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RBINS Staff Publications 2024

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 431 references in this bibliography folder.

Devleeschouwer, X, Tiago-Basyn, T, Maulet, G, and Mattielli, N (2024).
The natural stones of the cemeteries in the PNDO (Ardennes, Wallonia, Belgium): a geoheritage approach linking geodiversity and biodiversity
In: Abstract for the 37th International Geological Congress 2024. Busan, South Korea, August 25-30 2024.

Dezayes, C, Petitclerc, E, and Averbuch, O (2024).
Projet INTERREG NWE DGE-ROLLOUT: Quels apports pour le développement de la géothermie dans les Hauts-de-France ?
Journée géothermie en Hauts-de -France, ADEME, AFPG.

Di Modica, K, Pirson, S, Court-Picon, M, Damblon, F, Devièse, T, Guérin, G, Higham, T, Sinet-Mathiot, V, Talamo, S, Verheyden, S, Vonhof, H, and Abrams, G (2024).
Chrono stratigraphy of the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in North-West Europe: new results from Scladina Cave (Belgium).
In: British Museum Palaeolithic-Mesolithic Conference 2024, 11th-12th April 2024 -UK.

Di Modica, K, Pirson, S, Court-Picon, M, Damblon, F, Devièse, T, Guérin, G, Higham, T, Sinet-Mathiot, V, Talamo, S, Verheyden, S, Vonhof, H, and Abrams, G (2024).
Geoarchaeological approach in Scladina cave (Belgium): new results on the chronostratigraphy of the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in North-West Europe
In: Int. congress of Geologica Belgica. 11-13 September Liège, pp. 285-286.

Di Modica, K, Pirson, S, Court-Picon, M, Damblon, F, Devièse, T, Guérin, G, Higham, T, Sinet-Mathiot, V, Talamo, S, Verheyden, S, Vonhof, H, and Abrams, G (2024).
Approche géoarchéologique appliquée à la grotte Scladina : nouveaux résultats relatifs à la chronostratigraphie de la fin du Paléolithique moyen et de la transition vers le Paléolithique supérieur dans le nord-ouest de l’Europe
In: Pré-actes des Journées d'Archéologie en Wallonie, 27-28 novembre 2024, Beez, Belgique.

Di Modica, K, Pirson, S, Court-Picon, M, Damblon, F, Devièse, T, Guérin, G, Higham, T, Talamo, S, Verheyden, S, Vonhof, H, and Abrams, G (2024).
Approche géoarchéologique appliquée à la grotte Scladina : nouveaux résultats relatifs à la chronostratigraphie de la fin du Paléolithique moyen et de la transition vers le Paléolithique supérieur dans le nord-ouest de l’Europe
In: Pré-actes des Journées d'Archéologie en Wallonie, 27-28 novembre 2024, Beez, Belgique.

Dimzas, D, Diakou, A, Di Cesare, A, Tamvakis, A, Traversa, D, Kassari, N, Vanderheyden, A, and Backeljau, T (2024).
Slugs or Snails - Which is more to blame for feline lungworm infections?
In: Abstract Book of the 10th European Congress of Malacological Societies, 15-20 September 2024, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, pp. 86.

Dirix, K, van Haren, T, De Nil, K, and Walstra, J (2024).
Modelling anthropogenic deposits in 3D geological models
In: 8th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024, pp. 370, Geologica Belgica Luxemburga.

Dogliotti, A, Piegari, E, Rubinstein, L, Perna, P, and Ruddick, K (2024).
Using the automated HYPERNETS hyperspectral system for multimission satellite ocean colour validation in the Río de la Plata, accounting for different spatial resolutions
Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5:1354662.

Dogniez, M, Cadonici, D, Moreau, C, Katz, Danis, B, Brusselman, A, Delille, B, Michel, LN, Schön, I, and Lepoint, G (2024).
Benthic Food Webs in Antarctica ~ Would you care for some more (micro)algae ?
Benelux Congress of Zoology.

