Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Towards a revision of the Neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera: Termitidae): redescription of the genus <i>Grigiotermes</i> Mathews and description of five new genera
- Is TNT leaking to the North Sea?
- Detection of shipwrecks in ocean colour satellite imagery
- Waterborne swath acoustic and airborne laser systems are the main methods used to detect and investigate fully submerged shipwreck sites. In the nearshore, waterborne techniques are compromised as search tools as their effective swath is a function of water depth, necessitating very close survey line spacing in shallow water, increasing cost accordingly. Additionally, in turbid coastal waters bathymetric LiDAR is ineffective as it relies on clear non-turbid water. Therefore, the nearshore turbid zone represents a challenging area for archaeologists in the search for fully submerged archaeological sites. In this study, we describe a new methodology to detect the presence of submerged shipwrecks using ocean colour satellite imagery in turbid waters. We demonstrate that wrecks generate Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) concentration signals that can be detected by high-resolution ocean colour satellite data such as Landsat-8. Surface SPM plumes extend downstream for up to 4 km from wrecks, with measured concentrations ranging between 15 and 95 mg/l. The overall ratio between the plume and background SPM concentrations is about 1.4. During slack tidal phases sediments in suspension settle to create fluffy mud deposits near the seabed. Scour pits developed around wrecks act as sinks where fine-grained suspended material is preferentially deposited at slacks. The scour pits subsequently act as sources for suspended material when the bottom current increases after slacks. SPM plumes develop immediately before maximum ebb or flood current is reached, during maximum current and immediately after. Particulate matter is suspended in sufficient concentrations to be detected in ocean colour data. The ability to detect submerged shipwrecks from satellite remote sensors is of benefit to archaeological scientists and resource managers interesting in locating wrecks and investigating processes driving their evolution.
- Habitat association and coexistence of endemic and introduced ant species in Galapagos Islands
- 1. We investigated ant communities in all main vegetation zones of the model island of Santa Cruz in the Galápagos archipelago (155 collection points, spread over 21 sites; 28 ant species collected), and evaluated the distribution, coexistence, and effect of environmental factors in a community composed of endemic, probably endemic, and introduced ants of the New World and exotic origin. 2. Introduced species were the most frequent, occurring in 98% of the samples, yet endemic and probably endemic species still occurred in 54% of the samples, and constituted one of three most common species. The present study revealed that the habitat type along with altitude and the tree cover are the primary factors shaping ant community composition. Little evidence was found for a competitively structured assemblage of ant species. 3. The present study confirmed the predominance of two dominant invasive species, Solenopsis geminata Fabricius and Wasmannia auropunctata Roger, whose abundances are negatively correlated. The abundance of S. geminata is positively correlated with the overall species richness, and with the proportion of other introduced species. The presence of both invasive ants is associated with a low evenness of ant communities. 4. The present study (i) stresses the dominance of introduced species and the relative resistance of endemic species, (ii) highlights the on-going processes of species introductions and (iii) points out the need for adequate monitoring and conservation of the pristine and threatened environments that constitute the Galápagos Islands.
- Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Annual Report 2015
- Predator effects on the feeding and bioirrigation activity of ecosystem-engineered Lanice conchilega reefs
- Ecosystem engineers can considerably affect the community composition, abundance and species richness of their environment. This study investigates the existence of positive or negative feedbacks of species that compose the community in intertidal biogenic reefs constructed by the ecosystem engineer Lanice conchilega. This tubeworm creates attractive nursery and feeding grounds for the predatory brown shrimp Crangon crangon, while at the same time is preyed upon by C. crangon. The effect of the predation pressure exerted by C. crangon on the bioirrigation and feeding activity of the tubeworm is up until now unknown and it is hypothesised that these activities are affected by the high densities of C. crangon in the reefs. A mesocosm experiment was set up to investigate the effects of predation pressure on the bioirrigation and feeding activity of L. conchilega in the i) absence; ii) restricted presence; and iii) unrestricted presence of C. crangon. Bioirrigation was quantified by the decrease of an artificially introduced bromide (Br−) tracer, while feeding activity was measured from the incorporation of 13C via stable isotope analysis. The bioirrigation rate of the L. conchilega reef equalled about 30 L·m−2·d−1 andwas not affected by the presence of the predator. The food uptake of the tubewormwas however about three times lower in the unrestricted presence of C. crangon, presumably due to the retraction of the worm's body and tentacles in its tube induced by physical contact with the predator. Notwithstanding the impacted food uptake of L. conchilega, the tubeworm maintains its functional role in the presence of predators in soft-bottom intertidal areas.
