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Inbook Reference Datations radiocarbones du Néolithique ancien entre Bassin parisien et Bassin rhénan. Prolégomènes théoriques, applications pratiques et après…
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Inbook Reference De evolutie van evolutiedenken: van Aristotles tot de moderne synthese
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference De honderdjarige botanische tuin Jean Massart in het Brusselse Oudergem, een uitzonderlijke insectentuin
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference De la graine aux champs et à l’assiette: la carpologie, une autre manière d’approcher l’Histoire
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference De loopkever Amara strenua en zijn recente uitbreiding in Nederland en België (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Na lange tijd niet te zijn waargenomen, lijkt de loopkever Amara strenua weer in toenemende mate voor te komen in Nederland en België. Voor ons was dat een unieke gelegenheid om meer te weten te komen over deze internationaal schaarse soort. We hebben gekeken naar de verspreiding van A. strenua, de karakteristieken van zijn habitat en naar zijn biologie. Door middel van kweekproeven kon voor het eerst de larve (stadium II) beschreven worden. Ten slotte beschrijven we een nieuw kenmerk om A. strenua van A. kulti te onderscheiden.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference De nachtvlinders (Lepidoptera) waargenomen tijdens het inventarisatieproject in de Botanische Tuin Jean Massart te Oudergem (Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference De spinnenfauna van enkele heidegebieden nabij Brugge. Deel 1: bemonsteringen 2014-2015
131 species of spiders were collected during a year-round sampling with pitfall traps of 8 heathland patches west of Bruges. One species, Ozyptila westringi, was recorded for the first time in Belgium, 20 species are mentioned as threatened on the Red list of spiders of Flanders and one species is catalogued as critically endangered on that list: Pirata uliginosus. An important part of the spider fauna in these heathlands consist of species characteristic for heathland, dunes and dry, oligotrophic grasslands. Notwithstanding these heathlands are embedded in a matrix of forest, we observed that the number of forest species was rather low. Management and restoration of heathlands near Bruges are discussed.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference De spinnenfauna van enkele Rode dopheidegebieden nabij Brugge: Deel 2: Bemonsteringen in Provinciedomein Tillegembos in 2015-2016
105 species of spiders were collected during a year-round sampling with pitfall traps of 3 heathland patches in Provinciedomein Tillegembos south of Bruges. Several rare and interesting species were discovered and discussed. An important part of the spider fauna in these heathlands consists of species characteristic for dry, oligotrophic grasslands. Also some species of heathland and dunes were found. 13 species are mentioned as threatened on the Red list of spiders of Flanders. Five species are catalogued as endangered, Seven species as vulnerable and one species is catalogued as critically endangered on that list: Thyreosthenius biovatus. Restoration of heathlands near Bruges in the context of spider- and insect-friendly management are discussed.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference De spinnenfauna van enkele rode dopheidegebieden nabij Brugge: Deel 4, drie jaar bemonsteringen in het Natuurreservaat Zevenkerken in 2014-2015-2016
103 species of spiders were collected during 3 years continuous sampling with pitfall traps of 2 heathland patches in Nature Reserve Zevenkerken south-west of Bruges. Several rare and interesting species were discovered and discussed. Besides a large amount of species characteristic for forest and shrubs also an important part of the spider fauna in these heathlands consist of species characteristic for dry, oligotrophic grasslands. Also some species of heathland and dunes were found. 12 species are mentioned as threatened on the Red list of spiders of Flanders. Six species are catalogued as endangered, six as vulnerable. Restoration of heathland in Zevenkerken and Bruges in general in the context of spider and insect-friendly management are discussed.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference Deciphering mollusc shell production: the roles of genetic mechanisms through to ecology, aquaculture and biomimetics
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020