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Techreport Reference Monitoring the impact of the extraction of marine aggregates, in casu sand, in the zone of the Hinder Banks. Scientific Report 7-8, 2020-2021.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Inproceedings Reference Monitoring the trade in exotic animal products through DNA barcoding of passenger-imported meat
The INTERCEPT-project seeks to propose a robust framework for the long-term monitoring of (exotic) animal product imports into Belgium, highlighting the legal and illegal aspects of the trade and its implications for public and animal health. INTERCEPT aims to move towards a centralised database by integrating data from various federal services and agencies to gain a better overview of the trade and to promote the dissemination of crucial information among federal services, agencies, and stakeholders. The project also aims to introduce a secure and efficient sampling method for officials, along with a laboratory species identification pipeline by researchers, which will enable rapid DNA-based identification of illegally imported meat. During the project, meat intercepted from passengers luggage at Brussels Airport is sampled, identified using DNA barcoding and screened for pathogens. At present, 424 specimens have been sampled, of which 315 have been identified so far. About 40% were derived from non-domesticated species, including meat from 10 CITES-listed species. Among the seized wild meat samples, greater cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus) and African brush-tailed porcupine (Atherurus africanus) were predominant. Six specimens (5%) were misidentified as domestic meat upon seizure, while DNA analyses revealed a wild species. Inversely, twelve specimens (6%) were misidentified as wild meat, while DNA analyses revealed a domestic species. By fostering collaboration among scientific institutions and federal agencies, this initiative aims to inform border control measures, and will support future research into diseases carried by both domestic and exotic meat, allowing better characterisation of the health risks associated with the illegal import of meat from third countries.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference Monitoring the wild meat trade through DNA barcoding and pathogen screening of passenger-imported meat
The INTERCEPT project maps the current situation of monitoring (exotic) animal product imports from third countries into Belgium, highlighting both the legal and illegal aspects of the trade and its implications for public and animal health. Recommendations are being drafted to move towards a more robust framework for long-term monitoring including a centralized database that integrates data from various federal services and agencies to gain a better overview of the trade and to promote the dissemination of crucial information among federal services, agencies, and stakeholders. The project also aims to introduce a secure and efficient sampling method for officials, along with a molecular species identification pipeline for researchers, which will enable rapid DNA-based identification of illegally imported meat. During this project, over 600 specimens have been sampled from intercepted meat from passenger’s luggage at Brussels Airport, of which more than 500 samples have so far been identified using DNA barcoding and screened for orthopoxviruses. Metagenomic DNA and RNA sequencing is ongoing for a selection of samples pooled per DNA-confirmed species, preparation method (raw vs. cooked), and, when possible, region of origin. By fostering collaboration among scientific institutions and federal agencies, this initiative aims to inform border control measures and will support future research into pathogens carried by both domestic and exotic meat, allowing better characterisation of the health risks associated with the illegal import of meat from third countries.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2025
Inproceedings Reference Monkeypox viruses circulate in distantly related small mammal species in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Inproceedings Reference Monkeypox viruses circulate in distantly-related small mammal species in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference Monogeneans from Catfishes in Lake Tanganyika. II: New Infection Site, New Record, and Additional Details on the Morphology of the Male Copulatory Organ of Gyrodactylus transvaalensis Prudhoe and Hussey, 1977
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference Mons/Nouvelles : les décors en pierre de la villa de la Grande Boussue.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Mons/Spiennes - Apport à la chronologie radiocarbone des minières néolithiques. [Société de Recherche Préhistorique en Hainaut a.s.b.l.]
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Techreport Reference Morfologische drukken in de Belgische kustwateren en kustzone. Rapport In het kader van de EU Water Framework Directive - Integrated River Basin Management for Europe
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021 OA
Article Reference Morphological and DNA analyses reveal cryptic diversity in Anentome wykoffi (Brandt, 1974) (Gastropoda: Nassariidae), with descriptions of two new species from Thailand
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA