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Inproceedings Reference Towards a dynamic and interdisciplinary assessment for the sustainable management of geological resources
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference Towards a Lithotectonic Framework for Belgium
Nearly every geological subdiscipline relies to some degree on regional geological knowledge. In the introductory section of most geological papers it is standard practice to provide regional geological background information. Stratigraphic terminology is often well defined while other disciplinary concepts rely, at least to some degree, on generally agreed definitions or hierarchical schemes, such as paleontological, structural or magmatic terminology. This, however, is much less the case for the regional geological building blocks. Their names are usually composed of a combination of a geographical locality and a geological term. A few examples from Belgium are Brabant Massif, Campine Basin, Stavelot-Venn Inlier, and Malmedy Graben. Most of these have in common that, although their importance is well recognised, their definitions are vague and sometimes even conflicting, in that their meaning may differ between contexts and authors. Even if their meaning has drifted or become less exact, as a result of their frequent historical use, they commonly remain in use today. This issue is not exclusive to Belgium, but seems to be an altogether historic and worldwide phenomenon. Recently within Europe there is a growing awareness of this issue, resulting in important but rather isolated efforts to better structure and define regional information (Hintersberger et al. 2017; Németh 2021; Le Bayon et al. 2022) which have been brought together through pan-European cooperation (GSEU – Horizon Europe 101075609). The central element that seems to encompass most geologic features, is the lithotectonic unit (a distinct unit based on its partly separate geological history; URI: Grabens, basins and inliers are examples of lithotectonic units. In order to define and describe these units more accurately, lithotectonic limits are introduced. These are planar features, such as faults and unconformities, that correspond to the geologic events that formed the lithotectonic unit (Piessens et al. 2024). All information is organised and linked in vocabularies (thesauri) that together not only adequately define each concept, but also determine the relations between them, placing them in space and geological time (Plašienka 1999). This outlines the core methodology, around which 2D and 3D multi-scale visualisations are built, annotations can be added, existing ontologies can be linked (such as the ICS Geological Time Scale Ontology; Cox and Richard, 2005) and newly developed extensions such as the Modified Wilson Cycle (Németh 2021). As such, the work at Belgian level is closely linked to the ongoing international developments. Making use of the ongoing developments at European level, Belgium was the first country to set up a lithotectonic working group that became operational in 2023. Its first goal is to provide a lithotectonic framework that describes a starting set of main geological units and limits in Belgium, according to emerging European standards (the work at European level is linked to the implementation of INSPIRE and 195 is in communication with the GeoSciML community), by the end of 2024. The working group meets approximately every 2 months, and organisationally resides under the National Commission for Stratigraphy in Belgium. The working group will soon be looking for additional experts (junior and senior) in its continuing effort to identify and define broad superstructures, detail the regional geology to the more local level, to tackle new types of lithotectonic elements, or better address parts of geological history. Potential candidates are encouraged to contact one of the authors or the NCS secretariat. Cox SJD, Richard SM (2005) A formal model for the geologic time scale and global stratotype section and point, compatible with geospatial information transfer standards. Geosphere 1:119. Hintersberger E, Iglseder C, Schuster R, Huet B (2017) The new database “Tectonic Boundaries” at the Geological Survey of Austria. Jahrbuch der geologischen Bundesanstalt 157:195–207 Le Bayon B, Padel M, Baudin T, et al (2022) The geological-event reference system, a step towards geological data harmonization. BSGF - Earth Sci Bull 193:18. Németh Z (2021) Lithotectonic units of the Western Carpathians: Suggestion of simple methodology for lithotectonic units defining, applicable for orogenic belts world-wide. Mineralia Slovaca 2:81–90 Piessens K, Walstra J, Willems A, Barros R (2024) Old concepts in a new semantic perspective: introducing a geotemporal approach to conceptual definitions in geology. Life Sciences Plašienka D (1999) Definition and correlation of tectonic units with a special reference to some Central Western Carpathian examples. Mineralia Slovaca 31:3–16
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference Tracing ancient DNA of Foraminifera in tsunami deposits (GEN-EX)
