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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024 / Biofluorescence in Morelia, Malayopython and Python: first reports for the Pythonidae

Jonathan Brecko and Olivier S Pauwels (2024)

Biofluorescence in Morelia, Malayopython and Python: first reports for the Pythonidae

Herpetology Notes, 17:625-631.

Ultraviolet (UV) induced biofluorescence in snakes has been underexplored compared to lizards. This study reports for the first time UV fluorescence in several Pythonidae species, including Morelia viridis, Malayopython reticulatus, and Python regius. Specimens were examined under both white and UV light, revealing that UV fluorescence in these snakes is likely skin-based, induced by chemical compounds rather than bone-based as seen in other reptiles. Notably, Morelia viridis and M. azurea exhibited a golden mustard yellow fluorescence, while Malayopython reticulatus displayed a complex pattern with intense yellow fluorescence. The study also found that UV fluorescence is absent in ethanol-preserved specimens, suggesting the degradation of fluorescent compounds during preservation. These findings contribute to the understanding of UV fluorescence in snakes and highlight the need for further research on its functional significance and the specific molecules involved.
RBINS Publication(s), EN, RBINS Collection(s), Open Access, Impact Factor, Peer Review

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