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RBINS Staff Publications 2024

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 74 references in this bibliography folder.

Scaillet, R (2024).
L’épopée du « Travailleur » et du « Talisman » de 1880 à 1883
Novapex / Société, 25(1):9-26.

Scheder, J, Dawson, S, Goovaerts, T, Engel, M, Costa, P, Van Daele, M, Nahar, R, De Batist, M, and Heyvaert, V (2024).
Reconstructing Holocene relative sea-level changes and extreme events in the Shetland Islands (United Kingdom).
In: 40th Annual Conference of the Working Group on Marine and Coastal Geography, 13-15 June 2024, Heidelberg.

Scheder, J, Dawson, S, Goovaerts, T, Engel, M, Costa, P, Van Daele, M, Nahar, R, De Batist, M, and Heyvaert, V (2024).
Reconstructing Holocene relative sea-level changes and extreme events in the Shetland Islands (United Kingdom).
In: BELQUA Scientific Workshop 2024, 5 March 2024, Brussels.

Scheder, J, Dawson, S, Goovaerts, T, Heyvaert, V, Engel, M, Costa, P, Nahar, R, and De Batist, M (2024).
A combined modern training set from three salt marshes and tidal flats of Mainland, Shetland Islands, as a tool for local sea-level reconstruction.
In: EGU General Assembly 2024, 14-19 April 2024, Vienna.

Speleers, L, Vanden Berghe, I, Ghesquière, V, Kinnaer, F, Meganck, M, Preiss, S, Van Bellingen, S, Timmermans, J, and Devos, Y (2024).
Colourful rivers: archaeobotanical remains of dye plants from urban fluvial deposits in the southern Low Countries (Belgium)
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.

T'Joen, L, Komiya, Z, and Drumont, A (2024).
Description of a new species of the genus Anomophysis Quentin & Villiers, 1981 from Wetar Island (Contribution to the knowledge of Indonesian Prioninae-2) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, NS, 49:83-92.

Thys, K, Vanhove, M, Kmentová, N, Van Steenberge, M, and Gobbin, T (2024).
Exploring co-invasion dynamics: parasitic interactions in the wake of Nile perch invasion in Lake Victoria and its impact on the parasite fauna of haplochromine cichlids
Neobiota 2024.

U, B, K, S, F, P, ML, Q, A, V, LA, S, I, S, and D, vO (2024).
Glacial melt impacts carbon flows in an Antarctic benthic food web.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 11(1359597.):19.

van Hees, L, Esser, E, Hoogendijk, T, Van Neer, W, Wouters, W, Zeiler, J, and Prummel, W (2024).
The luxurious lives of lords and ladies . Animal remains and their spatial distribution at Huis ter Kleef (c.1250-1573 AD)
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort. Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 82. (ISBN: 978-90-57993-54-1).

Van Neer, W, De Cupere, B, and Friedman, R (2024).
The earliest evidence for deformation of livestock horns: The case of Predynastic sheep from Hierakonpolis, Egypt
Journal of Archaeological Science, 172:106104.

Van Steenberge, M (2024).
The changing ecosystem of East Africa’s Mare Nostrum: Using ichthyology collections to identify the changes in the Lake Victoria region
In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Fishbase Symposium - Fishes in changing ecosystems, pp. 73.

van Vliet, HJ, Paymans, T, Bosselaers, M, Verheijen, I, Zboray, A, and Vahldiek, B (2024).
Some newly described archaeocete remains from the Eocene of the Helmstedt region, Germany
Caenozoic Research, 24(1):73-90.

Vandenboer, Y, Martens, K, Mesquita-Joanes, F, and Schön, I (2024).
Environmental factors and UV exposure affect gene activity in the putative ancient asexual ostracod Darwinula stevensoni
10th European Ostracodologists' Meeting (EOM10).

Vivien, R, Lafont, M, Issartel, C, Ferrari, BJ, and Martin, P (2024).
The Genus Chaetogaster Baer, 1827 (Annelida, Clitellata) in Switzerland: A First Step toward Cataloguing Its Molecular Diversity and Description of New Species on a DNA Sequence Basis
Biology, 13(693):1-19.

W. E. Dupont, D, Patel, T, Kochzius, M, and Schön, I (2024).
Evidence for a single population expansion event across 24,000 km: the case of the deep‑sea scavenging amphipod Abyssorchomene distinctus
Hydrobiologia, 851:2309–2327.

Zonneveld, J, Zaim, Y, Rizal, Y, Aswan, A, Ciochon, R, Smith, T, Head, J, Wilf, P, and Bloch, JL (2024).
Avian foraging on an intertidal mudflat succession in the Eocene Tanjung Formation, Asem Asem Basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Borneo
Palaios, 39:67-96.

Doxaran, D, Elkilani, B, Corizzi, A, and Goyens, C (2023).
Validation of multi-sensor satellite products in contrasted French coastal waters based on HYPERNETS field measurements
Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 4:1290110.

Pedroni, G, Scarponi, D, and Kerckhof, F (2023).
Balanus stellaris (Brocchi, 1814) cirripede rinvenuto nel Pliocene inferiore dell’Appennino settentrionale
Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna(57):1-8.

Pelckmans, I, Belliard, J, Dominguez-Granda, LE, Slobbe, C, Temmerman, S, and Gourgue, O (2023).
Mangrove ecosystem properties regulate high water levels in a river delta
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(9):3169-3183.

Preiss, S, Court-Picon, M, and Ingels, D (2023).
Chièvres/Chièvres : témoins archéobotaniques d'un tannage végétal complexe à l'époque contemporaine
Chroniques de l'Archéologie wallonne(31):99-105.

Ruddick, K, De Vis, P, Goyens, C, Kuusk, J, Lavigne, H, and Vanhellemont, Q (2023).
Second derivative water reflectance spectra for phytoplankton species detection – origin, impact and removal of spectral wiggles
In: SPIE Conference on Remote Sensing, held in Amsterdam, 3-6 September 2023, vol. 12728-11, Amsterdam.

van de Vijsel, RC, van Belzen, J, Bouma, TJ, van der Wal, D, Borsje, BW, Temmerman, S, Cornacchia, L, Gourgue, O, and van de Koppel, J (2023).
Vegetation controls on channel network complexity in coastal wetlands
Nature Communications, 14:7158.

Goyens, C and Ruddick, K (2022).
Improving the standard protocol for above-water reflectance measurements: 1. Estimating effective wind speed from angular variation of sunglint
Applied Optics, 10.1364/AO.481787.

Zenetos, A, Tsiamis, K, Galanidi, M, Carvalho, N, Bartilotti, C, Canning-Clode, J, Castriota, L, Chainho, P, Comas-González, R, Costa, AC, Dragicevic, B, Dulcic, J, Faasse, M, Florin, A, Gittenberger, A, Jakobsen, H, Jelmert, A, Kerckhof, F, Lehtiniemi, M, Livi, S, Lundgreen, K, Macic, V, Massé, C, Mavric, B, Naddafi, R, Orlando-Bonaca, M, Petovic, S, Png-Gonzalez, L, Carbonell Quetglas, A, Ribeiro, RS, Cidade, T, Smolders, S, Stæhr, PAU, Viard, F, and Outinen, O (2022).
Status and Trends in the Rate of Introduction of Marine Non-Indigenous Species in European Seas
Diversity, 14(1077):1-50.

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