Les lézard anguimorphes de l’Eocène inférieur (MP7) de Dormaal, Belgique
Depuis quelques années, les lézards de l’Eocène basal de Dormaal (niveau-repère MP7), Belgique sont en cours de révision. Après le varanidé Saniwa orsmaelensis (Augé et al., 2022), les geckos (Čerňanský et al., 2022) et les lézards Iguania (Čerňanský et al., 2023), le restant des Anguimorpha vient de faire l’objet d’une étude approfondie (Čerňanský et al., in press). Cette dernière met en évidence la présence d’au moins trois familles sur ce site : les Glyptosauridae, les Varanidae et les Palaeovaranidae. Les Glyptosauridae (contenant les glyptosaurinés et les mélanosaurinés) étaient identifiés dans la littérature au travers de ?Placosaurus ragei et d’un mélanosaure. Le matériel original de ?P. ragei est un dentaire isolé ainsi qu’un pariétal. Or, la taxonomie actuelle des espèces du genre Placosaurus est uniquement basée sur la morphologie du frontal. La mise en évidence d’un frontal de glyptosaure à Dormaal permet donc de discuter l’identification de ?P. ragei et d’attribuer ces éléments au genre Gaultia, un glyptosaure de l’Eocène inférieur du Wyoming, USA, représentant la première occurrence de ce genre en-dehors de l’Amérique du Nord. Une nouvelle combinaison, Gaultia ragei est donc proposée. La présence de mélanosaures (groupe paraphylétique) n’est pas formellement confirmée. Une vertèbre isolée pourrait appartenir à ce clade mais comme la morphologie des vertèbres de Gaultia est inconnue, des doutes subsistent. Nous décrivons également de nouveaux spécimens attribuables à Saniwa orsmaelensis ainsi qu’à un Palaeovaranidae. Ces taxons mettent à nouveau en évidence les migrations qui ont eu lieu durant le Maximum Thermique Paléocène-Eocène (PETM), climat le plus chaud des 66 derniers millions d'années. Ce travail fut possible grâce au financement SYNTHESYS BE-TAF-8234 de la Commission Européenne (A.Č.), à la bourse 1/0191/21 de l’Agence des Bourses Scientifiques du Ministère de l’Education de Slovaquie et de l’Académie des Sciences de Slovaquie (A.Č.) et
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA
Revision of the Eurybrachidae XVIII. The Australian genus Olonia Stål, 1862: Four new species, new records and biological data (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Polydictya lanternflies of Java: New species, taxonomy and identification key (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Phylogenomics of Psammodynastes and Buhoma (Elapoidea: Serpentes), with the description of a new Asian snake family
Asian mock vipers of the genus Psammodynastes and African forest snakes of the genus Buhoma are two genera belonging to the snake superfamily Elapoidea. The phylogenetic placements of Psammodynastes and Buhoma within Elapoidea has been extremely unstable which has resulted in their uncertain and debated taxonomy. We used ultraconserved elements and traditional nuclear and mitochondrial markers to infer the phylogenetic relationships of these two genera with other elapoids. Psammodynastes, for which a reference genome has been sequenced, were found, with strong branch support, to be a relatively early diverging split within Elapoidea that is sister to a clade consisting of Elapidae, Micrelapidae and Lamprophiidae. Hence, we allocate Psammodynastes to its own family, Psammodynastidae new family. However, the phylogenetic position of Buhoma could not be resolved with a high degree of confidence. Attempts to identify the possible sources of conflict in the rapid radiation of elapoid snakes suggest that both hybridisation/introgression during the rapid diversification, including possible ghost introgression, as well as incomplete lineage sorting likely have had a confounding role. The usual practice of combining mitochondrial loci with nuclear genomic data appears to mislead phylogeny reconstructions in rapid radiation scenarios, especially in the absence of genome scale data.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
A note on the genus Rugosophysis Komiya & Drumont, 2008 (Contribution to the knowledge of Indonesian Prioninae - 1) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Introduction history and genetic diversity of the invasive ant Solenopsis geminata in the Gala´pagos Islands
The Gala´pagos Islands constitute one of the most pristine tropical systems on Earth. However, the complex and fragile equilibrium of native species is threatened by invasive species, among which is one of the most successful ants in the world, the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata. We characterized the genetic structure and diversity of populations of S. geminata in the Galapagos Islands and unravelled the archipelago colonization by combining Bayesian clustering methods and coalescent-based scenario testing. Using 12 microsatellite markers and one mitochondrial DNA fragment (COI), we analysed individuals collected in all main invaded islands of the archipelago and from the native areas in Costa Rica and mainland Ecuador. We also used mitochondrial DNA to infer evolutionary relationships of samples collected in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Costa Rica and other Latin American countries. Our results showed that genetic diversity was significantly lower in Galapagos Islands and mainland Ecuador populations when compared to Costa Rican populations, and that samples from Galapagos Islands and mainland Ecuador (Guayaquil) clustered in a single group and all share a single mtDNA haplotype. Approximate Bayesian Computation favoured a scenario assuming that populations from Galapagos Islands diverged from mainland Ecuador. The city of Guyaquil, an obligatory hub for tourism and trade, could act as a bridgehead.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Impact of Laying Date and Fire Ants on Hatchlings of Chelonoidis porteri on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Chelonoidis land tortoises are iconic species endemic to the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador. Their populations have been dramatically reduced by human activities in the last three centuries, including indirect effects such as the introduction of invasive species. We investigated the mortality of eggs and hatchlings in 48 nests of Chelonoidis porteri on Santa Cruz Island with regard to various mortality causes such as the occurrence of fire ants and the date of laying. The average mortality rate was 0.56. Tropical Fire Ants (Solenopsis geminata) were present within 1 m of 75% of the C. porteri nests, and we encountered fire ants in 12.5% of excavated nests. We found no relationship between Tropical Fire Ant abundance and C. porteri egg and hatchling survivorship. We observed no signs of mold inside the nests. We determined that early deposition dates were associated with lower clutch survival and identified egg development as the critical life stage. Finally, we discuss the potential impacts of fire ants and climate change on tortoise survival and reproduction and stress the importance of taking these factors into account for the conservation of the endemic land tortoises of the Galápagos
