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RBINS Staff Publications 2024

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 84 references in this bibliography folder.

Fuller, B, Riehl, S, Linseele, V, Marinova, E, De Cupere, B, Bretschneider, J, Richards, M, and Van Neer, W (2024).
Agropastoral and dietary practices of the northern Levant facing Late Holocene climate and environmental change: Isotopic analysis of plants, animals and humans from Bronze to Iron Age Tell Tweini
PLOS ONE, 19(6):e0301775.

Goedert, J, Broussard, D, Trop, J, Daeschler, E, Amiot, R, Fourel, F, Olive, S, Vinçon-Laugier, A, and Lécuyer, C (2024).
Oxygen and sulfur stable isotope ratios of Late Devonian vertebrates trace the relative salinity of their aquatic environments
The Geological Society of America Bulletin.

Gonzalez Vilas, L, Brando, V, Concha, J, Goyens, C, Dogliotti, A, Doxaran, D, Dille, A, and Van Der Zande, D (2024).
Validation of satellite water products based on Hypernets in situ data using a Match-up Database File (MDB) structure
Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5:1330317.

Gourgue, O, Belliard, J, Xu, Y, Kleinhans, MG, Fagherazzi, S, and Temmerman, S (2024).
Dense vegetation hinders sediment transport toward saltmarsh interiors
Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 9(6):764-775.

Gozingan, AS, Sohou, Z, Baetens, K, Bonou, F, Baloïtcha, E, Gourgue, O, Romanelli, H, Capet, A, and Lacroix, G (2024).
A 3D numerical baroclinic application of the COHERENS model in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa
Regional Studies in Marine Science, 79:103811.

Hautekiet, S, Rossius, J, Gourgue, O, Kleinhans, MG, and Temmerman, S (2024).
On the relative role of abiotic and biotic controls on channel network development: insights from scaled tidal flume experiments
Earth Surface Dynamics, 12:601–619.

Hoedemakers, K, Jawad, LA, Artemenkov, DV, Benzik, AN, and Orlov, AM (2024).
Otolith morphology of mesopelagic fishes collected from the Irminger Sea, North Atlantic Ocean
Zoologischer Anzeiger, 312:153-177.

Hotekpo, JS, Schön, I, and Martens, K (2024).
An endemic species flock of Candonidae Kaufmann, 1900 (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from wells in Benin (West Africa), with the description of a new subfamily, a new genus and five new species
Zootaxa, 5503(1):001-072.

Review of the lanternfly genus Pyrops of Thailand (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) with notes and keys to species
Zootaxa, 5397(1):047-079.

Kilikowska, A, Schön, I, Wysocka, A, Pieri, V, Kaczmarczyk-Ziemba, A, Prais, K, Martens, K, and Namiotko T (2024).
Multiple genetic species in a halophilic non-marine ostracod (Crustacea)
Hydrobiologia, 851(10):2447-2467.

Kmentová, N, Cruz-Laufer, AJ, Milec, LJM, Moons, T, Heeren, S, van den Hoorn, E, Thys, KJ, Makasa, L, Manda, AC, Mulungula, PM, Van Steenberge, M, Jorissen, MWP, and Vanhove, MPM (2024).
Host lifestyle and parasite interspecific facilitation mediate co- infection in a species-poor host–parasite system

Kmentová, N, Rosell, S, Reniers, J, Jacobs, A, de Waart, S, Murchie, A, and Vanhove, M (2024).
Detection of invasive and alien land planarians as threats to agriculture and ecosystem stability
Neobiota 2024.

Kouakou, LMM, Yode, DC, Koneman, NF, Ouattara, D, Etimandjore, F, Malan, DF, Yeo, Y, and Dekoninck, W (2024).
First inventory of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with detection of potentially invasive species in National Park of Ehotilés islands, Côte d’Ivoire
Sociobiology, 71(1):1-8.

Lambert, O (2024).
Whale evolution: Ancient toothed relative of baleen whales breaches northward
Current Biology, 34(8):R328-R330.

Lamkhalkhal, A, Rahmouni I, Selfati, M, Hamid, A, Kmentová, N, P.M.Vanhove, M, and Bazairi, H (2024).
Hematodinium perezi (Dinophyceae: Syndiniales) in Morocco: The First Record on the African Atlantic Coast and the First Country Record of a Parasite of the Invasive Non-Native Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(1045).

Liu, Z, Sergio, F, He, Q, Gourgue, O, Bai, J, Li, X, Miao, C, Cui, B, and Hu, Z (2024).
A global meta-analysis on the drivers of salt marsh planting success and implications for ecosystem services
Nature Communications, 15:3643.

Léo, B, Sigrid, L, Filip AM, V, and Geneviève, L (2024).
Lessons from the calibration and sensitivity analysis of a fish larval transport model
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 731:67--88.

Marchegiano, M, Peral, M, Venderickx, J, Martens, K, García-Alix, A, Snoeck, C, Goderis, S, and Claeys, P (2024).
The Ostracod Clumped-Isotope Thermometer: A Novel Tool to Accurately Quantify Continental Climate Changes
Geophysical Research Letters, 51(4).

Martens, K, Mertens, G, and Schmidt-Kloiber, A (2024).
infraFADA: Upgrading the taxonomic backbone of global freshwater animal biodiversity research infrastructures
10th European Ostracodologists' Meeting (EOM10).

Martens, K, Mertens, G, and Schmidt-Kloiber, A (2024).
infraFADA: Upgrading the taxonomic backbone of global freshwater animal biodiversity research infrastructures
37 Congress of International Society of Limnology (SIL2024).

Martens, K, Mertens, G, and Schmidt-Kloiber, A (2024).
The Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment (FADA): a taxonomic backbone for global biodiversity databases
LifeWatch Biodiversity Day Conference.

Mertens, G, Martens, K, and Schmidt-Kloiber, A (2024).
infraFADA: Upgrading the taxonomic backbone of global freshwater animal biodiversity research infrastructures
Empowering Biodiversity Research III Conference(Institute of Naturals Sciences).

Meylemans, E, Perdaen, Y, Vanholme, N, Bastiaens, J, Bogemans, F, Clerbaut, T, Debruyne, S, Deforce, K, Desmedt, P, Dils, J, Ervynck, A, Haneca, K, Lentacker, A, Reniere, S, Storme, A, Van Neer, W, and Verbeelen, G (2024).
Een midden-Romeinse rurale site in de Sigma zone ‘Wijmeers 2’ (Schellebelle, Oost-Vlaanderen)
Onroerend Erfgoed.

Musinguzi, L, Kamya, A, Nsega, M, Natungoza, V, Okelllo, W, Snoecks, J, and Van Steenberge, M (2024).
Estimates of life-history and growth parameters of exploited fish species in lakes Edward and George: Implications on exploitation status, population dynamics, management, and conservation of native species
Journal of Fish Biology.

Nahar, R, Costa, P, Van Daele, M, Dawson, S, Engel, M, Scheder, J, Heyvaert, V, and De Batist, M (2024).
Constructing an offshore tsunami event stratigraphy for the Shetland Islands.
In: EGU General Assembly 2024, 14-19 April 2024, Vienna.

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