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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Dekoninck, W (2011).
Verslag van het vierde Belgisch miernsymposium georganiseerd door Polyergus, fourmis WalBru & KBVE/SRBE op zondag 3 april 2011
Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E., 147:175-179.

Dekoninck, W and Brouckaert, D (2011).
Paratrechina longicornis an introduced ant in a subtropical swimming pool infrastructure in Belgium
Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E., 147:99-101.

Dekoninck, W and Brouckaert, D (2011).
Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802) another introduced and invasive ant species descovered in Belgium
Bulletin de la Société royale d'Entomologie, 147:99-101.

Dekoninck, W and Van Keer, J (2011).
De insecten-dia-collectie van August Verbruggen
Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E., 147:84-85.

Dekoninck, W, De Keyser, R, Hendrickx, F, Kerkhof, S, Van Bortel, W, Versteirt, V, and Grootaert, P (2011).
Mosquito (Culicidae) voucher specimens in the RBINS collection: remnants of a past glory or hidden treasure
European Mosquito Bulletin, 29:13-21.

Dekoninck, W, Folie, A, and Van De Velde, I (2011).
Behoud en Beheer van Collecties: Uitbreidingsmodule: Droge en natte collecties, Syllabus gecertificeerde opleiding.
No source specified

Dekoninck, W, Folie, A, and Van De Velde, I (2011).
Behoud en Beheer van Collecties: Basismodule, Syllabus gecertificeerde opleiding
No source specified

Dekoninck, W, Hendrickx, F, and Grootaert, P (2011).
The importance of extensive voucher specimen collections to basic invertebrate inventory, databases and Red Lists: case studies of 3 insect families (Carabidae, Culicidae and Formicidae) from the RBINS Entomology Collection.
In: Abstractbook 2011 SPNCH Meeting at California Academy of Sciences, pp. 52-53, Sustainable Museums/Sustaining Collections, San Francisco.

Dekoninck, W, Hendrickx, F, Van Bortel, W, Versteirt, V, Coosemans, M, Damiens, D, Hance, T, De Clercq, E, Hendrickx, G, Schaffner, F, and Grootaert, P (2011).
Expanded distribution associated with the use of man-made larval habitats of the day active mosquito Anopheles plumbeus, experimental vector of West Nile virus and a potential vector of human malaria in Belgium
Journal of Medical Entomology, 48(4):924-928.

Dekoninck, W, Hendrickx, F, Van Bortel, W, Versteirt, V, Coosemans, M, Damiens, D, Hance, T, De Clercq, EM, Hendrickx, G, Schaffner, F, and Grootaert, P (2011).
Human-Induced Expanded Distribution of Anopheles plumbeus, Experimental Vector of West Nile Virus and a Potential Vector of Human Malaria in Belgium
Journal of Medical Entomology, 48(4):924-928.

Delsinne, T, Arias Penna, T, and Leponce, M (2011).
Experimental Draught Impacts Ant Assemblage
Newsletter TMF, 13(15):1-18.

Delsinne, T, Arias Penna, T, and Leponce, M (2011).
Effects of experimental rainfall exclusion on a diverse ant assemblage along an elevational gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes
Miscellaneous publication, Fifth International conference of the International Biogeography Society, Irakleio, Crete, Greece, 07-11 January, p.100.

Delsinne, T, Arias-Penna, T, Jacquemin, J, and Leponce, M (2011).
Uso de las hormigas para monitorear las perturbaciones de la selva tropical de los Andes ecuatorianos causadas por los cambios atmosféricos.
In: Simposio anual de la Unidad de Investigación FOR816 "Biodiversidad y manejo sostenible de un ecosistema de montaña megadiverso en el sur del Ecuador", UTPL-Loja, Ecuador.

Delsinne, T, Arias-Penna, T, Jacquemin, J, Laurent, Y, Bachy, I, and Leponce, M (2011).
Subfamilias y géneros de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) presentes en el Parque Nacional Podocarpus
In: Simposio anual de la Unidad de Investigación FOR816 "Biodiversidad y manejo sostenible de un ecosistema de montaña megadiverso en el sur del Ecuador", UTPL-Loja, Ecuador.

Derreumaux, M, Pigière, F, Wouters, W, and Van Neer, W (2011).
Arlon/Arlon : une sauce de poissons gauloise dans le vicus d’Arlon, approche archéozoologique et carpologique
Chronique de l’Archéologie Wallonne, 18:186-188.

Dogliotti, A, Ruddick, K, Nechad, B, and Lasta, C (2011).
Improving water reflectance retrieval from MODIS imagery in the highly turbid waters of La Plata River
In: Proceedings of VI International Conference on "Current problems in optics of natural waters (ONW 2011)", St Petersburg, Russia.

Dogliotti, A, Ruddick, K, Nechad, B, Lasta, C, Mercado, A, Hozbor, C, Guerrero, R, Riviello López, G, and Abelando, M (2011).
Calibration and validation of an algorithm for remote sensing of turbidity over La Plata River estuary, Argentina
EARSeL eProceedings, 10:119-130.

Drumont, A (2011).
Nouvelle donnée pour Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank) (Hymenoptera, Bracondae) en tant que parasitoïde d'Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale d'Entomologie, 147:109-112.

Drumont, A (2011).
Notes sur la distribution géographique et la variation individuelle de Cantharoctenus antennatus (Franz, 1938) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Entomologia Africana, 16(2):38-40.

Drumont, A (2011).
Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Sarmydus Pascoe de l'île de Sumatra en Indonésie (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Lambillionea, CXI(1):25-30.

Drumont, A and Grootaert, P (2011).
Saproxylic beetles from Belgium, online distribution maps of species (Coleoptera)
World Wide Web electronic publication.

Drumont, A and Saldaitis, A (2011).
New records of palaeractic Dynastinae (2) Phyllognathus excavantus (Forster) in the Arabian Peninsula (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Dynastidae)
Lambillionea, CX(3):275-277.

Drumont, A and Saltin, J (2011).
Seconde contribution à l'étude d'Oryctes (Rykanes) heros Endrödi (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Dynastidae)
Lambillionea, CXI(1):82-84.

Drumont, A, Dechambre, R, Yamaya, S, and Verdugo, A (2011).
Note sur le genre Microryctes Arrow, 1908 en Chine: nouvelles données de capture et description d'une espèce nouvelle (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae)
Lambillionea, CXI(2):127-132.

Dulière, V and Legrand, S (2011).
Oil Spill drift study for Norther

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