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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Pirson, S, Court-Picon, M, Haesaerts, P, Bonjean, D, and Damblon, F (2008).
New data on geology, anthracology and palynology from the Scladina cave Pleistocene sequence: preliminary results
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 55:71-93.

Polet, C (2008).
Apport des isotopes stables à la paléo-anthropologie
In: Ostéo-archéologie et techniques médico-légales : tendances et perspectives. Pour un "Manuel pratique de paléopathologie humaine", ed. by P. CHARLIER . Editions De Boccard , Paris, chap. -, pp. 151-163.

Polet, C and Orban, R (2008).
Étude des restes humains du Tiène des Maulins (prov. Namur). Rapport préliminaire, 24 p.
No source specified

Polet, C, Bourdon, C, Vercauteren, M, and Slachmuylder, J (2008).
Apport de la micro-usure dentaire à la reconstitution du régime alimentaire des anciens Pascuans
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, 20(3-4):165-187.

Pollet, M, Grootaert, P, and Van De Velde, I (2008).
The interaction of professional and non-professional entomologists in Flanders (Belgium): is this relationship really working.
In: Symposium "Entomology in Belgium 2008", 5th December, Brussels.

Post, K, Lambert, O, and Bianucci, G (2008).
First record of Tusciziphius crispus (Cetacea, Ziphiidae) from the Neogene of the US east coast
Deinsea, 12:1-10.

Poupon, J and Polet, C (2008).
Analyses élémentaires des restes humains anciens. Aspects nutritionnels, toxicologiques et environnementaux
In: Ostéo-archéologie et techniques médico-légales : tendances et perspectives. Pour un "Manuel pratique de paléopathologie humaine", ed. by P. CHARLIER . Editions De Boccard , Paris, chap. -, pp. 117-149.

Putzeys, T, Waelkens, M, Poblome, J, Van Neer, W, De Cupere, B, Van Thuyne, T, Kellens, N, and Bes, P (2008).
Shops and retail in late Antiquity: a contextual approach to the material evidence from Sagalassos
In: Thinking about space: the potential of surface survey and contextual analysis in the definition of space in Roman times, ed. by Vanhaverbeke H., Poblome J., Vermeulen F., Waelkens M, Brulet R.. Brepols, Turnhout, chap. N/A, pp. 127-149.

Quintelier, K (2008).
Calcified uterine leiomyomata from a post‐medieval nunnery in Brussels, Belgium
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 19(3):436 - 442.

Rabaut, M, Braeckman, U, Hendrickx, F, Vincx, M, and Degraer, S (2008).
Experimental beam-trawling in Lanice conchilega reefs: Impact on the associated fauna
Fisheries Research, 90(1-3):209-216.

Rage, J, Folie, A, Rana, RS, Singh, H, Rose, KD, and Smith, T (2008).
A diverse snake fauna from the early Eocene of Vastan Lignite Mine, Gujarat, India
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 53(3):391-403.

Rana, Rs, Kumar, K, Escarguel, G, Sahni, A, Rose, KD, Smith, T, Singh, H, and Singh, L (2008).
An ailuravine rodent from the lower Eocene Cambay Formation at Vastan, western India, and its palaeobiogeographic implications
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 53(1):1-14.

Robinson, I, Antoine, D, Darecki, M, Gorringe, P, Pettersson, L, Ruddick, K, Santoleri, R, Siegel, H, Vincent, P, Wernand, M, Westbrook, G, and Zibordi, G (2008).
Remote sensing of shelf sea ecosystems: state of the art and perspectives
European Science Foundation Marine Board, Position Paper(12), Strasbourg.

Roisin, Y, Bourguignon, T, Corbara, B, Dejean, A, Orivel, J, and Leponce, M (2008).
Vertical distribution of termites in a Panamanian rainforest
Miscellaneous publication, 4th IUSSI european meeting. La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 30 Aug - 4 Sept 2008, p.18.

Romanus, K, Van Neer, W, Marinova, E, Verbeke, K, Luypaerts, A, Accardo, S, Hermans, I, Jacobs, P, De Vos, D, and Waelkens, M (2008).
Brassicaceae seed oil identified as illuminant in Nilotic shells from a first millennium AD Coptic church in Bawit, Egypt
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 390:783-793.

Rose, KD, Burke DeLeon, V, Missiaen, P, Rana, RS, Sahni, A, Singh, L, and Smith, T (2008).
Early Eocene lagomorph (Mammalia) from Western India and the early diversification of lagomorpha
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 275:1203-1208.

Ruddick, K, Lacroix, G, Lancelot, C, Nechad, B, Park, Y, Peters, S, and Van Mol, B (2008).
Optical remote sensing of the North Sea
In: Remote sensing of the European Seas, ed. by Barale, V. and Gade, M., pp. 79-90, Springer-Verlag.

Ruddick, K, Lacroix, G, Park, Y, Rousseau, V, De Cauwer, V, and Sterckx, S (2008).
Overview of Ocean Colour: theoretical background, sensors and applicability for the detection and monitoring of harmful algae blooms (capabilities and limitations)
In: Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms, pp. 331-383, UNESCO publishing, Paris. Oceanographic Methodology Series.

Ruddick, K, Nechad, B, Neukermans, G, Park, Y, Doxaran, D, Sirjacobs, D, and Beckers, J (2008).
Remote sensing of suspended particulate matter in turbid waters: state of the art and future perspectives
In: Ocean Optics.

Ruddick, K, Park, Y, Astoreca, R, Borges, A, Lacroix, G, Lancelot, C, and Rousseau, V (2008).
Application of the MERIS algal pigment products in Belgian waters
In: ESA Special Publication, ESA SP-666.

Ruddick, K, Park, Y, Astoreca, R, Neukermans, G, and Van Mol, B (2008).
Validation of MERIS water products in the Southern North Sea: 2002-2008
In: ESA Special Publication, ESA SP-666.

Savatenalinton, S and Martens, K (2008).
Redescription of Hemicypris mizunoi OKUBO, 1990 (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Thailand, with a reassessment of the validity of the genera Hemicypris and Heterocypris
Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Biologie, 78:17-27.

Savatenalinton, S, Borgonie, G, and Martens, K (2008).
On Thaicythere srisumonae n.gen., n.sp. (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Thailand, with notes on the phylogeny of the subfamily Timiriaseviinae Mandelstam, 1960
Crustaceana, 81(4):411-432.

Schepetov, S, Golovneva, L, Godefroit, P, and Alekseev, PI (2008).
A Maastrichtian plant and dinosaur locality in Southern Chukotka: geology, stratigraphy, taxonomic composition
In: Aspects of palaeofloristics and systematics of fossil plants, ed. by Y. Budsantsev. Botanical Institute V.L. Komarova, RAS, St Pertersburg, chap. 7, pp. 97-108.

Schmitz, B, Alegret, L, Apellaniz, E, Arenillas, I, Aubry, M, Baceta, J, Berggren, WA, Bernaola, G, Caballero, F, Clemmensen, A, Dinarès-Turell, J, Dupuis, C, Heilmann-Clausen, C, Knox, RR, Martín-Rubio, M, Molina, E, Monechi, S, Ortiz, S, Orue-Etxebarria, X, Payros, A, Petrizzo, MR, Pugalte, V, Speijer, RP, Sprong, J, Steurbaut, E, and Thomsen, E (2008).
Proposed Global Stratotype Sections and Points for the bases of the Selandian and Thanetian stages (Paleocene Series) by the Paleocene Working Group
International Subcommission on Paleogene Stratigraphy, 52 pp. ed.

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