Dogniez, M, Moreau, C, Katz, L, Danis, B, Brusselman, A, Delille, B, Michel, LN, Schön, I, and Lepoint, G (2024).
High-resolution description of insular and fjordic benthic food webs along the West Antarctic Peninsula
13th International Conference on the Application of Stable Isotope Techniques in Ecological Studies.

Drumont, A (2024).
Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Ziglipton Komiya, 2003 de l'île de Palawan, Philippines (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, 50:133-137.

Drumont, A and Komiya, Z (2024).
A note on the genus Rugosophysis Komiya & Drumont, 2008 (Contribution to the knowledge of Indonesian Prioninae - 1) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, NS, 48:25-28.

Drumont, A, Delwaide, M, Miessen, G, Verdugo, A, and Tschorsnig, H (2024).
Calicnemis latreillei Laporte, 1832 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae), a new host for the Tachinid fly Microphthalma europaea Egger, 1860
Lambillionea, CXXIV(2):104-106.

Dusar, M and De Ceukelaire, M (2024).
Een licht gekleurd alternatief voor blauwe steen: Comblanchien.
Natuursteen(Februari 2024):14-19.

Duy Vu, V, Minh Nguyen, H, Puthan Purayil, S, Lacroix, G, and Thanh Nguyen, D (2024).
Seasonal variation of coastal currents and residual currents in the CAT BA – HA long coastal area (VIET NAM): Results of coherens model
Regional Studies in Marine Science, 80:103874.

Elzerman, S, Campbell, S, Wouters, W, and Langeveld, B (2024).
Een verdachte hondshaai in de Crezéepolder
Het Natuurhistorisch, museumkrant(36 (1)).

Engel, M, Costa, P, Dawson, S, Nahar, R, Scheder, J, van Daele, M, Heyvaert, V, and De Batist, M (2024).
Jagd nach Tsunamis vor den Shetland-Inseln – Unterwegs auf dem Forschungsschiff RV Belgica.
HGG-Journal, 37:11-17.

Engel, M, Hess, K, Dawson, S, Patel, T, Koutsodendris, A, Vakhrameeva, P, Klemt, E, Kempf, P, Schön, I, and Heyvaert, V (2024).
Sedimentary evidence of the Late Holocene tsunami in the Shetland Islands (UK) at Loch Flugarth, northern Mainland.
Boreas, 53:27-41.

Engel, M, Zander, A, Kehl, M, Feulner, G, Douglas, K, Al-Jahwari, N, Al-Hinai, N, and Brückner, H (2024).
From the Northern Hajar Foothills to the Batinah Coast – A Geoarchaeological Survey at Saham and Dahwa (Northern Oman).
Open Quaternary , 10(8).

Erwin, M, Tim, C, Jan, B, Sofie, D, Koen, D, Anton, E, An, L, Yves, P, Nele, V, Annelies, S, and Wim, VN (2024).
Een midden-Romeinse rurale site in de Sigma zone ‘Wijmeers 2’ (gemeente Wichelen, Oost-Vlaanderen)
Signa, 13:109-115.

Eugénie, P, Caroline, L, Nicolas, A, Frédéric, C, and Dominique, C (2024).
Le cimetière de la fin du Premier Moyen Âge de Virelles (Chimay, Belgique) : Pratiques funéraires et profils biologiques
In: Pré-actes 1849è Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, Bordeaux, 24-26 janvier 2024., ed. by Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, pp. 40-41.

Everaert, S, Deckers, J, Bosselaers, M, Schiltz, M, and Louwye, S (2024).
A Neogene succession in the city centre of Antwerp (Belgium): stratigraphy, palaeontology and geotechnics of the Rubenshuis temporary outcrop
Geologica Belgica, 27(1-2):47-70.

Feral, J and Norro, A (2024).
Standards of initial training in Occupational Scientific Diving (OSD), a necessity for the mobility of scientists in Europe
Cah. Biol. Mar., 65:269-277.

Ferrer-Suay, M, Selfa, J, Verheyde, F, Soethof, R, and Dekoninck, W (2024).
Review of the historical collection of Charipinae (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) preserved in the RBINS
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 160:24-31.

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