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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Schön, I (2007).
Did Pleistocene glaciations shape genetic patterns of European ostracods? A phylogeographic analysis of two species with asexual reproduction
Hydrobiologia, 575(1):33-50.

Schön, I, Lamatsch, D, and Martens, K (2007).
Lessons to learn from ancient asexuals. In: EGEL, D. & D. LANKENAU (Eds.): Recombination and Meiosis

Segers, H (2007).
Annotated checklist of the rotifers (Phylum Rotifera), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution

Segers, H and Sanoamuang, L (2007).
Note on a highly diverse rotifer assemblage (Rotifera: Monogononta) in a Laotian rice paddy and adjacent pond
International Review of Hydrobiology, 92(6):640-646.

Semal, P, Balzeau, A, Crevecoeur, I, and Rougier, H (2007).
Une imagerie à la portée de tous ? Application aux collections d’anthropologie et de préhistoire de l’Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique (IRSNB)
In: Abstract Book.

Semal, P, Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Jungels, C, Hauzeur, A, van der Plicht, J, and Higham, T (2007).
Datations directes par 14C AMS des individus néandertaliens adultes Spy I et Spy II (Belgique) : Implications sur la présence de Néandertaliens récents en Europe du Nord-Ouest.
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, n. s., t. 19..

Shamshev, I (2007).
A new species of the genus Hesperempis Melander (Diptera: Empididae) from Siberia

Shamshev, I and Grootaert, P (2007).
Revision of the genus Elaphropeza Macquart (diptera: Hybotidae) from the Oriental Region, with a special attention to the fauna of Singapore

Sivan, O and Court-Picon, M (2007).
Evolution géomorphologique holocène des plaines alluviales niçoises. Les fouilles archéologiques préventives sur les chantiers de l’ancienne Gare du Sud, du parking Notre-Dame et du Tramway
Archéam, 14:8-17.

Smith, T, Rana, RS, Missiaen, P, Rose, KD, Sahni, A, Singh, H, and Singh, L (2007).
High bat (Chiroptera) diversity in the Early Eocene of India
Naturwissenschaften, 94:1003-1009.

Speelmans, M, Vanthuyne, D, Lock, K, Hendrickx, F, Du, L, Tack, F, and Janssen, C (2007).
Influence of flooding, salinity and inundation time on the bioavailability of metals in wetlands
Science of the Total Environment, 380(1-3):144-153.

Taverne, L, Nolf, D, and Folie, A (2007).
On the occurrence of the osteoglossid genus Scleropages (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) in the continental Paleocene of Hainin (Mons Basin, Belgium)
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 137(1):89-97.

Terryn, L, Wendelen, W, Leirs, H, Lenglet, G, and Verheyen, E (2007).
African rodentia

Thomas, G, Tomsho, L, Rendulic, S, Packard, M, Drautz, D, Sher, A, Tikhonov, A, Dalén, L, Kuznetsova, T, Kosintsev, P, Campos, P, Higham, T, Collins, M, Wilson, A, Shidlovskiy, F, Buigues, B, Ericson, P, Germonpré, M, Götherström, A, Iacumin, P, Nikolaev, V, Nowak-Kemp, M, Willerslev, E, Knight, J, Irzyk, G, Perbost, C, Fredrikson, K, Harkins, T, Sheridan, S, Miller, W, and Schuster, S (2007).
Whole-genome shotgun sequencing of mitochondria from ancient hair shafts
Science, 317:1927-1930.

Udrescu, M, Van Neer, W, and Vilvorder, F (2007).
Pont-à-Celles/Luttre: repas rituel lié au culte de Mithra dans le sanctuaire du Bas-Empire des « Bons-Villers » à Liberchies
Chronique de l’Archéologie Wallonne, 14:54-55.

Van Bortel, W, Boyer, S, Dekoninck, W, Grootaert, P, Hance, T, Hendrickx, G, Takken, W, and Versteirt, V (2007).
The MODIRISK project: a large scaled survey on mosquito biodiversity as basis for risk assessment and control.
European Mosquito Control Association, Prague, September 2007.

Van Daele, P, Faulkes, C, Verheyen, E, and Adrianes, D (2007).
African Mole-rats (Bathyergidae): A Complex Radiation in Tropical Soils
In: Subterranean Rodents: News from Underground, ed. by Begall,S.; Burda, H.; Schleich, C.E., pp. 357-373, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Van Daele, PA, Verheyen, E, Brunain, M, and Adriaens, D (2007).
Cytochrome b sequence analysis reveals differential molecular evolution in African mole-rats of the chromosomally hyperdiverse genus Fukomys (Bathyergidae, Rodentia) from the Zambezian region.
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 45(1):142–157.

Van den Broeck, H, De Wolf, H, Backeljau, T, and Blust, R (2007).
Effects of environmental stress on the condition of Littorina littorea along the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands)
Science of the Total Environment, 376(1-3):346-358.

Van den Broecke, L, Schoen, I, and Martens, K (2007).
DNA repair in the asexual ostracods Darwinula stevensoni and Eucypris virens
Open Project Meeting “Paradox of sex, theory an data”.

Van Den Eeckhaut, M, Poesen, J, Dusar, M, Martens, V, and Duchateau, P (2007).
Sinkhole formation above underground limestone quarries: A case study in South Limburg (Belgium)
Geomorphology, 91(1-2):19-37.

Van Den Eeckhaut, M, Poesen, J, Dusar, M, Martens, V, and Duchateau, P (2007).
Spatial patterns, causal factors and initiation mechanisms of sinkholes above underground limestone quarries: a case-study in South Limburg (Belgium).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9: 01724 , pp. 2.

Van Den Eeckhaut, M, Poesen, J, Dusar, M, Martens, V, and Duchateau, P (2007).
Sinkhole formation above underground limestone quarries: A case study in South Limburg (Belgium).
In: Geomorphology, vol. 91, pp. 19-37, Geomorphology.

Van Dongen, S, Backeljau, T, Matthysen, E, and Dhondt, A (2007).
Fitness-heterozygosity associations differ between male and female winter months Operophtera brumata L
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 137(1):41-45.

Van Itterbeeck, J, Missiaen, P, Folie, A, Markevich, V, Van Damme, D, Dian-Yong, G, and Smith, T (2007).
Woodland in a f luvio-lacustrine environment on the dry Mongolian Plateau during the late Paleocene: Evidence from the mammal bearing Subeng section (Inner Mongolia, P.R. China)
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 243:55-78.

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