1. Background Tsunami deposits provide information on the long-term frequency-magnitude patterns of events, which may not be covered by the historical and instrumental record. Such information is crucial for the assessment of coastal hazards and mitigation measures against the loss of life and assets. In order to identify tsunami deposits in the coastal sedimentary record and to infer tsunami characteristics, a wide range of proxies has been established based on studies of recent tsunami deposits. Microfossils (e.g. foraminifera, ostracods, diatoms) are often used to recognize tsunami deposits, and to differentiate them from those of other processes. In terms of foraminifera, tsunami deposits mostly contain allochthonous associations dominated by benthic intertidal to inner shelf taxa. Specimens may originate from outer shelf to bathyal depths; even planktonic forms may occur. Furthermore, changes in test numbers, taphonomy, size or adult/juvenile ratios compared to background sedimentation are common (Pilarczyk et al., 2014; Engel et al., 2016). However, dissolution of microfossils often prevent identification and diminish their value as a proxy (Yawsangratt et al., 2012). 2. Study goals and concept To address the problem of post-depositional alteration of microfossil associations in tsunami deposits, high-throughput metagenomic sequencing techniques are applied by the GEN-EX project to identify marine organisms in onshore sand layers based on their DNA remains. Metagenomics (or environmental genomics) is related to sequencing DNA directly from the environmental samples, where the genetic material may have been preserved in sedimentary records covering tens of thousands of years. Metagenomics is an emerging technique in environmental research and is used to characterize the diversity of bacterial communities but also higher organisms such as animals, plants and fungi of recent and ancient origin in a variety of settings, including ice, lake sediments, soils, cave deposits, and various types of surface waters. Metagenomics can also be used to detect cryptic diversity, ultimately providing more accurate estimates of biodiversity (Pedersen et al., 2015). Among the broad range of organisms, foraminifera (single-celled protists) show a water depth-related zonation in subtidal environments, and are the first to have been identified successfully in palaeo- tsunami deposits by their DNA (SzczuciĔski et al., 2016). The main objectives of GEN-EX include: quantifying the relationship between water depth and the distribution of different foraminiferal taxa where known tsunami deposits are present, using a comparative classic micropalaeontological and metagenomic approach; assessing the potential (based on both approaches) for identifying key indicator species in tsunami deposits in different coastal settings; and establishing how metagenomic approaches can contribute to the differentiation between storm and tsunami deposits. 3. DNA extraction DNA will be analysed in two types of material – modern extant foraminifera and sediments (tsunami deposits and adjacent layers). DNA extracted from single foraminiferal specimens will be followed by whole genome amplification to obtain sufficient DNA concentrations. Either part of the nuclear 18S rRNA region or the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) will be amplified, before high-throughput sequencing of the amplicons. Sequences will be edited and aligned, and their identity verified by BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990) searches in Genbank and the Forambarcoding project ( A project-specific database of 18S and mtDNA data of the identified recent foraminifera will be constructed. Sampling of tsunami deposits and DNA extraction follows the protocol of SzczuciĔski et al. (2016). Suitable primers will be developed from our reference database of recent foraminifera to amplify overlapping short fragments of 18S or mtDNA of the target species. Amplicon concentration will be quantified and prepared for high-throughput sequencing. Sequence data will be analysed with different bioinformatics pipelines (e.g. QIIME), including quality control, removal of barcodes and adaptors, identification and removal of chimeric and redundant sequences, and comparisons with our own and open access databases of 18S data for defining Operational Taxonomic Units with 95% and 97% similarity cut-offs. 4. Study area One of the study areas, where the eDNA approach is applied, are the Shetland Islands, exposed to the mega-tsunami triggered by the early Holocene Storegga submarine slide off the coast of Norway. Sediment run-up of more than 25 m left a distinct landward-thinning sand layer with an erosive lower contact, large rip-up clasts, fining-upward sequences and marine diatoms in near-shore lakes and coastal peat lowlands. In addition to sediments associated with the Storegga tsunami, two younger tsunami deposits dated to c. 5 and 1.5 ka (Bondevik et al., 2005) are investigated. Sampling for the planned foraminiferal analyses and eDNA extraction of the deposits and their source area, comprising along the beach and subtidal area to the central shelf area is scheduled for the second half of March 2018. 5. Acknowledgements Funding is kindly provided by a BELSPO BRAIN-be pioneer grant (BR/175/PI/GEN-EX). 