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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016 / Definition, classification and microfacies characteristics of oolitic ironstones used in the manufacturing of red ochre. A comparative petrographical analysis of Palaeozoic samples from France, Belgium and Germany.

Roland Dreesen, Xavier Savary, and Eric Goemaere (2016)

Definition, classification and microfacies characteristics of oolitic ironstones used in the manufacturing of red ochre. A comparative petrographical analysis of Palaeozoic samples from France, Belgium and Germany.

In: Volume I : Autour de l’hématite / About haematite. Actes de / Acts of Jambes, 7-8/02/2013, ed. by Billard et al.. Liège, ERAUL, 143 – Liège-Brussels-Leuven, Studia Praehistorica Belgica, 8 – Anthropologica et Præhistorica, 125/2014, IRSNB & ULg, chap. 2.8, pp. 203-223.

RBINS Publication(s), International Redaction Board
(17) concerne aussi le Rubané, (20) projet, (6.2) lithique technologie, (17) concerne aussi le Néolithique ancien, (2) étude, (6.5) lithique approvisionnement, (16) concerne aussi le Néolithique ancien, (15) géologie, (1) généralités, (6.5) lithique matières premières, (16) concerne aussi le Rubané
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