RBINS Staff Publications 2024
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 431 references in this bibliography folder.
De Schutter, L, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M
Middeleeuwse aanlegplaats “Bierwerf” aan de Scheldekaaien in Antwerpen. Natuursteenbeschrijving en -interpretatie. Studie in opdracht van: Stad Antwerpen, Dienst Stadsontwikkeling.
KBIN-BGD, Expertise natuursteen(66 p.).
De Schutter, L, Dusar, M, De Ceukelaire, M, and Bellens, T
Geodiversity of a stone deposit in the old city centre of Antwerp. Source of information on roman and medieval trade and use. 8th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024, 11-13 September 2024, Liège.
In: Proceedings 8th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024, 11-13 September 2024, Liège., ed. by Charlier, B.; Prestianni, C.; Namur, O. (org.) , pp. 157-158.
De Somviele, B, Sercu B, D'Haijere, T, Janssens de Bisthoven, L, Rochette, A, De Smedt, B, Vercruysse, K, Henin, V, De Coster, T, Janssens, A, Verbeeck, W, Slimbrouck, J, and Meyers, Y
Socio-ecological resilience in the programme of SECORES members : 2 years of achievements
Webpublished, https://www.xcdsystem.com/atbc/program/N15GdtT/index.cfm?pgid=3286&printmode=1&sid=27494&abid=135883.
de Ville de Goyet, N, Vandenberghe, T, and Van den Steen, N
Real-Time Data Transfer and Management for the RV Belgica Using FROST OGC SensorThings API
In: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Proceedings Volume, vol. 80, pp. 75-76.
de Ville de Goyet, N, Vandenberghe, T, Van den Steen, N, Backers, J, Youdjou, N, Van den Branden, R, and Stojanov, Y
Odanext - Oceanographic data acquisition: the next age
No source specified
De Vis, P, Goyens, C, Hunt, S, Vanhellemont, Q, Ruddick, K, and Bialek, A
Generating Hyperspectral Reference Measurements for Surface Reflectance from the LANDHYPERNET and WATERHYPERNET Networks
Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5:1347230.
De Wint, FC, Oorts, D, Branstetter, MG, De Graaf, D, Dekoninck, W, Jocque, M, Martin, TE, Sudworth, J, Van Osselaer, R, and Hamer, MT
107 Ants in the clouds: A preliminary checklist of the ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) fauna of a Honduran cloud forest ecosystem, featuring a key to country genera
Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 19(2):107-135.
de Winter, NJ, Tindall, J, Johnson, AL, Goudsmit-Hazevoort, B, Wichern, N, Kaskes, P, Claeys, P, Huygen, F, van Leeuwen, S, Metcalfe, B, Bakker, P, Goolaerts, S, Wesselingh, F, and Ziegler, M
Amplified seasonality in western Europe in a warmer world
Science Advances, 10(20):eadl6717.
Decrée, S
The Critical Raw Materials Atlas of Belgium
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 66. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium .
Decrée, S
Metallic Resources 2 : Geodynamic Framework and Remarkable Examples in the World
Editions ISTE-Wiley. (ISBN: 9781789491364).
Decrée, S
Metallic Resources 1 : Geodynamic Framework and Remarkable Examples in Europe
Editions ISTE-Wiley. (ISBN: 9781789491357).
Decrée, S, Deloule, E, Barros, R, Mercadier, J, Höhn, S, Pfeiffert, C, and Baele, J
Processes controlling rare earth element distribution in sedimentary apatite: Insights from spectroscopy, in situ geochemistry and O and Sr isotope composition
Sedimentology, 71(3):713-744.
Defraiture, S, Polet, C, and Vercauteren, M
Les sinusites maxillaires à l’époque mérovingienne. Étude des nécropoles de Ciply, Braives et Torgny (Belgique, VIe-VIIe siècles ap. J.-C.)
In: Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, vol. 36(S).
Degrendele, K, Barette, F, Roche, M, De Backer, A, Lopez Lopez, L, Kint, L, Van den Eynde, D, and Van Lancker, V
Conclusions and future actions
In: Monitoring Report 2012-2014. Study Day ‘Gold in the North Sea: the importance of marine sand and innovations in terms of monitoring and research. , ed. by FPS Economy, ILVO and RBINS, chap. 4, pp. 58-59.
Dekoninck, W, Verdin, A, Verdin, L, and Vankerkhoven, F
Rediscovery of Camponotus herculeanus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 160:41-45.
Dekoynck, M, Deforce, K, Kaal, J, Out, W, Van Thienen, V, Buyse, F, Kubiak-Martens, L, Tack, P, Vincze, L, Lycke, S, and De Clercq, W
Fuelling the Roman salt industry. Developing a new multiproxy approach to identify peat fuel from archaeological combustion residue
Journal of Archaeological Science ( 105892).
Delaby, S, Hallet, V, Quinif, Y, and Verheyden, S
One geological site of the Geopark Famenne Ardenne on the list of the second 100 IUGS geological sites.
In: Int. congress of Geologica Belgica. 11-13 September Liège., pp. 155-156.
Delaby, S, Verheyden, S, Dejonghe, L, Devleeschouwer, X, Dusar, M, Speijer, R, and Petit, A
The Durbuy Anticline: a top geoheritage site in the UNESCO Global Geopark Famenne-Ardenne, Belgium.
In: 17th European Geoparks Conference 2024. Reykjanes, Iceland, 2-4 October 2024. Abstract book, pp. 116.
Delongueville, C and Scaillet, R
Philine angulata (Jeffreys, 1867) (Gastropoda, Cephalaspidea: Philinidae) collected for the first time in Icelandic waters
Novapex, 25(1):47-49.
Delongueville, C, Olafsdottir, SH, and Scaillet, R
Report often years of Mollusca collection in Icelandic waters by the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
Marine & Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland, Antiques Shop 5, 220 Hafnarfjordur, Iceland. Marine and Aquatic Research.
Denayer, J, Coen-Aubert, M, Marion, J, and Mottequin, B
Middle Devonian lithostratigraphy of Belgium
Geologica Belgica, 27(3-4):155-192.
Denis, P, Capet, A, Ong, EZ, Vanaverbeke, J, and Legrand, S
Maps of faecal pellets deposition patterns around different conceptual floating MPV farms withing an existing OWF in the Belgian part of the North Sea
RBINS, Project Deliverable, Brussels.
Denis, P, Legrand, S, and Capet, A
Hydrodynamic modelling of offshore photovoltaic installations within an existing wind farm in the Belgian part of the North Sea
RBINS, Project Deliverable, Brussels.
Denis, S, Deramaix, I, Jadin, I, Cagnato, C, Cayol, N, Gehres, B, Goemaere, E, Gomart, L, Hamon, C, Teetaert, D, Vanbrabant, Y, and Zeebroek, M
Ath "Les Haleurs", deux occupations Rubané et Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain (Néolithique ancien). Mécanismes de transition culturelle par l'étude intégrée des productions.
Anthropologica et Præhistorica, 135:7-106.
Deramaix, I, Denis, S, Jadin, I, Cagnato, C, Cayol, N, Gehres, B, Goemaere, E, Gomart, L, Hamon, C, Teetaert, D, Vanbrabant, Y, and Zeebroek, M
ilan des recherches menées sur les vestiges néologiques du site des Haleurs à Ath.
In: Journées de l’Archéologie Wallonie, 27 & 28 novembre, Résumés de communication, Journée du 28/11/2024, Beez (Namur) : 2 p.
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