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RBINS Staff Publications 2023

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 372 references in this bibliography folder.

Herrera, HW, Tocora, MC, Fiorentino, G, Causton, CE, Dekoninck, W, and Hendrickx, F (2023).
The ants of the Galápagos Islands (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): a historical overview, checklist, and identification key

Hess, K, Engel, M, Patel, T, Vakhrameeva, P, Koutsodendris, A, Klemt, E, Hansteen, TH, Kempf, P, Dawson, S, Schön, I, and Heyvaert, VMA (2023).
A 1500-year record of North Atlantic storm flooding from lacustrine sediments, Shetland Islands (UK)
Journal of Quaterny Science, 39(1):37-53.

Hiddink, JG, van de Velde, SJ, McConnaughey, RA, De Borger, E, Tiano, J, Kaiser, MJ, Sweetman, AK, and Sciberras, M (2023).
Quantifying the carbon benefits of ending bottom trawling
Nature, 617(E1–E2).

Ho, Q, Fettweis, M, Hur, J, Lee, S, and Lee, B (2023).
The potential of cohesive sediment and diverse microalgae to flocculate in demanding growth conditions
In: Proceedings 17th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes September 18-22, 2023, Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea, pp. 2 pp.

Houehanou, TD, Yaoitcha, AS, Edalo, V, Ahoyo, CC, Muhashy, FH, Assogbadjo, AE, Janssens de Bisthoven, L, Houinato, M, and Sinsin, AB (2023).
Local knowledge of the impact of uncontrolled fires on ecosystem services: a case study in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin
African Journal of Ecology, 62(1).

Houindote, E, Houehanou, TD, Muhashy, FH, Janssens de Bisthoven, L, and Houinato, M (2023).

Hovestadt, D and Steurbaut, E (2023).
Annotated Iconography of the fossil Chondrichthyan Fishes in the collection of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Monographs in Natural Sciences.

Huyghe, CE, Aerts, DN, Heindler, FM, Kmentová, N, Mushagalusa Cirhuza, D, Hellemans, B, Chocha Manda, A, Vanhove, MP, Mulimbwa N’Sibula, T, Volckaert, FA, Masilya Mulungula, P, and De Keyzer, EL (2023).
Opportunistic feeding habits of two African freshwater clupeid fishes: DNA metabarcoding unravels spatial differences in diet and microbiome, and identifies new prey taxa
Hydrobiologia, 850:3777–3796.

Huynh, T, Fettweis, M, and Lee, B (2023).
Application of an 1-DV TCPBE model with Bayesian calibration to diagnose the flocculation potential in the laboratory experiments and field measurement
In: Proceedings 17th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes September 18-22, 2023, Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea, pp. 2 pp.

Jamieson, A, Carmagnini, A, Howard-McCombe, J, Doherty, S, Hirons, A, Dimopoulos, E, Lin, A, Allen, R, Anderson-Whymark, H, Barnett, R, Batey, C, Beglane, F, Bowden, W, Bratten, J, De Cupere, B, Drew, E, Foley, N, Fowler, T, Fox, A, Geigl, E, Gotfredsen, A, Grange, T, Griffiths, D, Groß, D, Haruda, A, Hjermind, J, Knapp, Z, Lebrasseur, O, Librado, P, Lyons, L, Mainland, I, McDonnell, C, Muñoz-Fuentes, V, Nowak, C, O’Connor, T, Peters, J, Russo, I, Ryan, H, Sheridan, A, Sinding, M, Skoglund, P, Swali, P, Symmons, R, Thomas, G, Jensen, T, Kitchener, A, Senn, H, Lawson, D, Driscoll, C, Murphy, W, Beaumont, M, Ottoni, C, Sykes, N, Larson, G, and Frantz, L (2023).
Limited historical admixture between European wildcats and domestic cats
Current Biology, 33(21):4751-4760.e14.

Janssens de Bisthoven, L, Muhashy, FH, Keunen, H, Verheyen, E, De Koeijer, H, Rochette, A, Vrancken K, Huybrechts, P, and Wouters T (2023).
CEBioS capacity building programme in the Congo Basin

Jelu, I and Vellekoop, J (2023).
Het Paleogeen: een cruciaal tijdperk voor de evolutie van zoogdieren
Afzettingen WTKG, 44(2):48-55.

Jockin, Y (2023).
La minérolgie à Richelle

Joffrin, L, Mande, C, van Vredendaal, R, Laurent, N, Mariën, J, Musaba, P, Amisa, J, Gembu, G, Gryseels, S, Verheyen, E, and Leirs, H (2023).
Eco-epidemiology of bat viruses in DR Congo forests
In: Scientific programme & abstracts - 14th African Small Mammal Symposium, 17-22 September 2023, Swakopmund, Namibia, pp. 56.

Joffrin, L, Sabuni, C, Katakweba, A, Gryseels, S, and Leirs, H (2023).
Community ecology of Tanzanian bats and their viruses
In: Scientific programme & abstracts - 14th African Small Mammal Symposium, 17-22 September 2023, Swakopmund, Namibia, pp. 58.

Johnson, K, Owens, I, and Collections Group, G (2023).
A global approach for natural history museum collections
Science, 379(6638):1192-1194.

Kint, L and Van Lancker, V (2023).
Susana, D2.2 – Specificities of two alternative sand cases. October 2023
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,.

Kint, L and Van Lancker, V (2023).
Assessment of the Belgian Marine Waters, 2024, MSFD. D6C1-2: Physical loss and disturbance of the seabed in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,.

Kint, L and Van Lancker, V (2023).
Marine Geological Data Products of the Belgian part of the North Sea. Prepared for EMODNet Geology. MARE/2008/03, MARE/2012/10, EASME/EMFF/2016/, EASME/ EMFF/2018/, EASME/EMFF/ 2020/3.1.11/Lot2/SI2.853812
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,.

Kint, L, Barette, F, Degrendele, K, Roche, M, and Van Lancker, V (2023).
Sediment variability in intermittently extracted sandbanks in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Frontiers in Earth Science.

Kint, L, Van Lancker, V, and Van der Biest, K (2023).
Sand sourcing from dredge disposal grounds for nature-based solutions
In: Proceedings SedNet Conference 2023, pp. 1 pp.

Koch, E, Melo, T, Andrade, A, Leponce, M, and Delabie, J (2023).
Evaluation of different taxonomic levels as surrogates of ant diversity in green areas in an urbanized environment
In: Simpósio de Mirmecologia: an international ant meeting 2023, pp. 213, Manaus, Brasil.

Komba, J, Banda, P, Gembu Tungaluna, G, Akaibe, D, Baelo, P, Musaba, P, Mukirania, C, Ansobi, P, Ngoy, S, Adroabadrio, D, Tanzito, J, Angoyo, R, Laurent, N, van Vredendaal, R, Mariën, J, Leirs, H, Verheyen, E, and Casimir, N (2023).
Contribution to the study of gastrointestinal helminths of rodents in two localities of the central Congolese basin, Dikwa (Tshopo) and Inkanamongo (Tshuapa)
In: Scientific programme & abstracts- 14th African Small Mammal Symposium, 17-22 September 2023, Swakopmund, Namibia, pp. 32.

Laeta, M, Oliveira, J, Siciliano, S, Lambert, O, Jensen, F, and Galatius, A (2023).
Cranial asymmetry in odontocetes: a facilitator of sonic exploration?
Zoology, 160:126108.

Laforest, C (2023).
Etude archéo-anthropologique du site de Huy, rue Saint-Hilaire
RBINS, Rapport scientifique.

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