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RBINS Staff Publications 2016

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 898 references in this bibliography folder.

Dogliotti, A, Ruddick, K, and Guerrero, R (2016).
Seasonal and inter-annual turbidity variability in the Río de la Plata from 15 years of MODIS: El Niño dilution effect
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 182:27-39.

Doxaran, D, Leymarie, E, Nechad, B, Dogliotti, A, Ruddick, K, Gernez, P, and Knaeps, E (2016).
Improved correction methods for field measurements of particulate light backscattering in turbid waters
Optics Express, 24(4):3615.

Doxaran, D, Leymarie, E, Nechad, B, Dogliotti, A, Ruddick, K, Gernez, P, and Knaeps, E (2016).
Improved correction methods for field measurements of particulate light backscattering in turbid waters
Optics Express, 24(4):3615.

Drechsler, P, Engel, M, Brill, D, and Gerber, C (2016).
The Asaila depression, an archaeological landscape in Qatar
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 46:98-106.

Dreesen, R and Creemers, G (2016).
The application of stone as a building of decorative material in Roman and medieval Tongeren. A geological-historical walking tour intra muros
In: Abstract book of the international conference "Roman ornamental stones in North-Western Europe: natural resources, manufacturing, supply, life and afterlife", Tongeren, 20-22 April 2016, ed. by Coquelet, C., Creemers, G., Dreesen, R. & Goemaere, E.

Dreesen, R, Declercq, W, and Debonne, V (2016).
Bedrock ballast stones in Flanders: first evidence for the presence of Baltic glacial erratic boulders and their historical re-use in Belgium
In: 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress 2016, Mons, 26-29 January 2016.

Dreesen, R, Ruppiene, V, and Peltier, F (2016).
Black, grey and red Belgian marbles: varieties, provenances and Roman uses
In: Abstract book of the international conference "Roman ornamental stones in North-Western Europe: natural resources, manufacturing, supply, life and afterlife", Tongeren, 20-22 April 2016, ed. by Coquelet, C., Creemers, G., Dreesen, R. & Goemaere, E.

Dreesen, R, Ruppiené, V, and Peltier, F (2016).
On the Roman use of Belgian marbles
In: Abstract Book of the International Conference Roman Ornamental Stones in North-Western Europe, Tongeren, 20-22 April 2016, pp. 18-19, SPW-DGO4 (ISBN: 978-2-8056-0199-6).

Dreesen, R, Savary, X, and Goemaere, E (2016).
Definition, classification and microfacies characteristics of oolitic ironstones used in the manufacturing of red ochre. A comparative petrographical analysis of Palaeozoic samples from France, Belgium and Germany.
In: Volume I : Autour de l’hématite / About haematite. Actes de / Acts of Jambes, 7-8/02/2013, ed. by Billard et al.. Liège, ERAUL, 143 – Liège-Brussels-Leuven, Studia Praehistorica Belgica, 8 – Anthropologica et Præhistorica, 125/2014, IRSNB & ULg, chap. 2.8, pp. 203-223.

Drucker, D, Stevens, R, Germonpré, M, Sablin, M, Péan, S, and Bocherens, H (2016).
The end of the mammoth steppe in central East European plains during the Epigravettian: insights from collagen stable isotopes
2nd Conference World of Gravettian Hunters, Krakow, Poland.

Drucker, D, Valentin, F, Thevenet, C, Mordant, D, Cottiaux, R, Delsate, D, and Van Neer W (2016).
Aquatic resources in human diet in the Late Mesolithic in Northern France and Luxembourg: insights from carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotope ratios
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences:1-18.

Drucker, DG, Rosendahl, W, Van Neer, W, Weber, M, Görner, I, and Bocherens H (2016).
Environment and subsistence in north-western Europe during the Younger Dryas: An isotopic study of the human of Rhünda (Germany)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6:690-699.

Drumont, A (2016).
Nouvelle contribution à l'étude du genre Autocrates Thomson, 1860 avec la description d'une nouvelle espèce du Vietnam: A. ivanovi n.sp. (Coleoptera: Trictenotomidae).
Revista gaditana de Entomologia, 7(1):25-36.

Drumont, A and Evanov, S (2016).
Aegosoma doi n.sp., a new species from central Vietnam (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, 24:99-104.

Drumont, A and Gouverneur, X (2016).
Nouvelle donnée de Molorchus umbellatarum (Schreber, 1759) dans le département français du Calvados (C oleoptera, Cerambycidae Cerabycinae)
L'Entomologiste, 72(6):407-408.

Drumont, A, Limbourg, P, Raemdonk, H, Delbol, M, Dekuijper, C, Dahan, L, Baugnée, J, and Grootaert, P (2016).
Contribution à l'étude des Otiorhynchus Germar, 1822 de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et note sur l'espèce invasive O. crataegi Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Bulletin de la Société Royale belge d'Entomologie, 152:51-61.

Drumont, A, Raemdonck, H, Limbourg, P, Dekuijper, C, Dahan, L, Locatelli, C, and Grootaert, P (2016).
A quarter of the Belgian Cerambycidae beetles fauna found in the botanical garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium)
Brussels, Belgium.

Drumont, A, Raemdonck, H, Limbourg, P, Dekuijper, C, Dahan, L, Locatelli, C, and Grootaert, P (2016).
The Cerambycidae beetles fauna from the botanical garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium)

Dufrasnes, J, Goemaere, E, Parent, S, and Thiébaux, A (2016).
Belœil/Quevaucamps : pierre à aiguiser médiévale ?
Chronique de l'Archéologie wallonne, 24:120-122.

Duliere, V, Gypens, N, Lancelot, C, Luyten, P, and Lacroix, G (2016).
What is the origin of nitrogen in the North Sea
In: North Sea Open Science Conference, Ostend, 7-10 November 2016.

Duliere, V, Gypens, N, Lancelot, C, Luyten, P, and Lacroix, G (2016).
Tracing marine nitrogen back to its continental source
In: ECSA56, Coastal systems in transition. From a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically-modified’ state, Bremen, Germany, 4-7 September 2016.

Dulière, V, Lee, BJ, Luyten, P, and Fettweis, M (2016).
Including the observed effect of microbiological activities in a flocculation model
ECSA56 Conference, 4-7 September, Bremen (Germany).

Dumont, M, de Buffrénil, V, Mijan, I, and Lambert, O (2016).
Structure and growth pattern of the bizarre hemispheric prominence on the rostrum of the fossil beaked whale Globicetus hiberus (Mammalia, Cetacea, Ziphiidae)
Journal of Morphology.

Dunn, RH, Rose, KD, Rana, RS, Kumar, K, Sahni, A, and Smith, T (2016).
New euprimate postcrania from the early Eocene of Gujarat, India, and the strepsirrhineehaplorhine divergence
Journal of Human Evolution, 99:25-51.

Dusar, M, Pieters, M, Vanhaelst, S, Declercq, M, Goethals, H, De Ceukelaire, M, and Heyvaert, VM (2016).
Pleistocene gravels on the Belgian offshore investigated for composition and provenance, towards a reassessment of the transport models
In: Geologica Belgica 5th International Meeting, Mons, Belgium.

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