6. References Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W. & Lipman, D.J., 1990. Basic local alignment search tool. Journal of Molecular Biology, 215, 403–410. Bondevik, S., Mangerud, J., Dawson, S., Dawson, A. & Lohne, Ø., 2005. Evidence for three North Sea tsunamis at the Shetland Islands between 8000 and 1500 years ago. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, 1757–1775. Engel, M., Oetjen, J., May, S.M. & Brückner, H., 2016. Tsunami deposits of the Caribbean – Towards an improved coastal hazard assessment. Earth-Science Reviews, 163, 260–296. Pedersen, M.W., Overballe-Petersen, S., Ermini, L., Sarkissian, C.D., Haile, J., Hellstrom, M., Spens, J., Thomsen, P.F., Bohmann, K., Cappellini, E., Bærholm Schnell, I., Wales, N.A., Carøe, C., Campos, P.F., Schmidt, A.M.Z., Gilbert, M.T.P., Hansen, A.J., Orlando, L. & Willerslev, E., 2015. Ancient and modern environmental DNA. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 370, 20130383. Pilarczyk, J.E., Dura, T., Horton, B.P., Engelhart, S.E., Kemp, A.C. & Sawai, Y., 2014. Microfossils in coastal environments as indicators of paleo-earthquakes, tsunamis and storms. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 413, 144–157. SzczuciĔski, W., Pawłowska, J., Lejzerowicz, F., Nishimura, Y., KokociĔski, M., Majewski, W., Nakamura, Y. & Pawlowski, J., 2016. Ancient sedimentary DNA reveals past tsunami deposits. Marine Geology, 381, 29–33. Yawsangratt, S., SzczuciĔski, W., Chaimanee, N., Chatprasert, S., Majewski, W. & Lorenc, S., 2012. Evidence of probable paleotsunami deposits on Kho Khao Island, Phang Nga Province, Thailand. Natural Hazards, 63, 151–163.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Inproceedings Reference Tracking the human influence on the modern sedimentary system of the North Sea
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Inproceedings Reference Un crâne de crocodilien du Paléocène inférieur de Chine recule l'apparition des crocodyloïdes en Asie
Les plus anciens crocodiliens (Crocodylia) d’Asie ne sont représentés jusqu’à présent que par des alligatoroïdes et des planocraniidés. Bien que les crocodyloïdes ne soient pas connus avec certitude avant l’Éocène supérieur, l’hypothèse a été émise que des crocodyloïdes basaux de type Asiatosuchus étaient originaires d’Asie avant la fin du Paléocène. Nous décrivons ici un nouveau crocodyloïde fossile provenant du Paléocène inférieur du Bassin de Qianshan, province d’Anhui, Chine. Le crâne et le fragment de mâchoire inférieure associé présentent plusieurs caractéristiques typiques de crocodiliens juvéniles. Ils présentent également une combinaison de caractères non observés dans aucun autre taxon, ce qui justifie l’érection d’une nouvelle espèce et d’un nouveau genre. Les affinités phylogénétiques sont testées dans des analyses basées sur deux matrices de caractères récentes d’Eusuchia. Pour évaluer l’effet des caractéristiques juvéniles sur le résultat des analyses phylogénétiques, des spécimens juvéniles des crocodiliens actuels Alligator mississippiensis et Crocodylus niloticus ont été analysés de la même manière, montrant que l’effet de leur stade ontogénétique sur leur position dans l’arbre est minime. Nos analyses indiquent que le nouveau taxon de Qianshan occupe une position basale au sein des Crocodyloidea. La présence de ces derniers en Asie est donc reculée au Paléocène inférieur, soit 15 à 20 millions d’années plus tôt que ce que l’on pensait auparavant. De plus, nos résultats corroborent les hypothèses précédentes d’une route de dispersion paléocène des crocodyloïdes de type Asiatosuchus de l’Asie vers l’Europe.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Inproceedings Reference Un crâne de crocodilien du Paléocène inférieur de Chine recule l'apparition des crocodyloïdes en Asie
Les plus anciens crocodiliens (Crocodylia) d’Asie ne sont représentés jusqu’à présent que par des alligatoroïdes et des planocraniidés. Bien que les crocodyloïdes ne soient pas connus avec certitude avant l’Éocène supérieur, l’hypothèse a été émise que des crocodyloïdes basaux de type Asiatosuchus étaient originaires d’Asie avant la fin du Paléocène. Nous décrivons ici un nouveau crocodyloïde fossile provenant du Paléocène inférieur du Bassin de Qianshan, province d’Anhui, Chine. Le crâne et le fragment de mâchoire inférieure associé présentent plusieurs caractéristiques typiques de crocodiliens juvéniles. Ils présentent également une combinaison de caractères non observés dans aucun autre taxon, ce qui justifie l’érection d’une nouvelle espèce et d’un nouveau genre. Les affinités phylogénétiques sont testées dans des analyses basées sur deux matrices de caractères récentes d’Eusuchia. Pour évaluer l’effet des caractéristiques juvéniles sur le résultat des analyses phylogénétiques, des spécimens juvéniles des crocodiliens actuels Alligator mississippiensis et Crocodylus niloticus ont été analysés de la même manière, montrant que l’effet de leur stade ontogénétique sur leur position dans l’arbre est minime. Nos analyses indiquent que le nouveau taxon de Qianshan occupe une position basale au sein des Crocodyloidea. La présence de ces derniers en Asie est donc reculée au Paléocène inférieur, soit 15 à 20 millions d’années plus tôt que ce que l’on pensait auparavant. De plus, nos résultats corroborent les hypothèses précédentes d’une route de dispersion paléocène des crocodyloïdes de type Asiatosuchus de l’Asie vers l’Europe.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Inproceedings Reference Understanding the Earth for the people that inhabit it: Belgian and Flemish institutes joining hands in the framework of GeoERA
