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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Pham, H, Lee, YJ, and Constant, J (2015).
Cicada genus Pomponia Stal, 1866 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Vietnam and Combodia, with a new species, a new record, and a key to the species.
Zootaxa, 3925(4):562-572.

Pieri, V, Martens, K, Meisch, C, and Rossetti, G (2015).
An annotated checklist of the Recent non-marine ostracods (Ostracoda: Crustacea) from Italy
Zootaxa, 3919(2):271-305.

Pigière, F (2015).
Rapport de l’étude archéozoologique du site de la rue des Bouchers à Namur
IRSNB, Rapport d’étude pour le Service Public de Wallonie-DGO4-Département du Patrimoine..

Pigière, F (2015).
Rapport de l’étude archéozoologique du site du « Tierceau », Orp-Jauche
IRSNB, Rapport d’étude pour le Service Public de Wallonie-DGO4-Département du Patrimoine..

Pigière, F (2015).
In: Liberchies VI. Vicus gallo-romain. Zone d’habitat dans le quartier ouest. , ed. by DEMANET J.-C. & VILVORDER F.. Louvain-la-Neuve , vol. XVI, chap. 4, pp. 531-549. . Collection d'Archéologie Joseph Mertens.

Pigière, F (2015).
Animal husbandry in the core area of the civitas Tungrorum.
In: The Roman villa of Hoogeloon and the archaeology of the Periphery, ed. by Amsterdam University Press, vol. 22, pp. 163-175, Roymans N., Derks T. & Hiddink H.A. Amsterdam Archaeological Studies,.

Pigière, F and Preiss, S (2015).
Animaux, plantes et société en Gaule romaine. Un bilan des recherches archéozoologiques et carpologiques sur la période romaine en Wallonie
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, pp. 60-61.

Pigière, F and Wouters, W (2015).
Social stratification as indicated by diet at the medieval town of Namur: the contribution of the archaeozoology
In: Conference on Environmental Archaeology of European Cities, pp. 66.

Pigière, F and Wouters, W (2015).
La faune de la villa romaine du “Champ de Saint-Eloi” à Merbes-le-Château
In: la villa gallo-romaine du “Champ de Saint-Eloi” à Merbes-le-Château, ed. by Authom N. & Paridaens N.. SPW/DGO4, vol. 30, chap. 6.11, pp. 151-156. Etudes et Documents, Archéologie.

Pigière, F and Wouters, W (2015).
La faune
In: La villa Gallo-Romaine du “champ de Saint-Eloi” à Merbes-Le-Château, ed. by Pierre Paquet. Département du patrimoine - SPW, Jambes, vol. 30, chap. 6, pp. 283-296.

Pirson, S, Haesaerts, P, Lavachery, P, Spagna, P, Collet, H, and Di Modica, K (2015).
New excavations in the Mesvin terrace (Belgium): implications for the appearance of Middle Palaeolithic
In: Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution 4, ed. by Alyson Reid. ESHE, chap. 7, pp. 177.

Poblome, J, Uleners, H, Uytterhoeven, I, Marinova, E, and De Cupere, B (2015).
The 2012 to 2014 excavation campaigns at Site LE, Sagalassos. The structural remains and general phasing
Anatolica, 41:203-240.

Polet, C (2015).
Rapport de l’étude du crâne attribué à Saint Gerolfus
No source specified

Polet, C (2015).
Starvation and Cannibalism on Easter Island? The Contribution of the Analysis of Rapanui Human Remains.
International Conference "Easter Island: Collapse or Transformation? A State of the Art", Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, Royal Museums of Art and History, Belgian Science Policy Office.

Polet, C (2015).
Subir ou lutter contre les ectoparasites dans les populations du passé : l’apport de l’anthropologie biologique.
In: Poux, puces, punaises - la vermine de l'homme : Découverte, descriptions et traitements - Antiquité, Moyen Age, Epoque moderne, ed. by F. COLLARD & E. SAMAMA . l'Harmattan, Paris, chap. 0, pp. 23-44.

Polet, C and Bocherens, H (2015).
New insights into the marine contribution to ancient Easter Islanders' diet.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

Polet, C, Fourny, M, Roels, D, Vercauteren, M, Orban, R, Van Craynest, M, and Dierkens, A (2015).
Jean VI de Bourgogne ? Ostéobiographie d’un dignitaire ecclésiastique inhumé dans le chœur de la cathédrale Saints-Michel-et-Gudule (Bruxelles, Belgique).
In: 5e Colloque International de Pathographie , ed. by P. CHARLIER & D. GOUREVITCH , pp. 127-152, De Boccard.

Ponsar, S, Luyten, P, and Dulière, V (2015).
Data assimilation with the ensemble Kalman filter in a numerical model of the North Sea
Ocean Dynamics.

Poty, E, Denayer, J, and Mottequin, B (2015).
Onset, growth, decline and decease of the Frasnian reefs and carbonate platform in the Frasnian of Belgium
In 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera (Muscat, February 5-12, 2015). GUTech Geoscience Conference Publication:25.

Poty, E, Denayer, J, Prestianni, C, and Mottequin, B (2015).
A proposal for a Devonian-Carboniferous boundary based on the Hangenberg extinction event, as suggested by the transition in the Namur-Dinant Basin (Southern Belgium)
In: XVIII International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian. August 11–15, 2015, Kazan, Russia. Abstracts Volume. , ed. by Nurgaliev, D.K. et al. . Kazan University Press, chap. 0, pp. 150.

Poty, E, Mottequin, B, and Denayer, J (2015).
The orbitally forced sequences of the Lower Tournaisian (Hastarian Substage) of Belgium: Climate reconstruction and time calibration.
In: XVIII International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian. August 11–15, 2015, ed. by Nurgaliev, D.K. et al. . Kazan University Press, chap. Abstracts Volume, pp. 151.

Preiss, S and Court-Picon, M (2015).
Villers-le-Bouillet/Villers-le-Bouillet : une occupation rurale du Haut Moyen Âge au lieu-dit « A Lohincou » : premiers résultats archéobotaniques.
In: Chronique de l’Archéologie Wallonne, ed. by SPW Editions, vol. 22, pp. 183-186.

Preiss, S, Court-Picon, M, Goffette, Q, and Henrard, D (2015).
L’étude interdisciplinaire de l’habitat rural à Villers-le-Bouillet « A Lohincou », approche de la vie quotidienne
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, pp. 80-81.

Preiss, S, Salavert, A, and Court-Picon, M (2015).
Bilan des données archéobotaniques médiévales en Wallonie
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, pp. 129-130.

Prestianni, C and Gerrienne, P (2015).
Thorezia vezerensisgen. et sp. nov., a new seed plant with multiovulate cupules from the Late Devonian of Belgium
Historical Biology, 27(3-4):316--324.

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