Remains of trionychid turtles are abundant in the early Eocene fossil record of Belgium where several species are recognized. In this context, the remains of several large-bodied individuals, with a shell length of about one meter, stand out both for their size and good preservation. The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences houses several unpublished large-size specimens, but also others with a high historical value (e.g., those from Erquelinnes and Leval), which had not been, until now, studied in detail. Recent studies proposed that all large trionychids from the Eocene of Western Europe could belong to a single species, attributable to the North American genus Axestemys. However, a valid diagnosis for this putative European single species is not currently available, since the characters that allow its differentiation with each of the North American species have not been well established. Several of the best preserved Belgian specimens have been recently restored, which allows us to perform their detailed study. Thus, the description of several anatomical elements hitherto poorly known or not described for the large-bodied trionychids of the Eocene of Europe can be performed for the first time. The study of the Belgian specimens, which correspond to the most complete and best preserved in Europe, allows us to evaluate the hypothesis on whether they belong to the same species as the other largebodied trionychids found in the Paleogene record of this continent. Thus, this study significantly increases the information on the relatively poorly known Paleogene large trionychids of Europe. This research was supported by network project BR/121/A3/PALEURAFRICA from the Belgian Science Policy Office, and by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (IJCI-2016-30427).
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Excavations during 2015 at a channel deposit in the early Eocene Cambay Shale Formation of the Tadkeshwar open cast lignite mine near Vastan in Gujarat Province, western India, have yielded terrestrial mammals, lizards, snakes, frogs, and birds as well as a few marine/brackish-water animals, predominantly teeth of the shark Physogaleus and Myliobatis rays. Among these is a jaw of an unusual teleost. This lower jaw of a gymnodont has fused dentaries, lacks a beak, and shows a remarkable series of teeth that are unique among all known fossil and living Tetraodontiformes. The teeth are molariform with raised “spokes” radiating inward from the emarginated peripheral edge of the crown. Tooth development is intraosseous, with new teeth developing in spongy bone before they erupt and attach to the dentary by pedicels. Although many of the 110 tooth loci in the fossil specimen have lost their teeth, in life the teeth would have grown to fit tightly together to form a broad and continuous crushing surface. The estimated age of the early Eocene Cambay Shale vertebrate fauna is ca. 54.5 Ma, making the jaw the second oldest confirmed gymnodont fossil. Comparisons to extant taxa of gymnodonts with fused dentaries (e.g., Diodon, Chilomycterus, and Mola) offer few clues about evolutionary relationships of the new fossil. Although the fused dentaries suggest affinities to diodontids and molids among living tetraodontiforms, it remains challenging to interpret phylogenetic relationships of the new Indian gymnodont because no living or fossil tetraodontoid has similar tooth morphology. We describe it as a new genus and species, and place it in its own new family of Gymnodontes. Grant Information: National Geographic Society, Leakey Foundation, Belgian Science Policy Office, Tontogany Creek Fund, National Science Foundation, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
The early Eocene Cambay Shale Formation in Gujarat State, India has produced a rich mammalian fauna, including the earliest artiodactyls, perissodactyls, primates, hyaenodonts, rodents, lagomorphs, chiropterans, and tillodonts from the Indian Subcontinent. While some of these groups show endemism at the generic or familial level, all belong to clades that are widely distributed across Laurasian continents, and some show particularly close similarities to contemporary taxa from other continents, particularly Europe. We report here a distinctive new taxon, represented by a mandible with p3-m3 and a second mandibular fragment with m3. The morphology of the new taxon is broadly comparable to diverse early ungulates from around the world but shows a unique suite of features including a strongly fused mandibular symphysis, enlarged anterior tooth alveolus, simple premolars lacking paraconids and with only a rudimentary metaconid on p4, progressive size increase of the molars distally, molar exodaenodonty/unilateral hypsodonty, molar paraconids absent, hypoconulids absent on m1-2, incipient development of selenodont buccal cusps and an incipient entolophid formed by a transverse entoconid, well-developed, and prominent m3 hypoconulid. One particularly distinctive feature is the presence of large, cuspate ectostylids on molar hypoflexids. While there are similarities to a variety of taxa, most notably periptychids, louisinids, early African “ungulates” (Abdounodus, Ocepeia), and even early anthracotheres, none of these is detailed enough to indicate a close relationship, and all appear to be better interpreted as convergence. Our present understanding suggests that these fossils represent a new family of “condylarth”-grade ungulates perhaps endemic to India. Although their overall adaptations are very different, there are some intriguing similarities to another group of enigmatic Eocene mammals from the Indian Subcontinent, Quettacyonidae. While more material is needed to test this possible relationship, quettacyonids and the new taxon may represent remnants of the eutherian fauna present in India prior to its first faunal exchange with the northern continents, and the new taxon likely has a lengthy, undocumented history in the Indian Paleocene. Grant Information: Fieldwork and research supported by Leakey Foundation, National Geographic Society, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, and Belgian Science Policy Office.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017