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RBINS Staff Publications 2022

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 441 references in this bibliography folder.

Martens, K, Jacobs , B, and Schön, I (2022).
An endemic species flock of cypridopsine ostracods (Crustacea) from Lake Malawi (Africa), with an overview of ancient lake ostracods. 
19th International Symposium for Ostracodologists (ISO19), Lyon (France)(34).

Martens, L, Stassen, P, Steurbaut, E, and Speijer, R (2022).
Reconstructing Eocene mid-latitudinal environmental changes through Nummulites geochemistry.
CBEP 12, Conference Program and Abstracts. Ocean Biogeochemical Responses to Climate Change A-133 (Poster 33).

Massart, C, Laforest, C, and Kharobi, A (2022).
Opération de fouilles archéologiques à l'Abbaye du Val des Ecoliers (Mons) : résultats préliminaires
Pré-actes JAW 2022, Rapports, Archéologie, 11:14-15.

Mathys, A, Cammaert, L, Jadin, I, and Semal, P (2022).
Un autre regard sur l’art mobilier paléolithique belge au travers des nouvelles technologies
In: Archéologues Malgré-Tout. Apporter sa pierre pour y voir clair. Mélanges offerts à Claire Bellier et Pierre Cattelain, ed. by Laureline Cattelain, Alison Smolderen & Marie Gillard. CEDARC, chap. La Magie de l’Art, pp. 111-116.

Mavraki, N, Coolen, JW, Kapasakali, D, Degraer, S, Vanaverbeke, J, and Beermann, J (2022).
Small suspension-feeding amphipods play a pivotal role in carbon dynamics around offshore man-made structures
Marine Environmental Research, 178(105664):1-10.

Mayk, D, Peck, LS, Backeljau, T, and Harper, EM (2022).
Shell thickness of Nucella lapillus in the North Sea increased over the last 130 years despite ocean acidification
Communications Earth and Environment, 3(158):1-12.

McCluskey, E, Brewin, R, Vanhellemont, Q, Jones, O, Cummings, D, Tilstone, G, Jackson, T, Widdicombe, C, Woodward, E, Harris, C, Bresnahan, P, Cyronak, T, and Andersson, A (2022).
On the Seasonal Dynamics of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Nearshore and Offshore Waters of Plymouth, in the English Channel: Enlisting the Help of a Surfer
Oceans, 3(2):125-146.

Meylemans, E, Bastiaens, J, Bogemans, F, Clerbaut, T, Debruyne, S, Deforce, K, Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, Perdaen, Y, Storme, A, Vanholme, N, and Van Neer, W (2022).
The Environment and its Exploitation Along the Lower Scheldt River During the Roman Period (Wichelen, Belgium – Late 1st to 3rd Centuries AD)
Environmental Archaeology:1--19.

Michiel, D and Noël, V (2022).
Lithostratigraphic identification sheet Veldhoven Formation
National Commission for Stratigraphy Belgium, Discussion document(1.0).

Montereale Gavazzi, G and al., e (2022).
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46 DK-1553 Copenhagen V , vol. 4(70), ICES ICES Scientific Reports.

Moravec, J, Wiesner, J, and Jocque, M (2022).
New or rare Madagascar tiger beetles - 26. A new species of the genus Pogonostoma Klug from northwestern Madagascar and a revised key to the Pogonostoma (P.) srnkai species-group (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).
Zootaxa, 5169(2).

Mottequin, B, Fischer, J, Goolaerts, S, and Olive, S (2022).
Revisiting the chondrichthyan egg capsules inventory from the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) of Belgium: new data and perspectives
The Science of Nature, 109:39.

Mullens, N, Sonet, G, Virgilio, M, Goergen, G, Janssens, SB, De Meyer, M, and Jordaens, K (2022).
Systematics of Afrotropical Eristalinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) using mitochondrial phylogenomics
Systematic Entomology, 47:315-328.

Naselli-Flores, L, Martens, K, Sidinei, T, and Fontaneto, D (2022).
A (very) brief vademecum on biological nomenclature
Hydrobiologia, 849(14):3079-3081.

Ndayikeza, L, Mbarushimana, D, Ndayishimiye, J, de Koeijer, H, Janssens de Bisthoven, L, Habonimana, B, and Bogaert, J (2022).
« Benoît Nzigidahera (1964-2018) : au service de la biodiversité et de la conservation de la nature »
Tropicultura, 40(Numéro 1):1-8.

Nelson, M, Lambert, O, and Uhen, M (2022).
Taxonomic and phylogenetic study of the late Oligocene heterodont odontocete Eosqualodon langewieschei provides clues about the emergence of modern toothed whales
In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, pp. 264A, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Neugebauer, I, Dinies, M, Plessen, B, Dräger, N, Brauer, A, Brückner, H, Frenzel, P, Gleixner, G, Hoelzmann, P, Krahn, K, Pint, A, Schwab, V, Schwarz, A, Tjallingii, R, and Engel, M (2022).
The unexpectedly short Holocene Humid Period in Northern Arabia.
Communications Earth & Environment , 3(47).

Nicolaï, MP, Porchetta, S, Clegg, JR, Taylor, PN, and Jocque, MM (2022).
Supplementary morphological information for Cornufer manus (Kraus & Allison, 2009) and Cornufer vogti (Hediger, 1934), with information on colour in life
Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 71:1-19.

Nieblas Ramirez, L, Linseele, V, Wouters, W, Wotzka, H, and Van Neer, W (2022).
Subsistence strategies in the Inner Congo Basin since the 14th century AD: the faunal remains from Nkile and Bolondo (DR Congo).
Archaeofauna, 31:57-75.

No names specified (2022).
Regional differences in vertebral shape along the axial skeleton in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona)
Journal of Anatomy, 241(3):716--728.

No names specified (2022).
Comprendre le droit de la protection de la nature. La dimension scientifique du droit de la protection de la nature.

No names specified (2022).
Population genomics of introduced Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Repeated introductions since colonial times with multiple sources
Molecular Ecology, 31(12):3304--3322.

No names specified (2022).
Population genomics of introduced Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Repeated introductions since colonial times with multiple sources
Molecular Ecology, 31(12):3304--3322.

No names specified (2022).
Population genomics of introduced Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Repeated introductions since colonial times with multiple sources
Molecular Ecology, 31(12):3304--3322.

Nsengimana, V, Hagenimana, T, Barakagwira, J, Nsenganeza, JdD, Iradukunda, SC, Majyambere, M, Kizungu, OB, Nkundimana, A, Umuton, D, Rwasimitana, F, Cyubahiro, B, Kouakou, LM, Kolo, Y, Anale, JS, Gómez, K, and Dekoninck, W (2022).
Journal of East African Natural History A Journal of Biodiversity, 111(2):69-79.

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