionally marine environments. The earliest branchiopods occur in the Cambrian, where they are represented by complete body fossils from Sweden such as Rehbachiella kinnekullensis and isolated mandibles preserved as small carbonaceous fossils from Canada. The earliest known continental branchiopods are associated with hot spring environments represented by the Early Devonian Rhynie Chert of Scotland (410 million years ago) and include possible stem-group or crown-group Anostraca, Notostraca, and clam shrimps or Cladoceromorpha, which differ morphologically from their modern counterparts. Here we report the discovery of an ephemeral pool branchiopod community from the 365-million-year-old Strud locality of Belgium. It is characterized by new anostracans and spinicaudatans, closely resembling extant species, and the earliest notostracan, Strudops goldenbergi. These branchiopods released resting eggs into the sediment in a manner similar to their modern representatives. We infer that this reproductive strategy was critical to overcoming environmental constraints such as seasonal desiccation imposed by living on land. The pioneer colonization of ephemeral freshwater pools by branchiopods in the Devonian was followed by remarkable ecological and morphological stasis that persists to the present day.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2016
A 1500 years-record of North Atlantic storminess from the Shetland Islands (UK) – preliminary insights
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RBINS Staff Publications 2021
A 1500-year record of North Atlantic storm flooding from lacustrine sediments, Shetland Islands (UK)
Severe storm flooding poses a major hazard to the coasts of north-western Europe. However, the long-term recurrence patterns of extreme coastal flooding and their governing factors are poorly understood. Therefore, high-resolution sedimentary records of past North Atlantic storm flooding are required. This multi-proxy study reconstructs storm-induced overwash processes from coastal lake sediments on the Shetland Islands using grain-size and geochemical data, and the re-analysis of historical data. The chronostratigraphy is based on Bayesian age–depth modelling using accelerator mass spectrometry 14C and 137Cs data. A high XRF-based Si/Ti ratio and the unimodal grain-size distribution link the sand layers to the beach and thus storm-induced overwash events. Periods with more frequent storm flooding occurred 980–1050, 1150–1300, 1450–1550, 1820–1900 and 1950–2000 ce, which is largely consistent with a positive North Atlantic Oscillation mode. The Little Ice Age (1400–1850 ce) shows a gap of major sand layers suggesting a southward shift of storm tracks and a seasonal variance with more storm floods in spring and autumn. Warmer phases shifted winter storm tracks towards the north-east Atlantic, indicating a possible trend for future storm-track changes and increased storm flooding in the northern North Sea region.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
A 1500-year record of North Atlantic storm flooding from lacustrine sediments, Shetland Islands (UK)
Severe storm flooding poses a major hazard to the coasts of north-western Europe. However, the long-term recurrence patterns of extreme coastal flooding and their governing factors are poorly understood. Therefore, high-resolution sedimentary records of past North Atlantic storm flooding are required. This multi-proxy study reconstructs storm-induced overwash processes from coastal lake sediments on the Shetland Islands using grain-size and geochemical data, and the re-analysis of historical data. The chronostratigraphy is based on Bayesian age–depth modelling using accelerator mass spectrometry 14C and 137Cs data. A high XRF-based Si/Ti ratio and the unimodal grain-size distribution link the sand layers to the beach and thus storm-induced overwash events. Periods with more frequent storm flooding occurred 980–1050, 1150–1300, 1450–1550, 1820–1900 and 1950–2000 ce, which is largely consistent with a positive North Atlantic Oscillation mode. The Little Ice Age (1400–1850 ce) shows a gap of major sand layers suggesting a southward shift of storm tracks and a seasonal variance with more storm floods in spring and autumn. Warmer phases shifted winter storm tracks towards the north-east Atlantic, indicating a possible trend for future storm-track changes and increased storm flooding in the northern North Sea region.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
A 1500-years record of North Atlantic storm flooding from lacustrine sediments, Shetland Islands (UK).
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024