Annotated key to weevils of the world. Part 1 Families Nemonychidae, Anthribidae, Belidae, Ithyceridae, Rhynchitidae, Brachyceridae end Brentidae
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No RBINS Staff publications
Ant biodiversity conservation in Belgian calcareous grasslands: Active management is vital
A list of ant species collected in eight calcareous grasslands in the Viroin valley (Viroinval, Belgium) is presented. Thirty species were identified, including Temnothorax albipennis, for the first time recorded in Belgium. Ant community composition and chorology of some ant species are discussed. Recommendations on how to use ant community composition and nest densities of several ant species to evaluate management in calcareous grasslands are given. It appears that in locations with encroachment of tall grasses (especially Brachypodium pinnatum) and spontaneous afforestation, due to a complete lack of or to inadequate management, most of the often rare xerophilic ant species are replaced by mesophilic, rather common species.
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RBINS Staff Publications
Ant communities in recently restored dune grassland ecosystems in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
In the period 2000-2001 nature restoration projects drastically reshaped the Nature Reserve in Lombardsijde near the Ijzer Estuary in Flanders, Belgium. Dikes were constructed and new dune grasslands were installed. Seven years after the restoration the ant fauna of these newly created sites was compared with reference sites from foredunes, dune grasslands and grey dunes. Ants were collected with pitfall traps in 10 sample sites during 4 years. Our results showed that after 7 even 10 years of nature restoration, the ant fauna in the newly created sites still differs substantially from those of the reference sites. However, typical dune grassland ant species like Myrmica specioides, Myrmica sabuleti and Lasius psammophilus were already present at the newly created sites. Our data also suggests that it takes a longer period for characteristic dune grassland ants species to colonize and settle in these new environments than for other invertebrate groups like spiders and carabid beetles that were also collected and studied during the same project and reported before.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Ant communities in recently restored dune grassland ecosystems in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Ant nests effect on organic matter, carbon, and nitrogen flux in the soil under grasses tufts in Lamto savannah (Côte d’Ivoire)
Ants are known to contribute to the physical and chemical improvement of the soil. In this context, the hypothesis put forward is that ants improve the nitrogen (N) supplementation necessary to ensure the high primary production measured in the Lamto savannah. Recent investigations in the humid savannah ecosystem showed that ant nests’ association with perennial grasses enhances their growth, productivity, and microorganism activity. This study aimed at understanding the effect of ant nests on organic matter (OM), carbon (C), and N flux beneath grass tufts. Under each grass tuft chosen to carry out this study, soil samples were taken from the depths of 0–10 cm using an auger at shrubby, clear grassy, and transitional grassy savannah. The analytical method by incineration of the loss on fire was used to determine the OM amount. The Kjeldahl method was used to determine the total N amount in the soil under grass tufts. The results showed that these components’ amount is higher beneath grass tufts associated with ant nests than those not associated with ant nests. The presence of ant nests increases OM and C amount in the soil under Hyparrhenia diplandra tufts than Andropogon schirensis, and Loudetia simplex tufts. In contrast, N amount is higher under L. simplex tufts than A. schirensis; but mean under H. diplandra. The carbon/nitrogen ratios less than 10 indicate high OM mineralization under grass tufts associated with ant nests. This provides the plants with an adequate supply of nutrients
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Antigenic properties of Type I collagen and Taxonomy
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RBINS Staff Publications
Antrobathynella stammeri (Jakobi, 1954) : The first record of bathynellacea (Crustacea : Syncarida) in Belgium
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RBINS Staff Publications
Aperçu sur les coléoptères Scarabaeidae coprohages du Tchad (second note) et observations sur Onitis meruensis Ferreira, 1977 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
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RBINS collections by external author(s)
Applicability of DNA barcoding to museum specimens of birds from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The ornithological collections of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels contain approximately 155 000 specimens collected in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) . They include type specimens and other samples from historical populations that represent an exceptional source of information for exploring how habitat fragmentation due to deforestation or global climate changes affect patterns of biodiversity in African birds . By attempting to obtain DNA sequences from these archive collections we intend to make them useful for genetic studies and to contribute to a reference library of DNA sequences, thus allowing the future iden- tification of Central African bird species through DNA barcodes . Our project aims to sequence approximately 950 mu- seum specimens, representing 225 species, collected between 1845 and 2008 . Our preliminary results reveal that the degradation of DNA in most museum specimens does not allow the amplification of the standard DNA barcode fragment (694 bp) . Nevertheless, we have been able to sequence shorter fragments (298 bp and 100 bp) for the majority of the selected specimens, implying that the collections in the RMCA and the RBINS contain DNA information that remains useful for barcoding purposes . More elaborate experiments might yield longer DNA sequences for phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies .
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RBINS Staff Publications
Application du logiciel de modélisation musculosquelettique lhpFusionBox à une problématique paléoanthropologique. Spyrou le Néandertalien marche !
Résumé LhpFusionBox est un logiciel développé pour des études biomécaniques et cliniques relatives au système musculosquelettique des hommes anatomiquement modernes (HAM). Il a été récemment adapté aux problématiques paléoanthropologiques et utilisé pour l’étude biomécanique de la locomotion des hominidés fossiles. Il n’existe aucun squelette de Néandertalien complet. Le but de notre étude a consisté à réaliser un modèle virtuel en trois dimensions (3D) du squelette relativement complet du Néandertalien Spy II et à tester la faisabilité d’une analyse biomécanique de la locomotion du genou et des bras de levier des muscles ischio-jambiers. Des ossements appartenant à d’autres individus néandertaliens ont été mis à l’échelle de ceux de Spy II afin de remplacer les ossements incomplets ou manquants. Ces études biomécaniques préliminaires semblent montrer que les Néandertaliens et les HAM ont une locomotion comparable. Les Néandertaliens semblent avoir des bras de levier plus grands au niveau des muscles de la cuisse, ce qui pourrait leur procurer un avantage biomécanique. Le squelette obtenu a été imprimé en 3D et a servi de base à la reconstruction artistique de Spyrou qui est hébergée en l’espace de l’homme de Spy (EHoS). [Application of the musculo-skeletal modelling software lhpFusionBox to a paleoanthropological problem: the Spyrou Neandertal moves!] Abstract LhpFusionBox is a program originally designed for biomechanical and clinical studies relating to the musculoskeletal system of anatomically modern humans (AMH). The program has recently been adapted for paleontological purposes and used to reconstruct and biomechanically analyse a fossil hominid. There is no complete Neandertal skeleton in the fossil record. The aim of the study was to reconstruct a complete three-dimensional (3D) model of a Neandertal using the relatively complete Spy II Neandertal and to conduct biomechanical feasibility studies on the knee and hamstring moment arms of the skeleton. Different Neandertal specimens were scaled to the size of Spy II to replace incomplete or missing bones. Biomechanical feasibility studies performed on the knee seem to show that Neandertal and AMHh gait is similar and Neandertals were shown to have larger moment arms in the hamstring muscles, which would have given them a mechanical advantage. The complete Neandertal was printed in 3D and used as the base to create the artistic model of “Spyrou” housed at l’Espace de l’Homme de Spy (EHoS) museum.
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RBINS Staff Publications