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RBINS Staff Publications 2018

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 638 references in this bibliography folder.

Bosselaers, M, van Nieulande, F, and Schot, J (2018).
Een reuzenroofpotvis uit de Westerschelde
Cranium, 35(2):12-17.

Boulen, M and Court-Picon, M (2018).
Les sanctuaires dans leur environnement : apport des analyses polliniques réalisées dans le nord de la France et la Belgique. Approche méthodologique
In: Sacrée Science ! Apports des études environnementales à la connaissance des sanctuaires celtes et romains du nord-ouest européen, ed. by Gillet E., Fechner K., Fercoq de Leslay G., vol. Revue Archéologique de Picardie (32), pp. 31-43.

Bourland, J, Warmenbol, E, and Polet, C (2018).
Étude anthropologique d’une tombe collective du Néolithique final : la Grotte de la Porte Aïve à Hotton (prov. Luxembourg, BE)
In: Congès d’Arlon. , pp. 335-342, Actes du dixième congrès de l’Association des Cercles Francophones d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Belgique (ACFHAB) et LVIIe Congrès de la Fédération des Cercles d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de Belgique, Arlon.

Brabant, R, Laurent, Y, and Jonge Poerink, B (2018).
First ever detections of bats made by an acoustic recorder installed on the nacelle of offshore wind turbines in the North Sea, In: Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Assessing and Managing Effect Spheres
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Bresseel, J and Constant, J (2018).
The Oriental stick insect genus Orestes Redtenbacher, 1906: Taxon omical notes and six new species from Vietnam (Phasmida: Hetropterygidae: Dataminae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 58:1-62.

Bresseel, J and Constant, J (2018).
Two new stick insect genera from Vietnam, Nuichua gen. nov. and Pterohirasea gen. nov. with two new species (Phasmida: Diapheromeridae: Necrosciinae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 70:1-29.

Bresseel, J and Constant, J (2018).
The stick insect genus Medauroidea Zompro, 2000: Taxonomic note and extension to Laos and Cambodia with one new species, M. ramantica sp. nov. (Phasmida: Phasmatidae: Clitumninae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 73:1-19.

Brigitte, M, Philippe, G, and Cyrille, P (2018).
Letters to the twenty-first century botanist. Second series:“what is a seed?”–3. How did we get there? Palaeobotany sheds light on the emergence of seed
Botany Letters, 165(3-4):434-439.

Brill, D, Reimann, T, Wallinga, J, May, S, Engel, M, Riedesel, S, and Brückner, H (2018).
Testing the accuracy of feldspar single grains to date late Holocene cyclone and tsunami deposits
Quaternary Geochronology, 48:91-103.

Brinkhuizen, D, Cooremans, B, Ervynck, A, Stoops, S, and Van Neer, W (2018).
Schepenhuisstraat - Hoogpoort: aan tafel bij de Gentse bourgeoisie uit de eerste helft van de 18de eeuw
Stadsarcheologie. Bodem en monument in Gent , 2(8):113-142.

Bulteel, L, Reyserhove, L, Macke, E, Lens, L, Teyssier, A, White, J, Rouffaer, LO, Baardsen, LF, Bonte, D, Raeymaekers, J, Hablutzel, P, Heylen, D, Stoks, R, Ruyts, S, Martel, A, Verheyen, K, Volckaert, F, Hendrickx, F, Matthysen, E, and Decaestecker, E (2018).
Parasitisme en symbiose wat verandert er in de stad
Natuur.Focus, 17(2):75-81.

Buyse, J (2018).
Master thesis, VUB.

Camelbeeck, T, Quinif, Y, Verheyden, S, Vanneste, K, and Knuts, E (2018).
Earthquakes as collapse precursors at the Han-sur-Lesse cave in the Belgian Ardennes.
Geomorphology , 308:13-24.

Campos, R, Miranda Lansac-Tôha, F, de Oliveira da Conceição, E, Martens, K, and Higuti, J (2018).
Factors affecting the metacommunity structure of periphytic ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda): a deconstruction approach based on biological traits
Aquatic Sciences, 80:16.

Casier, J (2018).
Ostracod across the Frasnian/ Famennian boundary in the Hony railway section (Southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium) - Geochemical consequences.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98(3):431-439.

Cattelain, P, Cauwe, N, Gillard, M, Goemaere, E, Goffette, Q, Horevoets, M, Polet, C, and Smolderen, A (2018).
La grotte Genvier à Matignolle (Treignes, Viroinval, Province de Namur). Résultats préliminaires des campagnes de fouilles 2017-2018.
Notae Praehistorica, 38:149-167.

Cattelain, P, Cauwe, N, Gillard, M, Goemaere, E, Goffette, Q, Horevoets, M, Polet, C, and Smolderen, A (2018).
La grotte Genvier à Matignolle. Premiers résultats des campagnes de fouilles 2017-2018 (Treignes, Viroinval).
Eco Karst, 114(4ème trimestre 2018):1-5.

cebios (2018).
Mention of expo wildlife European Paliament in BESNET

CEBioS (2018).
Mention of CEBioS videos in, 2018

CEBioS and UAC (2018).
Environnement / Les services écosystémiques au cœur d’un atelier à Natitingou

Chapman, T, Sholukha, V, Semal, P, Louryan, S, and Van Sint Jan, S (2018).
Further consideration of the curvature of the Neandertal Femur
American journal of physical Anthropology, 165(1):94-107.

Chen, P, Yu, J, and Fettweis, M (2018).
Modeling storm-influenced suspended particulate matter flocculation usin g a tide-wave-combined biomineral model
Water Environment Research.

Christiansen, H, Dettai, A, Heindler, F, Collins, M, Duhamel, G, Hautecoeur, M, Steinke, D, Volckaert, F, and Van De Putte, A (2018).
Diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the Southern Ocean - A phylogeographic perspective using DNA barcoding
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6(SEP).

Christiansen, H, Dettai, A, Heindler, F, Collins, M, Duhamel, G, Hautecoeur, M, Steinke, D, Volckaert, F, and Van De Putte, A (2018).
Corrigendum: Diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the southern ocean - A phylogeographic perspective using DNA barcoding [Front. Ecol. Evol, 6, 120 (2018)] doi: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00120
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6(NOV).

Cleymans, S, Talloen, P, Beaujean, B, Van de Vijver, K, and Poblome, J (2018).
FROM BURIAL PLOT TO DUMP SITE Te history of the PQ4 compound at Sagalassos (southwest Anatolia)
Anatolica, XLIV:123-163.

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