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Inproceedings Reference Copper and zinc isotopic compositions of mafic-dominated volcanogenic sulfide deposits in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference Geochemistry, mineralogy, Cu, Zn and Fe isotopic composition of Gossans found in Cyprus-type VMS systems from the Troodos ophiolite.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference Petrogenesis and isotopic investigation of Pillow Lavas from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus: Cu and Zn isotopes
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference Geochemical imaging at hand-sample scale of Belgian Zn-Pb ores using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference A large meteoritic event over Antarctica ca. 430 ka ago inferred from chondritic spherules from the Sor Rondane Mountains
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference Structural framework as the new fundament for international geoscientific cooperation and policy support
The transition towards a clean and low carbon energy system in Europe will increasingly rely on the use of the subsurface. Communicating the potential and limitations of subsurface resources and applications remains challenging. This is partly because the subsurface is not part of the world people experience, leaving them without reference frame to understand impacts or consequences. A second element is that the geological context of a specific area is very abstract, three dimensional, and hence difficult to correctly and intuitively disclose using traditional geological maps or models. The GeoConnect³d project is finalising the development and testing of a new type of information system that can be used for various geo-applications, decision-making, and subsurface spatial planning. This is being accomplished through the innovative structural framework model, which reorganises, contextualises, and adds value to geological data. The model is primarily focused on geological limits, or broadly planar structures that separate a given geological unit from its neighbouring units. It also includes geomanifestations, highlighting any distinct local expression of ongoing or past geological processes. These manifestations, or anomalies, often point to specific geologic conditions and therefore can be important sources of information to improve geological understanding of an area and its subsurface (see Van Daele et al., this volume, Rombaut et al., this volume ). Geological information in this model is composed of spatial data at different scales, with a one-to-one link between geometries and their specific attributes (including uncertainties), and of semantic data, categorised conceptually and/or linked using generic SKOS hierarchical schemes. Concepts and geometries are linked by a one-to-many relationship. The combination of these elements subsequently results in a multi-scale, harmonised and robust model. In spite of its sound technical basis, consultation is highly intuitive. The underlying vocabulary is of high scientific standard and linked to INSPIRE and GeoSciML schemes, but can also automatically, both visually and semantically, be simplified to be understood by non-experts. The structural framework-geomanifestations methodology has now been applied to different areas in Europe. The focus on geological limits brings various advantages, such as displaying geological information in an explicit, and therefore more understandable way, and simplifying harmonisation efforts in large-scale geological structures crossing national borders originating from models of different scale and resolution. The link between spatial and semantic data is key in adding conceptual definitions and interpretations to geometries, and provides a very thorough consistency test for present-day regional understanding of geology. As a framework, other geological maps and models can be mapped to it by identifying common limits, such as faults, unconformities, etc, allowing to bring together non-harmonised maps in a meaningful way. The model demonstrates it is possible to gather existing geological data into a harmonised and robust knowledge system. We consider this as the way forward towards pan-European integration and harmonisation of geological information. Moreover, we identify the great potential of the structural framework model as a toolbox to communicate geosciences beyond our specialised community. Making geological information available to all stakeholders involved is an important step to support subsurface spatial planning to move forward towards a clean energy transition. . This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731166.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference Enhanced rock weathering: the overlooked hydrodynamic trap
Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a technique proposed to remove large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere (i.e. a negative emission technology) in which finely fragmented silicate rocks such as basalts (ground basalt) are distributed over agricultural or other land plots. The weathering process involves trapping CO2 but will also typically ameliorate soil properties (pH, soil moisture retention, cation exchange capacity, availability of Si), and can therefore be expected to positively affect plant and microbiological activity. This technique has been proposed in different modified forms over the past decades. In its current format, mainly its potential for near global application (e.g. Beerling et al. 2020) is stressed, and its acceptance is helped by the positive reception by e.g. nature organisations that already apply it as a technique for ecological restoration. Two main and largely separated processes result in trapping of CO2. The first is precipitation of carbonates, often as nodules, in the soil. The second is increased CO2 solubility in groundwater and eventually ocean water due to an increase of the pH value, referred to as the pH-trap. Most of the pH-trapping schemes are built on the assumption that CO2 is dissolved in infiltrating and shallow ground water, then discharged into surface water and consecutively transported to the seas and oceans. In that reservoir CO2 is expected to remain dissolved for centuries and possibly up to ten thousands of years, depending on surfacing times of deep oceanic currents. Another pathway that is systematically overlooked is that of groundwater fluxes that recharge deeper groundwater bodies. Depending on the regional geology, a significant fraction of infiltrating water will engage in deeper and long-term migration. For Belgium, the contribution of hydrodynamic trapping, depending on the hydrogeological setting, could be any part of the 15 to 25% of precipitation that infiltrates. Once infiltrating water enters these cycles, it will not come into contact with the atmosphere for possibly fifty thousand years. In this model, the long-term impact of ERW as a climate mitigation measure rests on a good understanding of the larger hydrogeological context, which encompasses infiltration and the deeper aquifers. Deep aquifers, as well as the migration paths towards them, are strictly isolated and residence times are much longer than for oceans. Recharge areas for deeper aquifer systems may therefore become preferential sites for ERW application, becoming an additional evaluation factor for siting ERW locations that is currently based on surface factors alone.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inproceedings Reference Microfacies analysis of a middle to upper Frasnian succession at the Lompret quarry (SW Belgium) documenting a transition from the Lion reef to deep marine Neuville and Matagne environments
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Inproceedings Reference Belgian paleontological heritage: time for action?
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Inproceedings Reference Trophic ecology of ants and spiders along a wide elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea revealed by stable isotopes
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016