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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA / Multiple detections of Aedes albopictus in Belgium though Citizen Science

Isra Deblauwe, Marie R Hermy, Anna Schneider, Adwine Vanslembrouck, Laurence Geebelen, Nathalie Smitz, Marc De Meyer, Ann Vanderheyden, Thierry Backeljau, Ruth Müller, Tinne Lernout, Javiera Rebolledo, and Wim Van Bortel (2022)

Multiple detections of Aedes albopictus in Belgium though Citizen Science

In: e Abstract book, 10th European Mosquito Control Association Workshop, Mendrisio, Switzerland, 28-29/11/2022, Best Practices, pp. 26.

Open Access, PDF available, Abstract of an Oral Presentation or a Poster