Societies rely on a secure, responsible and affordable supply of resources to meet their basic needs, in order to live life in a safe and healthy environment. The natural resources from the subsurface, i.e. groundwater, geo-energy and raw materials, represent essential elements in this provision. Safety from catastrophic events, such as those linked to earthquakes, or continuous ones, such as subsidence, can be improved by understanding the causes, frequency or rates of processes, and their impacts. These applied goals require a correct and intimate understanding of the regional geology. While geological surveys and other organisations working on the subsurface were initially very much focussed on national supply of resources, issues such as environmental consequences have increasingly come to the forefront. Europe has now become the relevant scale when considering import or export of raw materials. This results in an increasing pressure to place regional knowledge in a cross-border or pan-European context. To support cross-border, thematic research, the European Commission issued a call for an ERA-NET to which a consortium of 33 national and 15 regional organisations responded. An ERA-NET is a project that internally organises a competitive call for projects. In 2017, GeoERA officially started. After an internal call for project proposals, 15 projects were approved that receive about 30% top-up funding under H2020. The remainder of the resources comes from different sources of funding, totalling the budget to 30.3 M€. Projects are funded under the themes Geo-Energy, Raw Materials, and Ground Water. A fourth theme, Data Infrastructure, will realise the shared ambition of all projects to jointly store and publish their data on-line as an extension of country specific databases (e.g. DOV, Gisel). The starting date of the GeoERA research projects granted funding is 1 July 2018, and the projects will run for three years. Belgian and Flemish institutes involved are: the Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB), the Bureau for Environment and Spatial Development – Flanders (VPO), the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN). Although not involved as official partner, the Geological Survey of Wallonia supports the initiative by means of data provision. The GSB is involved in seven projects, VITO, as linked third partyof VPO in two projects, VPO itself in one project, and VMM in three projects of which two will be elaborated in close cooperation with SCK-CEN, the linked third party of VMM. Together with VPO-VITO, the GSB is coordinator of GeoConnect³d, a strongly crossthematic Geo-Energy project that aims to disclose geological information for policy support and subsurface management. Other funded Geo-Energy projects in which the GSB is involved are MUSE, a project on shallow geothermal energy in European urban areas, and HIKE, on induced hazards and impacts related to the exploitation of subsurface resources throughout Europe. Under the theme Raw Materials the GSB participates in Mintell4EU, which aims to improve the European knowledge base on raw materials, as well as in FRAME, that is designed to research the critical and strategic raw materials in Europe. For groundwater the GSBeis directly involved in the HOVER project, mainly on data collection related to natural springs. VMM is also involved in HOVER, but in a work package on the distinction between anthropogenic and geogenic causes of groundwater contamination (especially how to deal with it in groundwater policy and management) with substances like arsenic. Moreover, VMM is, together with SCK-CEN, participating and leading a work package in two other Ground Water projects, namely VoGERA on investigating the vulnerability of shallow groundwater resources to deep subsurface energy-related activities, and RESOURces about harmonization of information about Europe’s groundwater resources through cross-border demonstration projects. Finally, the GIP-P project, where the GSB is work package leader, will establish a common platform for organising, disseminating and sustaining the digital results of the GeoERA projects. GeoERA is more than the occasional H2020 project. The combined efforts by the Belgian and Flemish institutes to engage in 10 different projects is a cooperative approach, with clear ambitions to demonstrate how cross-thematic research links can be set-up by different institutes, and how these can provide fruitful results for policy makers and other stakeholders. This is a notable effort in a project that is about establishing and demonstrating the added value of a European geological surveys research area, and finding how to optimally link regional, national and European efforts and interests. Acknowledgements This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731166
