Sex identification from fragmentary archeozoological assemblages is particularly challenging in the Equid family, including for horses, donkeys and their hybrids. This limitation has precluded in-depth investigations of sex-ratio variation in various temporal, geographic and social contexts. Recently, shallow DNA sequencing has offered an economical solution to equine sex determination, even in environments where DNA preservation conditions is not optimal. In this study, we applied state-of-the-art methods in ancient DNA-based equine sex determination to 897 osseous remains in order to assess whether equal proportions of males and females could be found in a range of archeological contexts in France. We found Magdalenian horse hunt not focused on isolated bachelors, and Upper Paleolithic habitats and natural traps equally balancing sex ratios. In contrast, Iron Age sacrificial rituals appeared to have been preferentially oriented to male horses and this practice extended into the Roman Period. During Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Period, cities emerged as environments largely dominated by horse males. This strong sex-bias was considerably reduced, and sometimes even absent, in various rural contexts. Combined with previous archaeozoological work and textual evidence, our results portray an urban economy fueled by adult, often old, males, and rural environments where females and subadults of both sexes were maintained to sustain production demands.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022
A total of 225 specimens - representing three orders, four families, 12 genera, 44 species and one variety - collected in the shallow-waters of Kenya and Pemba Island (Tanzania) - are investigated. Bohadschia cousteaui, B. similis, Holothuria (Metriatyla) albiventer; Pearsonothuria graeffei, Thelenota anax, Euapta godeffioyi, Opheodesoma grisea, 0. spectabilis and Synaptula recta are new records for Kenya and from Pemba Island (Tanzania). H. (M) timana is a new record for the western Indian Ocean. Diagnostic characters and descriptions (including some brief notes on the ecology) are given for most species. Identification keys up to the species level are also included. The results are compared to the shallow-water holothuroid biodiversity of the western Indian Ocean. This study stresses the richness of the holothuroid biodiversity of Kenya and Pemba Island. The holothuroid fauna of Kenya (with Pemba Island) is now represented by 48 species.
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RBINS Staff Publications