Vulnerability of coastal lowlands. A case study of landsubsidence in Shanghai, P.R. China
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RBINS Staff Publications
Vulnerability of sexual and asexual Eucypris virens (Crustacea, Ostracoda) to predation: an experimental approach with dragonfly naiads
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RBINS Staff Publications
Vulnerability of the Belgian Coastal Lowlands to Future Sea-level Rise
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RBINS Staff Publications
Water level fluctuations and metapopulation dynamics as drivers of genetic diversity in populations of three Tanganyikan cichlid fish species
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RBINS Staff Publications
WATERHYPERNET: a prototype network of automated in situ measurements of hyperspectral water reflectance for satellite validation and water quality monitoring
pThis paper describes a prototype network of automated italicin situ/italic measurements of hyperspectral water reflectance suitable for satellite validation and water quality monitoring. Radiometric validation of satellite-derived water reflectance is essential to ensure that only reliable data, e.g., for estimating water quality parameters such as chlorophyll italica/italic concentration, reach end-users. Analysis of the differences between satellite and italicin situ/italic water reflectance measurements, particularly unmasked outliers, can provide recommendations on where satellite data processing algorithms need to be improved. In a massively multi-mission context, including Newspace constellations, hyperspectral missions and missions with broad spectral bands not designed for “water colour”, the advantage of hyperspectral over multispectral italicin situ/italic measurements is clear. Two hyperspectral measurement systems, PANTHYR (based on the mature TRIOS/RAMSES radiometer) and HYPSTAR$^®$ (a newly designed radiometer), have been integrated here in the WATERHYPERNET network with SI-traceable calibration and characterisation. The systems have common data acquisition protocol, data processing and quality control. The choice of validation site and viewing geometry and installation considerations are described in detail. Three demonstration cases are described: 1. PANTHYR data from two sites are used to validate Sentinel-2/MSI (A&B); 2. HYPSTAR$^®$ data at six sites are used to validate Sentinel-3/OLCI (A&B); 3. PANTHYR and HYPSTAR$^®$ data in Belgian North Sea waters are used to monitor phytoplankton parameters, including italicPhaeocystis globosa/italic, over two 5 month periods. Conclusion are drawn regarding the quality of Sentinel-2/MSI and Sentinel-3/OLCI data, including indications where improvements could be made. For example, a positive bias (mean difference) is found for ACOLITE\_DSF processing of Sentinel-2 in clear waters (Acqua Alta) and clues are provided on how to improve this processing. The utility of these italicin situ/italic measurements, even without accompanying hyperspectral satellite data, is demonstrated for phytoplankton monitoring. The future evolution of the WATERHYPERNET network is outlined, including geographical expansion, improvements to hardware reliability and to the measurement method (including uncertainty estimation) and plans for daily distribution of near real-time data./p
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RBINS Staff Publications 2025
Waulsort Caverne X: A new cave site with Early Mesolithic human remains in Belgium.
Caverne X in Waulsort (Namur province, Belgium), excavated in the 19 th century, revealed a burial site which was unexpectedly dated to the Final Upper Paleolithic (10,820 ± 80 BP, OxA-6856) in the 1990's. A re-examination of the collection and a new radiocarbon dating program was recently undertaken. The dates obtained on four left femurs (9285 ± 30 BP, ETH-74725; 9310 ± 30 BP, ETH-74726; 9340 ± 30 BP, ETH-74727; 9300 ± 30 BP, ETH-74728) revealed that the remains should in fact be attributed to the Early Mesolithic, ISSN 0259-3548 25 MM 28:2 (December 2020) consistent with 24 other 14 C dates obtained for eight cave sites in the Meuse Basin which range from ca. 9600 BP to 9000 BP. Caverne X contained 544 human remains belonging to at least nine individuals (one fetus, one perinatal/young child, one teenager, two adolescents/young adults and four adults), and 66 faunal remains consisting mainly of intrusive animals with the possible exception of a cervid antler, and one artefact (a small flint blade). Other than ochre deposits, all alterations (breakage, surface abrasion, impact scars and concretions) are post-depositional in origin. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis indicates a diet primarily based on terrestrial resources from an open landscape with proteins provided by large herbivores. Our study shows that Caverne X fits well with results already obtained for the Meuse Basin cave burials in terms of chronology, minimum number of individuals, funerary rituals and diet.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Weak link between dispersal and parasite community differentiation or immunogenetic divergence in two sympatric cichlid fishes
Geographical isolation, habitat variation and trophic specialization have contributed to a large extent to the astonishing diversity of cichlid fishes in the Great East African lakes. Because parasite communities often vary across space and environments, parasites can accompany and potentially enhance cichlid species diversification. However, host dispersal may reduce opportunities for parasite-driven evolution by homogenizing parasite communities and allele frequencies of immunity genes. To test for the relationships between parasite community variation, host dispersal and parasiteinduced host evolution, we studied two sympatric cichlid species with contrasting dispersal capacities along the shores of southern Lake Tanganyika. Whereas the philopatric Tropheus moorii evolved into several genetically differentiated colour morphs, Simochromis diagramma is phenotypically rather uniform across its distribution range and shows only weak population structure. Populations of both species were infected with divergent parasite communities and harbour differentiated variant pools of an important set of immune genes, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The overall extent of geographical variation of parasites and MHC genes was similar between host species. This indicates that immunogenetic divergence among populations of Lake Tanganyika cichlids can occur even in species that are strongly dispersing. However, because this also includes species that are phenotypically uniform, parasite-induced evolution may not represent a key factor underlying species diversification in this system.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Weak population structure and recent demographic expansion of the monogenean parasite Kapentagyrus spp. infecting clupeid fishes of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
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RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Weird Fish: Defining a role for fish paleopathology
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Well-preserved Eocene Aturia's from Boujdour, SW Morocco
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018