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Table of content 101 - 1992


Cover / Couverture / Omslag pdf_small

Cover / Couverture / Omslag pdf_small




pdf_small FASCICULES 1 & 2 - DELEN 1 & 2
Diamond Symposium - 24.11.1989
pdf_small G. VAN DER SCHRICK Evolving geological and mineralogical research in view of an evolving diamond market

pdf_small M. FIEREMANS & C. FIEREMANS - Diamond in its primary rocks with special reference to the diamond deposits of Mbujimayi, East Kasai, Zaire.

pdf_small L. ROMBOUTS - Exploration and evaluation of diamond deposits

pdf_small M. VAN BOCKSTAEL - Western australian diamonds

pdf_small R. LORENT - Synthetic diamonds for the industry: their outstanding properties and future development

pdf_small A. DELWICHE Diamond applications in the oil industry

pdf_small D. LADURON - Notice nécrologique/Overlijdensbericht P. DE BETHUNE

pdf_small Compte-rendu Boekbesprekingen 109

pdf_small J. DE HEINZELIN - Koobi Fora research project

pdf_small B. BALLY - Video Review 127

Assemblée générale - Algemene Vergadering (11.02.92)
pdf_small Rapport du Président- Verslag van de Voorzitter
pdf_small Rapport du Trésorier - Verslag van de Penningmeester
pdf_small Conseil d'Administration - Beheerraad
pdf_small FASCICULES 3 & 4 - DELEN 3 & 4

A noteworthy fragment of the Santa Catharina meteorite recovered from a Belgian museum collection

 pdf_small J. VAN DER SLUYS Surface features of heavy minerals from Belgian Meso-Cenozoic deposits

pdf_small W. DE VOS, B. POOT, J. HUS & M. EL KHAYATI - Geophysical characterization of lithologies from the Brabant Massif as a contribution to gravimetric and magnetic modelling

pdf_small M. SINTUBIN - An historical evaluation of the geostructural research on the variscan front zone in Belgium (West of Namur)

pdf_small V. LANGENAEKER & M. DUSAR - Petrophysical stratigraphy of the Namurian and Lowermost Westphalian in the western part of the Campine basin

pdf_small R. DREESEN - Seam thickness and geological hazards forecasting deep coal mining: a feasibility study from the Campine collieries (N-Belgium)

pdf_small S. LOUWYE - Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of Western Belgium

pdf_small V. MAENHAUT VAN LEMBERGE - Southern North Sea project borehole BH89/1 :a technical report

pdf_small S. LEROY - Analyses palynologiques préliminaires d'une phase relativement tempérée (stade isotopique 3), au sein de la dernière période glaciaire, Maar de Vico (Latium, Italie)
Courte note/Korte nota
pdf_small M. DUSAR & J. HAMMENECKER - Instortingsholten op de Keizersberg te Leuven
pdf_small E. GROESSENS - Im Memoriam S.M. Baudouin I / E. GROESSENS - In Memoriam : Dom Gisbert A. GHYSENS
pdf_small Compte-rendu - Boekbesprekingen / Rectification - Rechtzetting
pdf_small Index






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