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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique de Tournai – Rue des Bouchers Saint-Jacques. Site d’habitat du Moyen Age et de l’Epoque Moderne.
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique d’Anthisnes – Brassine. Bas Moyen Age et Temps Modernes (Récolte à vue).
Techreport Reference Analyse des restes carpologiques et zoologiques issus de prélèvements sédimentaires d’évaluation du site archéologique néolithique « Bois de Miécret » (Havelange).
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du contenu de la tombe F 254 et du bassin en bronze F 259 de Nivelles – Grand-Place (Moyen Age).
Techreport Reference Evaluation d’un lot osseux provenant d’un atelier de coutellerie mis au jour sur le site de Mons – Mundaneum.
Techreport Reference Etude des restes carpologiques et zoologiques de certaines urnes du site archéologique d’Hermalle-sous-Argenteau
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du puits du château de Logne
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du site de Quaregnon – Grand-Place (QUA 08-09)
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique de l’abbaye de Clairefontaine.
Techreport Reference Etude malacologique d’un échantillon provenant de la Carrière de Romont.
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique des sites archéologiques de Spiennes.
Techreport Reference Etude malacologique de deux échantillons provenant de Hermalle-sous-Argenteau.
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du site de la Porte de Hal (BR 029) – Campagne 2007
Techreport Reference Etude des restes de carabidés du site du Théâtre Toone (BR 229).
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du site du projet « Hôtel Traviata » (BR 223).
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du site du Théâtre Toone (BR 229).
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du site de l’Hotel Dewez (BR 045)
Article Reference On a small collection of sea cucumbers from the Mediterranean continental slope with the first record and re-description of Pseudothyone serrifera (Oestergren, 1898) (Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida), a new species for the Mediterranean Sea
Article Reference Waulsort Caverne X: A new cave site with Early Mesolithic human remains in Belgium
Caverne X in Waulsort (Namur province, Belgium), excavated in the 19th century, revealed a burial site which was unexpectedly dated to the Final Upper Paleolithic (10,820 ± 80 BP, OxA-6856) in the 1990’s. A re-examination of the collection and a new radiocarbon dating program was recently undertaken. The dates obtained on four left femurs (9285 ± 30 BP, ETH-74725; 9310 ± 30 BP, ETH-74726; 9340 ± 30 BP, ETH-74727; 9300 ± 30 BP, ETH-74728) revealed that the remains should in fact be attributed to the Early Mesolithic,consistent with 24 other 14 C dates obtained for eight cave sites in the Meuse Basin which range from ca . 9600 BP to 9000 BP. Caverne X contained 544 human remains belonging to at least nine individuals (one fetus, one perinatal/young child, one teenager, two adolescents/young adults and four adults), and 66 faunal remains consisting mainly of intrusive animals with the possible exception of a cervid antler, and one artefact (a small flint blade). Other than ochre deposits, all alterations (breakage, surface abrasion, impact scars and concretions) are post-depositional in origin. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis indicates a diet primarily based on terrestrial resources from an open landscape with proteins provided by large herbivores. Our study shows that Caverne X fits well with results already obtained for the Meuse Basin cave burials in terms of chronology, minimum number of individuals, funerary rituals and diet.
Article Reference Dental microwear as a behavioral proxy for distinguishing between canids at the Upper Paleolithic (Gravettian) site of Předmostí, Czech Republic
Morphological and genetic evidence put dog domestication during the Paleolithic, sometime between 40,000 and 15,000 years ago, with identification of the earliest dogs debated. We predict that these earliest dogs (referred to herein as protodogs), while potentially difficult to distinguish morphologically from wolves, experienced behavioral shifts, including changes in diet. Specifically, protodogs may have consumed more bone and other less desirable scraps within human settlement areas. Here we apply Dental Microwear Texture Analysis (DMTA) to canids from the Gravettian site of Předmostí (approx. 28,500 BP), which were previously assigned to the Paleolithic dog or Pleistocene wolf morphotypes. We test whether these groups separate out significantly by diet-related variation in microwear patterning. Results are consistent with differences in dietary breadth, with the Paleolithic dog morphotype showing evidence of greater durophagy than those assigned to the wolf morphotype. This supports the presence of two morphologically and behaviorally distinct canid types at this middle Upper Paleolithic site. Our primary goal here was to test whether these two morphotypes expressed notable differences in dietary behavior. However, in the context of a major Gravettian settlement, this may also support evidence of early stage dog domestication. Dental microwear is a behavioral signal that may appear generations before morphological changes are established in a population. It shows promise for distinguishing protodogs from wolves in the Pleistocene and domesticated dogs from wolves elsewhere in the archaeological record.


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