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Espaces verts comme une alternative de conservation de la biodiversité en villes : le cas des fourmis (Hyménoptère : Formicidae) dans le district d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
Objectif: Cette étude vise à évaluer le rôle des espaces verts dans la préservation de la biodiversité dans le district d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). Les fourmis ont été utilisées comme des indicateurs biologiques afin d’examiner l’influence des activités anthropiques sur la biodiversité de ces habitats localisés dans la matrice urbaine. Méthodologie et résultats : Les fourmis ont été collectées à l’aide d’appât de thon et du protocole ALL (pièges fosses et Winkler) dans trois types d’espaces verts (espaces verts publics, jardins botaniques et le Parc National du Banco). Les résultats indiquent que les espaces verts sont pollués (pourcentage de nuisance compris entre 1,7 % et 28,8 %) et illégalement occupés (pourcentage d’occupation compris entre 1,08 % à 52,3 %) par les activités humaines. Ces milieux abritent toutefois une faune de fourmis riche avec 176 espèces collectées. De plus, les jardins botaniques et les espaces verts publics partagent 8,51 % et 42,55 % des espèces de fourmis avec le Parc National du Banco, malgré leur faible connectivité à cet habitat naturel. Conclusion et application : Cette étude suggère que les espaces verts du district d’Abidjan présentent des atouts de conservation de la biodiversité, en particulier les fourmis. Toutefois, l’occupation de ces milieux par les activités commerciales conduit à leur dégradation progressive et à la disparition des communautés animales et végétales. Les résultats de cette étude devraient interpeller les décideurs à définir une politique de gestion des espaces verts et parcs urbains afin de rehausser leur valeur de conservation de la biodiversité en ville.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Use of Soil and Litter Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as Biological Indicators of Soil Quality Under Different Land Uses in Southern Rwanda
The use of soil and litter arthropods as biological indicators is a way to assess environmental changes, where ant species in particular may serve as important indicators of soil quality. This study aimed at relating the abundance of soil and litter ant species to soil parameters under different tree species, both native and exotic, and varieties of coffee and banana plantations. Variations were found in soil physicochemical parameters. A total of 30 species belonging to 14 genera, and four subfamilies, the Formicinae, Dorylinae, Myrmicinae, and Ponerinae were identified. Higher abundance was found in coffee plantations compared to banana plantations, exotic and native tree species. Species of Camponotus cinctellus and Odontomachus troglodytes occurred in all land uses which is a sign of tolerance to a wide range of soil properties. In addition, these species, together with Myrmicaria SP02, Phrynoponera gabonensis, Camponotus SP06, Myrmicaria opaciventris, Pheidole SP03, Tetramorium simillimum, Pheidole SP01, and Tetramorium laevithorax were not strongly correlated with soil physicochemical parameters. Species of Pheidole SP02 and Camponotus SP05 were restricted to specific soil physicochemical properties, while species of Tetramorium zonacaciae and Bothroponera talpa discriminated between native tree species, coffee plantations, soil organic carbon, sandy soil texture, and aggregate stability. We concluded that these ant species can differently indicate the soil quality depending on the land use. We recommended further studies in order to generalize these findings
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Short-term changes in the structure of ant assemblages in a Guinean savanna under differing fire regimes at Lamto Scientific Reserve, Côte d’Ivoire
To maintain savanna vegetation, mid-seasonal fire has been applied since 1961 in the Lamto Savanna (Côte d’Ivoire). However, this prescribed fire has not impeded tree encroachment during recent years, nor have its effects on insect assemblages been documented. Also the impact of tree intrusion on insect assemblages is poorly studied in savanna. To prevent tree density increasing, a change in fire regime might be a solution. In this study, we examined the effect of different fire regimes (early, mid-seasonal and late fires) on leaf-litter ant assemblages in order to suggest appropriate measures for preventing tree invasion without having an effect on insect communities. Sampling was implemented by combining pitfall trapping and leaf-litter sampling before and after three different fire regimes, early, mid-seasonal and late fires. While the ant species richness declined after the passage of early and mid-seasonal fires, significantly more species were found in the burnt savanna after the late fire. However, the losses or gains of species due to different fire regimes did not cause severe changes in the ant species composition. Of the functional groups identified, only the generalists and specialist predators were respectively strongly affected by the early and mid-seasonal fires, certainly due to micro-habitat modification. Based on the trends observed in the present study, we suggest sampling other invertebrate fauna in similar savanna plots to find out if other insect groups have similar reactions to the applied fire regimes.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018