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RBINS Staff Publications 2019

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 610 references in this bibliography folder.

Damblon, F, Deligne, F, Jadin, I, and Fechner, K ((2012) 2019).
Annexe I. Datation radiocarbone des niveaux pré-romains du site de Bruyelle
In: Antoing, Bruyelle. Villa et occupations antérieures, ed. by Bausier K., Bloch N., Pigière F.. Agence wallonne du Patrimoine, pp. disponible en ligne : 7 p.

Damblon, F, Deligne, F, Jadin, I, and Fechner, K ((2012) 2019).
Annexe I. Datation radiocarbone des niveaux pré-romains du site de Bruyelle
In: Antoing, Bruyelle. Villa et occupations antérieures, ed. by Bausier K., Bloch N., Pigière F.. Agence wallonne du Patrimoine, pp. disponible en ligne : 7 p.

Damblon, F, Deligne, F, Jadin, I, and Fechner, K ((2012) 2019).
Annexe I. Datation radiocarbone des niveaux pré-romains du site de Bruyelle
In : Bausier K., Bloch N. & Pigière F. dir., Antoing, Bruyelle. Villa et occupations antérieures, Études et Documents, Archéologie, 23, Agence wallo ne du Patrimoine, Namur:7 p..

Ansieau, C, Bausier, K, Delcourt-Vlaeminck, M, Bloch, N, , collab, Damblon, F, Fechner, K, Guillaume, A, Jadin, I, Laurent, C, and (2012), 2 ().
3. Les occupations pré-romaines.
In: Antoing, Bruyelle. Villa et occupations antérieures, ed. by Bausier K., Bloch N., Pigière F.. Agence wallonne du Patrimoine, pp. 63-89 (article) + 417-451 (biblio.).

Gombeer, S, Prescott, M, Nebesse, C, Ngoy, S, Peeters, M, Van Bourgonie, YR, Meganck, K, Smitz, N, Backeljau, T, and DE Meyer, M ().

In: .

No names specified ().
Constraining the Oceanic Uptake and Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases by Building an Ocean Network of Certified Stations: The Ocean Component of the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS-Oceans
, 6.

No names specified ().
Constraining the Oceanic Uptake and Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases by Building an Ocean Network of Certified Stations: The Ocean Component of the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS-Oceans
, 6.

No names specified ().
Constraining the Oceanic Uptake and Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases by Building an Ocean Network of Certified Stations: The Ocean Component of the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS-Oceans
, 6.

No names specified ().
Ancient DNA suggests modern wolves trace their origin to a Late Pleistocene expansion from Beringia
Molecular Ecology, n/a(n/a).

No names specified ().
Similar ecology, different morphology: Three new species of oral-mollusc shellers from Lake Edward
Journal of Fish Biology, n/a(n/a).

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