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RBINS Staff Publications 2019

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 610 references in this bibliography folder.

Dusar, M (2019).
De nieuwe marmervloer in de BP-building te Antwerpen. Evaluatie van de marmerkwaliteit en het schadepatroon. Report prepared for Group Renotec.
Faninbel bvba.

Dusar, M (2019).
Van Adinkerke tot Kessenich, 1000 jaar Vlaamse bouwgeschiedenis bewaard in steen.

Dusar, M (2019).
Wat stenen ons vertellen. Geologie van de natuurstenen.

Dusar, M (2019).
Exclusieve siersteen uit het Maasdal. Roze zandsteen van Java deel 2
Natuursteen, November 2019:10-13.

Dusar, M (2019).
Exclusieve siersteen uit het Maasdal. Roze zandsteen van Java deel 1
Natuursteen, Oktober 2019:10-13.

Ellen, V, Helena, V, Jan, V, Steven, D, Tom, M, and Andre, C (2019).
Experimental approach towards the understanding of food web interactions in an offshore wind farm environment under different climate and aquaculture scenarios

Engel, M (2019).
The geological legacy of typhoons in the Philippines

Engel, M (2019).
Der Golf - von Ur-Schatt bis Palm Islands in 15.000 Jahren

Engel, M, Brill, D, Matos Pupo, F, and Hernandez Ortega, Z (2019).
Massive boulders shifted along the coast of Guantánamo, Cuba, during Hurricane Matthew
In: 37th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Cologne, Germany, 09-11 May 2019.

Engel, M, Patel, T, Dawson, S, Pint, A, Kempf, P, Costa, P, Schön, I, and Heyvaert, V (2019).
Selective representation of sediment sources in tsunami deposits from the Shetland Islands (UK)
In: 37th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Cologne, Germany, 09-11 May 2019.

Engel, M, Patel, T, Dawson, S, Pint, A, Kempf, P, Costa, P, Schön, I, and Heyvaert, V (2019).
Selective representation of sediment sources in tsunami deposits from the Shetland Islands (U.K.)
In: 20th INQUA Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 25-31 Jul 2019.

Engel, M, Patel, T, Dawson, S, Pint, A, Kempf, P, Schön, I, and Heyvaert, V (2019).
Meta-genomics of Storegga tsunami deposits on Shetland, UK
In: International Workshop"Drowned paleo-landscapes. Current archaeological and natural scientific research in the Wadden Sea and the North Sea basin", Delmenhorst, Germany, 19-20 Sep 2019.

Engel, M, Rückmann, S, Drechsler, P, Brill, D, Opitz, S, Fassbinder, J, Pint, A, Peis, K, Wolf, D, Gerber, C, Pfeiffer, K, Eichmann, R, and Brückner, H (2019).
Karst depressions – key archaeological environments of south Qatar
In: 15th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geoarchaeology, Heidelberg, Germany, 24-26 May 2019.

Errera, M, Pétrequin, P, Collet, H, Sheridan, A, and Jadin, I (2019).
A jadeitite axehead in the midst of the famous Neolithic flint mines of Spiennes?
In: Mining and Quarrying. Geological Characterisation, Knapping Processes and Distribution Networks during Pre- and Protohistoric Times. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times, M, ed. by Collet H. & Hauzeur A. . Namur-Bruxelles, Agence wallonne du Patrimoine (AWaP) – Société royale belge d'Anthropologie et de Préhistoire (SRBAP) = Anthropologica et Præhistorica, 128/2017 (2019) , chap. -, pp. 291-295.

Ersmark, E, Baryshnikov, G, Higham, T, Argant, A, Castaños, P, Döppes, D, Gasparik, M, Germonpré, M, Lidén, K, Lipecki, G, Marciszak, A, Miller, R, Moreno-García, M, Pacher, M, Robu, M, Rodriguez-Varela, R, Rojo-Guerra, M, Sabol, M, Spassov, N, Storà, J, Valdiosera, C, Villaluenga, A, Stewart, J, and Dalén, L (2019).
Genetic turnovers and northern survival during the last glacial maximum in European brown bears
Ecology and Evolution, 9:5891-5905.

