New metallothionein mRNAs in Gobio gobio reveal at least three gene duplication events in cyprinid metallothionein evolution
This paper reports the identification and analysis of the primary structure of three novel metallothionein cDNA sequences in the gudgeon, Gobio gobio (Cyprinidae). Two different 180 bp coding regions were identified, resulting in two MT isoforms differing in one amino acid. The primary structure of the amino acid sequence was compared to other cyprinid MT sequences. Furthermore, two differently sized cDNAs were discovered in one of the two transcripts. We present a phylogenetic comparison of our sequences to other, previously published cyprinid MT gene sequences. Our analysis reveals an unexpected complexity in cyprinid MT evolution, with at least three gene duplication events. Differences and homologies between the evolution of cyprinid MT genes are compared to other teleost families. Finally, possible implications for metallothionein classification are discussed. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Paracrenhydrosoma oceaniae sp. nov. (Copepoda: Harpacticoida), from Kongsfjorden, Northwest Svalbard (Arctic)
Both sexes of a new species of Cletodidae belonging to the Acrenhydrosoma-lineage are described from material collected at Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) and attributed to the genus Paracrenhydrosoma Gee, 1999. Paracrenhydrosoma oceaniae sp. nov. is easily distinguished from its congeners by the reduced setal formula of the natatorial legs, lacking the inner subdistal seta on segment 3 of legs 3 and 4. Several other characteristics viz. antennular and antennal armature, and the free leg 5 exopodite in both sexes, are indications of its basal position in the genus.
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Taxonomy and systematics in biodiversity research
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A new Paleocene nyctitheriid insectivore from Inner Mongolia (China) and the origin of Asian nyctitheriids
Nyctitheriids are primitive insectivores that were relatively abundant and diverse in North America and Europe during the middle Paleocene through to the middle Oligocene. The nyctitheriids from Asia are poorly known and show several distinctive characters. Here we describe the late Paleocene Asionyctia guoi gen. et sp. nov., the first fairly well known Asian nyctitheriid, from the Subeng locality near the city of Erlianhot (Erenhot) in Inner Mongolia, China. Among its most conspicuous features are the paraconid positioned high on p4, the rather primitive morphology and size of p3, the premolariform P4/p4 and the transverse upper molars with a small, straight postcingulum. Except for the paraconid positioned high on p4, these combined features are also present in other Asian nyctitheriids, but absent in North American or European forms. We performed a cladistic analysis, based on a set of 20 dental characters, to solve higher-level phylogenetic relations within Nyctitheriidae. The strict consensus tree groups all Asian forms in a single clade, for which we propose the rank of a subfamily and the name Asionyctiinae subfam. nov. Within Nyctitheriidae, a semimolariform P4/p4, as in Leptacodon tener, is considered primitive, and we consider the morphologically simplified P4/p4 of Asionyctiinae derived within Nyctitheriidae. Asionyctiinae can be derived from an American, primitive Leptacodon-like ancestor migrating into Asia, with the reduction of P4/p4 occurring on the Asian continent. Considering the derived morphology and the relatively high diversity of Asionyctiinae during the Asian late Paleocene, and the inferred conservative nature of the family Nyctitheriidae, we suggest an early Tiffanian time for the migration of nyctitheriids into Asia.
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Rotifers from Kalasin Province, Northeast Thailand, with notes on new and rare species
We report on a survey of rotifers from 30 habitats in Kalasin Province, Northeast Thailand, collected during Dec. 2001. One hundred and fifty species were identified. One of them, Lecane lungae sp. nov. is new to science, and two, L. opias (Harring and Myers), and L. stichoclysta Segers are new to the Oriental region and Thailand; the record of L. stichoclysta is the second record ever of the species after its description from Nigeria (Africa). In addition, we illustrate a remarkable morphological variant of Keratella cochlearis. These records, together with the new occurrences of other endemic rotifer species illustrate the remarkable diversity of the Thai rotifer fauna, and add to our knowledge of rotifer chorology.
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The future of freshwater biodiversity research: An introduction to the target review
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Tale of a sleeping beauty: A new and easily cultured model organism for experimental studies on bdelloid rotifers
We present the description of a new species of bdelloid rotifer, Adineta ricciae n. sp., which emerged from dry mud of Ryan's billabong, Victoria, Australia. Its conspicuous frontal eyes easily diagnose the species; it differs from A. oculata (Milne) by the position of the eyes and its general habitus. The animal came to our attention because it is exceptionally easy to culture, so that the species already is being used in diverse experimental studies utilising bdelloid rotifers as model organisms. © Springer 2005.
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On a new Seison Grube, 1861 from coastal waters of Kenya, with a reappraisal of the classification of the Seisonida (Rotifera)
On occasion of the discovery of a new species of a marine epizoic rotifer of the enigmatic Seisonidae, from Gazi Bay in Kenya, we reassessed the classification of the group. The taxon was until now known to contain only 2 species, viz. Seison nebaliae and S. annulatus, both of which live attached to Crustacea of the genus Nebalia. The new species, Seison africanus sp. nov., was diagnosed by its species-specific trophi morphology and relatively small size. A comparison with the 2 other known seisonid species reveals a sister group relationship between S. africanus sp. nov. and S. nebaliae, based on similarities in trophi structure and, accordingly, an assumed feeding mode and relationship with their hosts. The fundamental differences between these 2 commensal sister taxa and the ectoparasitic S. annulatus prompted a reevaluation of the generic classification of these animals. Accordingly, we propose to reestablish the genus Paraseison Plate, 1887 in order to accommodate P. annulatus (Claus, 1876) (comb. nov.).
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The Middle Holocene shell mound of El Gouna on the Red Sea (Egypt)
In the El Gouna (Hurghada) area on the Red Sea of Egypt, a Middle Holocene shell mound from around 5800 B.P. (uncalibrated radiocarbon years before A.D. 1950) has been tested by a restricted excavation. Collection of shellfish on the Red Sea shore provided subsistence opportunities for Middle Holocene groups coeval with the Early Predynastic Tasian of the Nile Valley. The El Gouna site demonstrates for the first time that prehistoric shell mounds exist near the Egyptian Red Sea shore.
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New insights into cave hyena ethology and the implications for territorial competition with hominins in Late Pleistocene north-west Europe: the case of Caverne Marie-Jeanne (Belgium)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022