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Inproceedings Reference Varanidé, Saniwa orsmaelensis, de l'Eocène basal du Nord-Ouest de l'Europe
Saniwa est un genre éteint de lézard varanidé de l’Eocène européen et nord-américain et taxon frère du groupecouronne Varanus. Jusqu’à maintenant, seule une espèce, Saniwa orsmaelensis était rapportée en Europe, dans l’Eocène basal de Dormaal, Belgique. Cette espèce, originellement nommée par Louis Dollo il y a presqu’un siècle, est le plus ancien varanidé d’Europe. Malheureusement, le matériel diagnostique était limité à quelques vertèbres, décrites assez brièvement et non figurées, si l’on excepte une vertèbre dorsale désignée comme lectotype. Nous décrivons et illustrons ici de nouveaux spécimens de Dormaal ainsi que du Quesnoy, Bassin de Paris, France, incluant des restes crâniens (maxillaire, dentaires et pariétal), permettant de confirmer la validité de ce taxon européen. Ces nouveaux spécimens permettent en effet de nouvelles comparaisons avec l’espèce-type Saniwa ensidens, de l’Eocène moyen des formations de Bridger et de Green River, Wyoming, Etats-Unis et permettent d’amender la diagnose de S. orsmaelensis. La présence de S. orsmaelensis est restreinte à l’Eocène inférieur du Nord-Ouest de l’Europe et son origine géographique n’est pas encore certaine car Saniwa apparait simultanément en Amérique du Nord en Europe. La présence relativement brève des lézards varanidés dans le Paléogène Européen pourrait résulter des rapides changements environnementaux aux alentours du Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum qui ont permis de nombreux échanges fauniques dans l’hémisphère nord. Cependant, le sens de ces migrations n’est pas encore connu. Par ailleurs, les considérations paléogéographiques liées à la distribution du genre Saniwa suggèrent une origine asiatique bien qu’une origine africaine ne puisse être complètement exclue. Ce résumé est une contribution au projet réseau Belspo Brain BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica financé par le Bureau de la Politique Scientifique Belge.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Inproceedings Reference Vestibular sensitivity and locomotor behavior in early paleocene mammals
The end-Cretaceous extinction triggered the collapse of ecosystems and a drastic turnover of mammalian communities. During the Mesozoic, mammals were ecologically diverse, but less than extant species. Modern ecological richness was established by the Eocene, but questions remain about the ecology of the first wave of mammals radiating after the extinction. Postcranial fossils are often used to determine locomotor behavior; however, the semicircular canals of the inner ear also represent a reliable proxy. These canals detect the angular acceleration of the head during locomotion and transmit neuronal signals to the brain to allow stabilization of the eyes and head. Accordingly, vestibular sensitivity to rapid rotational head movements is higher in species with a larger canal radius of curvature and more orthogonal canals. We used high-resolution computed tomography scanning to obtain inner ear virtual endocasts for 30 specimens. We supplemented these with data from the literature to construct a database of 79 fossils from the Jurassic to the Eocene and 262 extant mammals. We compared data on canal morphology and another lifestyle proxy, the size of the petrosal lobules, which have a role in maintaining eyes’ movements and position. We find that Paleocene mammals exhibited a lower average and more constricted range of Agility Indices (AI), a new measure of canal radius size relative to body size, compared to Mesozoic, Eocene and extant taxa. In the early Paleocene, body mass and canal radius increased, but the former outpaced the latter leading to an AI decline. Similarly, their petrosal lobules were relatively smaller on average compared to other temporal groups, which suggests less ability for fast movements. Additionally, Paleocene mammals had similar AIs to extant scansorial and terrestrial quadrupeds. In contrast, the lack of canal orthogonality change from the Mesozoic to the Paleocene indicates no trend toward lower vestibular sensitivity regardless of changes in body size. This result may reflect functional differences between canal orthogonality and radius size. Our results support previous work on tarsal morphology and locomotor behavior ancestral state reconstruction suggesting that ground dwelling mammals were more common than arboreal taxa during the Paleocene. Ultimately, this pattern may indicate that the collapse of forested environments immediately after extinction led to the preferential survivorship of more terrestrially adapted mammals. Funding Sources Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: IF, European Research Council StG, National Science Foundation, Belgian Science Policy Office, DMNS No Walls Community Initiative.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Inproceedings Reference What's going on in (published) cave science? in press
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021