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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Lasioglossum dorchini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) a new species of bee from Israel
This paper describes a new species, Lasioglossum dorchini, occuring in sand dunes in Israel. It is close to Lasioglossum leptocephalum. Its phylogenetic relationships with the other species of the virens/littorale group are analyzed
Article Reference Plantes médicinales et régime alimentaire : les nonnes de Clairefontaine au XVIIIe siècle
Article Reference L’exploitation des ressources animales et végétales à la frontière de la Germanie inférieure et de la Gaule Belgique.
Article Reference Approche des pratiques agricoles durant le haut Moyen Âge en Hesbaye : étude de l’habitat rural de Lohincou/Villers-le-Bouillet (Province de Liège, Belgique)
Incollection Reference Genetic traces of environmental variations in ancient lakes
Article Reference A Pliocene gray whale (Eschrichtius Sp.) from the Eastern North Atlantic
Article Reference Endogenous toxins and the coupling of gregariousness to conspicuousness in Argidae and Pergidae sawflies
Article Reference Description of new species of Xanthochorus Fischer, 1884 and Urosalpinx Stimpson, 1865 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Muricidae, Ocenebrinae) from central Chile
Inproceedings Reference Modelling eutrophication along the land-ocean continuum of the NEA
Inproceedings Reference How vertical swimming behaviour affects jellyfish journey?
Inproceedings Reference Plain Text Do man-made structures impact the connectivity patterns of hard substrate species in the North Sea?
Inproceedings Reference Where goes the flow? – tracing sole of the North Sea with genomics and otolith shape
Inproceedings Reference A masculinizing supergene underlies the male dimorphism of Oedothorax gibbosus
Inproceedings Reference Finding the balance between efficiency and budget: preventive invasive mosquito species (IMS) surveillance
Inproceedings Reference BopCo, a barcoding facility for organisms and tissues of policy concern, and its role in the identification of vector species
Inproceedings Reference Survey of parasitic larval trematodes in the assassin snails Anentome helena and A. wykoffi from Thailand
Inproceedings Reference Survey of parasitic larval trematodes in the assassin snails Anentome helena and A. wykoffi from Thailand
Inproceedings Reference Survey of parasitic larval trematodes in the assassin snails Anentome helena and A. wykoffi from Thailand
Article Reference The Diest Formation: a review of insights from the last decades
Article Reference Devonian and Carboniferous dendroid graptolites from Belgium and their significance for the taxonomy of the Dendroidea


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