RBINS Staff Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.
Court-Picon, M, Damblon, F, and Pirson, S
La palynologie en grotte : potentiels et limites pour les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales au cours du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, pp. 15-17.
Court-Picon, M, Draily, C, Damblon, F, Debenham, N, De Wilde, B, Van Neer, W, Wouters, W, Toussaint, M, and Pirson, S
La Grotte Walou (Trooz): une séquence exceptionnelle du Paléolithique belge
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, 117-118.
Court-Picon, M, Preiss, S, De Waele, E, and Heller, F
L’abbaye de Villers-la-Ville (Brabant Wallon, Belgique) et son environnement à l’aube de sa fondation : approche archéobotanique
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, pp. 130-131.
Court-Picon, M, Preiss, S, Goffette, Q, and Herremans, D
Les plantes exploitées et consommées des cuisines de l’Abbaye de Clairefontaine (Province de Luxembourg) à la fin du Moyen Age (14e –15e siècles)
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, pp. 131-133.
Crombé, P, Sergant, J, Perdaen, Y, Meylemans, E, and Deforce, K
Neolithic pottery finds at the wetland site of Bazel-Kruibeke (Flanders, Belgium): evidence of long-distance forager-farmer contact during the late 6th and 5th millennium cal BC in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt area
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 45:21-38.
Crombé, P, Verhegge, J, Deforce, K, and Robinson, E
Wetland landscape dynamics, Swifterbant land use systems, and the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the southern North Sea basin
Quaternary International, 378:119-133.
Dagosto, M, Gebo, DL, Ni, X, and Smith, T
Estimating body size in early primates: the case of Archicebus and Teilhardina
In: Special Issue: Program of the 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists - Abstracts - AAPA Presentations, vol. 156, pp. 115.
Damblon, F, Haesaerts, P, Pirson, S, Frank-Fellner, K, Court-Picon, M, Gerasimenko, N, and Nigst, P
Charcoal, wood, mollusc, pollen and radiocarbon dates from Eurasiuan loess sites : an attempt of convergent multidisciplinary approach
In: University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 6th International Anthracology Meeting.
Danielopol, D, Baltanas, A, Carbonel, P, Colins, J, Crasquin, S, Decrouy, L, De Deckker, P, Gliozzi, E, Groos-Uffenorde, H, Horne, D, Iepure, S, Keyser, D, Kornicker, L, Lord, A, Martens, K, Matzke-Karasz, R, Miller, C, Oertli, H, Pugliese, N, Russo, A, Sames, B, Schön, I, Siveter, D, Smith, A, Viehberg, F, Wouters, K, and Yassini, I
From Naples 1963 to Rome 2013 - A brief review of how the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO) developed as a social communication system
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 419:3-22.
DaRocha, WD, Ribeiro, SP, Neves, FS, Fernandes, GW, Leponce, M, and Delabie, JH
How does bromeliad distribution structure the arboreal ant assemblage (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on a single tree in a Brazilian Atlantic forest agroecosystem?
Myrmecological News, 21:83-92.
De Broyer C and Derwael, J
The “Belgica” Antarctic expedition 1897-1899 and its cartographic work
In: The World in a Mirror, ed. by Parmentier J.. MAS Antwerp, chap. 11, pp. 146-149.
De Broyer, C and Derwael, J
De “Belgica” antarctische expeditie 1897-1899 en zijn cartographisch werk
In: De wereld gespiegeld, ed. by Parmentier J.. MAS Antwerpen, chap. 11, pp. 146-149.
De Broyer, C, Clarke, A, Koubbi, P, Pakhomov, E, Scott, F, Vanden Berghe, W, and Danis, B
The SCAR-MarBIN Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS)
De Busschere, C, Van Belleghem, S, and Hendrickx, F
Inter and intra island introgression in a wolf spider radiation from the Galapagos and its implications for parallel evolution
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 84:73-84.
De Ceukelaire, M
EEN STAD VAN STEEN Het gebruik van natuursteen in het Geraardsbergse bouwpatrimonium
Gerardimontium, 261:3-15.
De Ceukelaire, M and Dusar, M
Belgisch marmer
Grondboor & Hamer ism Gea, 5/6:14-22.
