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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021 OA / Thatchtelithichnus on a Pliocene grey whale mandible and barnacles as possible tracemakers

Alberto Collareta, Cheng-Hsiu Tsai, Giovanni Coletti, and Mark Bosselaers (2021)

Thatchtelithichnus on a Pliocene grey whale mandible and barnacles as possible tracemakers

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 302(1):53-61.

Actuopalaeontology, Anellusichnus, Belgium, bioerosion, biostratinomy, Karethraichnus, Lillo Formation, Oorderen Sands Member, palaeoichnology, taphonomy.