- Assessment of soil metal distribution and environmental impact of mining in Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo).
- Environment and subsistence in north-western Europe during the Younger Dryas: An isotopic study of the human of Rhünda (Germany)
- Les pierres décoratives en cité des Tongres : mise en œuvre et recyclage.
- Résultats de la seconde campagne de fouilles sur le site de Baelen-Néreth 2
- L’ardoise et ses propriétés.
- New bio-chemostratigraphic dating of a unique early Eocene sequence from southern Europe results in precise mammalian biochronological tie-points
- European early Eocene (Ypresian) mammalian biochronology, covering a timespan of about 8 myr, includes three distinct MP (Mammal Paleogene) reference levels MP7, MP8+9 and MP10. These are represented in the unique succession of the Minervois (Southern France) by the localities of Fournes (close to MP7), Sainte-Eulalie (close to MP8+9) and Azillanet (close to MP10). Considering homogenous terrestrial organic matter contribution (type III) as suggested by palynofacies and Rock-Eval pyrolysis, we here demonstrate that the organic carbon isotope curve of the predominantly continental Ypresian of the Minervois closely matches the marine standard carbonate carbon isotope curve. The here studied mammalian faunas and their supposed corresponding MP levels can thus be accurately dated and correlated on a global scale. The endemic Fournes mammal fauna, located just above the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 - ETM2, is assigned to mid-Biochron NP11 (Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone). Accordingly, the Fournes mammal site is about 2.5 myr younger than the MP7 reference level of Dormaal (Belgium, latest Biochron NP9), about 1 myr younger than the MP7 mammalian locality of Le Clot in the Corbières (Southern France, late Biochron NP10 or early Biochron NP11) and very close to the Wasatchian Wa-5 mammalian biozone of Wyoming. A mid-Biochron NP12 age is inferred for the endemic Sainte-Eulalie fauna because of its position at the very top of (or just above) the isotopically negative “ETM3 interval”, whereas the Azillanet fauna, recorded at the top of a δ13Corg positive trend above the “ETM3 interval”, ranges from late Biochron NP12 to early Biochron NP13. Our results indicate that the short-term hyperthermals ETM2 and ETM3 did not affect the endemic character of the mammalian faunas in Southern and Northern Europe during the MP7 to MP8+9 interval. The end of this mammalian endemism likely occurred during the early phases of the EECO (Early Eocene Climatic Optimum) in early late Biochron NP12.
- Allemaal beestjes. Studie van het dierljk bot uit een Romeinse waterput van de site Tongeren-Oost
- The good, the bad and the ugly: Framing debates on Nature in a One Health community.
- Evolution at two time frames: polymorphisms from an ancient singular divergence event fuel contemporary parallel evolution
- Working Group on Marine Benthal Renewable Developments
- Présence de gersdorffite et de nickeline dans le filon plombo-zincifère de Bleiberg (Belgique).
- The Stavelot Massif from Cambrian to recent. A survey of the present state of knowledge.
- Historique des gisements plombo-zincifères de l' Est de la Belgique: le rôle de la "Vieille-Montagne"
- Géochimie isotopique du strontium des barites, anhydrites, calcites et fluorites de Belgique