De Clercq, H, Dusar, M, De Ceukelaire, M, Smets, S, and Verhaert, G
Natuursteen – Diestiaan ijzerzandsteen : een ijzersterk verhaal
Handboek Onderhoud Renovatie Restauratie, Kluwer, II.3(Afl. 62):89-160 .
De Clercq, M, Chademenos, V, Van Lancker, V, and Missiaen, T
A high-resolution DEM for the Top-Palaeogene surface of the Belgian Continental Shelf
Journal of Maps.
De Coster, G, De Laet, J, Vangestel, C, Adriaensen, F, and Lens, L
Citizen science in action - Evidence for long-term, region-wide House Sparrow declines in Flanders, Belgium
Landscape and Urban Planning, 134:139-146.
De Cupere, B, Frémondeau, D, Kaptijn, E, Marinova, E, Poblome, J, Vandam, R, and Van Neer, W
Subsistence economy and land use strategies in the Burdur province (SW Anatolia) from prehistory to the Byzantine period.
Quaternary International, online 28 December 2015; doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.097.
De Cupere, B, Poblome, J, Hamilton-Dyer, S, and Van Haelst, S
Communal dining in the eastern suburbs of ancient Sagalassos, Turkey? The evidence of animal remains and material culture
HEROM, 4(2):173-197.
De Jong, Y, Kouwenberg, J, Boumans, L, Hussey, C, Hyam, R, Nicolson, N, Kirk, P, Paton, A, Michel, E, Guiry, M, Boegh, P, Pedersen, H, Enghoff, H, von Raab-Straube, E, Güntsch, A, Geoffroy, M, Müller, A, Kohlbecker, A, Berendsohn, W, Appeltans, W, Arvanitidis, C, Vanhoorne, B, Declerck, J, Vandepitte, L, Hernandez, F, Nash, R, Costello, M, Ouvrard, D, Bezard-Falgas, P, Bourgoin, T, Wetzel, F, Glöckler, F, Korb, G, Ring, C, Hagedorn, G, Häuser, C, Aktaç, N, Asan, A, Ardelean, A, Borges, P, Dhora, D, Khachatryan, H, Malicky, M, Ibrahimov, S, Tuzikov, A, De Wever, A, Moncheva, S, Spassov, N, Chobot, K, Popov, A, Boršić, I, Sfenthourakis, S, Kõljalg, U, Uotila, P, Olivier, G, Dauvin, J, Tarkhnishvili, D, Chaladze, G, Tuerkay, M, Legakis, A, Peregovits, L, Gudmundsson, G, Ólafsson, E, Lysaght, L, Galil, B, Raimondo, F, Domina, G, Stoch, F, Minelli, A, Spungis, V, Budrys, E, Olenin, S, Turpel, A, Walisch, T, Krpach, V, Gambin, M, Ungureanu, L, Karaman, G, Kleukers, R, Stur, E, Aagaard, K, Valland, N, Moen, T, Bogdanowicz, W, Tykarski, P, Węsławski, J, Kędra, M, M. de Frias Martins, A, Abreu, A, Silva, R, Medvedev, S, Ryss, A, Šimić, S, Marhold, K, Stloukal, E, Tome, D, Ramos, M, Valdés, B, Pina, F, Kullander, S, Telenius, A, Gonseth, Y, Tschudin, P, Sergeyeva, O, Vladymyrov, V, Rizun, V, Raper, C, Lear, D, Stoev, P, Penev, L, Rubio, A, Backeljau, T, Saarenmaa, H, and Ulenberg, S
PESI - a taxonomic backbone for Europe
Biodiversity Data Journal, 3(e5848).
De Kock, T, Boone, M, Dewanckele, J, De Ceukelaire, M, and Cnudde, V
Lede Stone: A potential “Global Heritage Stone Resource” from Belgium
IUGS Episodes.
De Kock, T, De Ceukelaire, M, Elsen, J, and Cnudde, V
De Eocene witte stenen van Noord Belgie
Grondboor & Hamer ism Gea, 5/6:84-91.
De Meester, N, Derycke, S, Rigaux, A, and Moens, T
Temperature and salinity induce differential responses in life histories of cryptic nematode species
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 472:54-62.
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