Fages, A, Hanghøj, K, Khan, N, Gaunitz, C, Seguin-Orlando, A, Leonardi, M, Constantz, C, Gamba, C, Al-Rasheid, K, Albizuri, S, Alfarhan, A, Allentoft, M, Alquraishi, S, Anthony, D, Baimukhanov, N, Barrett, J, Bayarsaikhan, J, Benecke, N, Bernáldez-Sánchez, E, Berrocal-Rangel, L, Biglari, F, Boessenkool, S, Boldgiv, B, Brem, G, Brown, D, Burger, J, Crubézy, E, Daugnora, L, Davoudi, H, Damgaard, P, Villa-Ceballos, M, Deschler-Erb, S, Detry, C, Dill, N, Oom, M, Dohr, A, Ellingvåg, S, Erdenebaatar, D, Fathi, H, Felkel, S, Fernández-Rodríguez, C, García-Viñas, E, Germonpré, M, Granado, J, Hallsson, J, Hemmer, H, Hofreiter, M, Kasparov, A, Khasanov, M, Khazaeli, R, Kosintsev, P, Kristiansen, K, Kubatbek, T, Kuderna, L, Kuznetsov, P, Laleh, H, Leonard, J, Lhuillier, J, Lettow-Vorbeck, C, Logvin, A, Lõugas, L, Ludwig, A, Luis, C, Arruda, A, Marques-Bonet, T, Silva, R, Merz, V, Mijiddorj, E, Miller, B, Mochlov, O, Mohaseb, F, Morales, A, Nieto-Espinet, A, Nistelberger, H, Onar, V, Pálsdóttir, A, Pitulko, V, Pitskhelauri, K, Pruvost, M, Sikanjic, P, Papeša, A, Roslyakova, N, Sardari, A, Sauer, E, Schafberg, R, Scheu, A, Schibler, J, Schlumbaum, A, Serrand, N, Serres-Armero, A, Shapiro, B, Seno, S, Shevnina, I, Shidrang, S, Southon, J, Star, B, Sykes, N, Taheri, K, Taylor, W, Teegen, W, Vukičević, T, Trixl, S, Tumen, D, Undrakhbold, S, Usmanova, E, Vahdati, A, Valenzuela-Lamas, S, Viegas, C, Wallner, B, Weinstock, J, Zaibert, V, Clavel, B, Lepetz, S, Mashkour, M, Helgason, A, Stefánsson, K, Barrey, E, Willerslev, E, Outram, A, Librado, P, and Orlando, L (2019).
Tracking Five Millennia of Horse Management with Extensive Ancient Genome Time Series
Cell, 177:1419-1435.

Ferreira, VG, Higuti, J, and Martens, K (2019).
A striking case of convergent evolution in two species of Cypricercinae (Crustacea, Ostracoda), with the description of a new genus and species from Brazil
Zoologischer Anzeiger.

Fettweis, M, Baeye, M, Francken, F, and Van den Eynde, D (2019).
Monitoring and modellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO). Activiteitsrapport 1 juli 2018-31 december 2018
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Operationele Directie Natuurlijk Milieu, .

Fettweis, M, Baeye, M, Francken, F, Jespers, N, Knockaert, M, Montereale Gavazzi, G, Parmentier, K, and Van den Eynde, D (2019).
Monitoring and modellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO). Activiteitsrapport 1 januari 2019 – 30 juni 2019
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Operationele Directie Natuurlijk Milieu,.

Fettweis, M, Reithmueller, R, Verney, R, Becker, M, Backers, J, Baeye, M, Chapalain, M, Claeys, S, Claus, J, Cox, T, Deloffre, J, Depreiter, D, Druine, F, Flöser, G, Grünler, S, Jourdin, F, Lafite, R, Nauw, J, Nechad, B, Röttchers, R, Sottolichio, A, Van Engeland, T, Vanhaverbeke, W, and Vereecken, H (2019).
Uncertainties associated with in situ high-frequency long-term observations of suspended particulate matter concentration using optical and accoustic sensors
Progress in Oceanography, 178.

Fettweis, M, Riethmüller, R, Vernay, R, Schartau, M, and Lee, B (2019).
The composition and characteristics of suspended particulate matter in marine coastal areas
In: Proc. International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes, Intercoh 2019, Tehran-Fuman, Iran, 28 April – 5 May 2019.

Figueiral, I, Chevillot, P, Court-Picon, M, Forrest, V, Martin, S, Pomarèdes, H, Ponel, P, and Tardy, C (2019).
In: 18th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany, 3-8 June 2019, Lecce (Italy), ed. by IWGP, pp. 70, Universita del Salento.

Filander, Z, Samyn, Y, and Griffiths, C (2019).
Four notable additions to the South African echinoid fauna (Echinodermata, Echinoidea)
ZooKeys, 832:71-80.

Fogaris, S, Madricardo, F, Zaggia, L, Sigovini, M, Montereale-Gavazzi, G, Kruss, A, Lorenzetti, G, Manfé, G, Petrizzo, A, Molinaroli, E, and Trincardi, F (2019).
Tidal inlets in the Anthropocene: Geomorphology and benthic habitats of the Chioggia inlet, Venice Lagoon (Italy)
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Folie, A, Augé, M, Smith, R, Phélizon, A, Gigase, P, and Smith, T (2019).
Varanidé, Saniwa orsmaelensis, de l'Eocène basal du Nord-Ouest de l'Europe
In: Les cahiers de la Réserve Naturelle Sainte-Victoire - Cahier numéro spécial, vol. Congrès APF 2019 - Livret de résumés, pp. 30, Association Paléontologique Française.

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