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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024 / Real-Time Data Transfer and Management for the RV Belgica Using FROST OGC SensorThings API

Nicolas de Ville de Goyet, Thomas Vandenberghe, and Nils Van den Steen (2024)

Real-Time Data Transfer and Management for the RV Belgica Using FROST OGC SensorThings API

In: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Proceedings Volume, vol. 80, pp. 75-76.

A fully automated near-real time vessel-to-client data transfer has been implemented for the en-route data of the new RV Belgica. It includes the transfer itself, metadata enrichment, data standardization, quality checks and data dissemination. The infrastructure uses existing open-source solutions, altought some small components have been developed internally (data normalization and quality control). The FROST OGC SensorThings API proves to be a simple and reliable standard for the management and dissemination of sensor data, including various metadata (quality flags, geo-referencing, sensor information, etc.).
  • DOI: 10.13127/MISC/80
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