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Phdthesis Reference Development of seafloor mapping strategies supporting integrated marine management: application of seafloor backscatter by multibeam echosounders.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference Redescription of the type species of the genus Cypretta (Ostracoda, Crustacea), with notes on the taxonomy of the genus
With 53 formally described species, the genus Cypretta is one of the most common freshwater ostracod genera in the world. It has a mainly circumtropical distribution. The type species, Cypretta tenuicauda (Vávra, 1895), was described from Zanzibar (Africa) in a superficial way. Therefore, the morphology and identity of this species and of the genus remained problematic until today. Here, we redescribe Cypretta tenuicauda from the original type material and discuss the morphology of the species and the diagnosis of the genus. The species is characterized by the presence of anterior marginal septa in both valves, the sub-triangular carapace shape in lateral view, the right valve overlapping the left valve, the generally wide carapace and the presence of a serrated posteroventral inner list in the right valve. In addition, both α and β setae on the mandibular palp are long and thin, claws Ga and Gp on the caudal ramus are elongated and seta-like, while the caudal ramus itself is equally slender. The caudal ramus attachment is reduced to a simple branch. The present redescription of the type species will assist in creating order in what is now a taxonomically confused genus.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Predicted changes in the distribution of Ostracoda (Crustacea) from river basins in the southern cone of South America, under two climate change scenarios
While many studies predict changes in the distribution of individual species as a result of climate change, few studies have assessed such changes at the community level for aquatic invertebrates. We used ostracods (bivalved micro-crustaceans) to assess the effects of climate change on regional species richness, (re-) distribution and community composition across the river basins of the Southern Cone of South America. Using a range of niche-based models, we present projections of changes in diversity components in the light of two scenarios on increased carbon emissions: the moderate-optimistic (RCP 4.5) and the pessimistic (RCP 8.5) scenarios from four climate models on 2050 and 2080 scenarios. Future projections show increase in the number of (mapped) cells with a richness up to five species as compared to present-day situations. La Plata basin (LPLA) presents the highest species loss, mainly in the Paraguay and Paraná rivers, while the species gain occurred mainly in the La Puna Region, North Chile-Pacific Coast and southern LPLA basins. Global change might impact ostracod communities even on a medium term (2050). Despite losses of local species in all future scenarios, a small portion of the LPLA was identified as a potential future climatic refugia for ostracod communities, while the distribution area in Patagonia was predicted to be extremely small for some ostracods at the southernmost parts of South Argentina-South Atlantic Coast and South Chile-Pacific Coast basins in both futures. These results indicate that non-model organisms can also contribute greatly to formulate evidence-based management plans for aquatic ecosystems under climate change scenarios.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Seven new species and two new genera of Physocypria sensu latu (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Brazilian floodplains
We describe seven new species in two new genera of the Physocypria sensu latu clade (Cyclocypridinae) from three of the main Brazilian floodplains. Brasilocypria pea gen. et spec. nov. and Brasilocypria ricardopintoi gen. et spec. nov. occur in the Upper Paraná River floodplain and the South Matogrossense Pantanal, Claudecypria mesquitai gen. et spec. nov., Brasilocypria alisonae gen. et spec. nov. and Claudecypria rochei gen. et spec. nov. were found in the South Matogrossense Pantanal, and Brasilocypria lordi gen. et spec. nov. and Brasilocypria namiotkoi gen. et spec. nov. occur in the Amazon River floodplain. All new species here described were found as sexual populations. Generally, they have a short and suboval carapace, with the left valve overlapping the right valve on all sides, except for the dorsal side in some species. The morphology of the hemipenis and the prehensile palps, together with the shape of the valves, were the most important characters to distinguish the species. Size differences between species can be substantial. Several characters, such as the absence in all new species of the short accompanying seta of the five natatory setae on the antenna; the presence in all new species of a long seta next to the two a-setae on the first thoracopod, and the presence/absence or differences in length of specific setae on the second and third thoracopod, are relevant for the generic diagnoses. We also redefine Keysercypria Karanovic, 2011.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference A moderate differential effect of organic and conventional agriculture across taxonomic groups inhabiting farmland ponds
1. Organic agriculture is increasingly promoted as a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional agriculture, as it restricts the use of fertilisers and synthetic pesticides. However, the impact of both farming systems on aquatic biodiversity is strongly debated. Ponds are abundant in agricultural landscapes and strongly contribute to biodiversity. They also respond strongly to land use on a very local scale. The present study assessed the effects of conventional and organic agriculture on the taxonomic diversity of multiple groups of aquatic organisms at local and regional spatial scales. 2. We conducted a broad scale field survey to quantify the differential impact of conventional and organic agriculture on local environmental conditions in ponds, on community composition and on local, among site and regional diversity of macrophytes, cladoceran zooplankton and selected macroinvertebrates in Belgian farmland ponds (Flanders). 3. We observed that organic agriculture was moderately positively associated with higher local species richness for shoreline vegetation, but not for other organism groups. Only minor differences were observed for among-pond variation, and these were mostly related to rare species of cladocerans and heteropterans. At the regional scale, ponds in organic showed higher species richness than in conventional farmland for shoreline vegetation, emergent vegetation, and cladoceran zooplankton, but lower for coleopterans and gastropods. There was no significant effect of agricultural type on water quality. 4. We conclude that organic farming is associated with moderate positive effects on pond biodiversity and regional species richness of plants and zooplankton. We observed no systematic differences between the two types of agriculture in local environmental conditions in ponds. The absence of large differences in biodiversity and water quality between ponds located in organic and conventional farmland might be related to the dominance of intensive conventional farming in our study region and the history of conventional farming around ponds that are now surrounded by organic farming. Future studies should include other factors such as the structure of the landscape and the role of natural elements such as buffer strips surrounding the ponds.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference The gravity database for Belgium
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Inproceedings Reference Advanced Processing of Remotely Sensed Big Data for Cultural Heritage Conservation
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference Octet Stream The earliest evidence for deformation of livestock horns: The case of Predynastic sheep from Hierakonpolis, Egypt
Archaeozoological evidence for the modification of sheep horns during Egypt's Predynastic period was uncovered at Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt. At HK6, the site's so-called elite cemetery, a grave, which was part of a larger mortuary complex dated to around 3700 BC, contained at least 6 large, castrated male sheep. One individual was polled, while four others were of the corkscrew-horn type, but their horns were not oriented in the natural, lateral direction. Instead, the horns had been intentionally manipulated to grow upwards and in three cases this resulted in upright, parallel horns. While comparable practices are well documented in Africa in cattle through both modern ethnographic observations and archaeozoological studies of material from third millennium BC Nubia (in Kerma, Sudan), the Hierakonpolis sheep provide the oldest evidence for horn modification of livestock, and the first demonstration of the practice applied to sheep. When describing the skulls particular attention is paid to the pathological traces and deformities, i.e. constrictions on the horn cores, holes at the horn core bases, and deformations of the frontals. In order to assess the possible methods used in Predynastic Hierakonpolis to redirect the horns, these observations are compared with ethnographic and archaeozoological data from the literature. Finally, the possible reasons why these sheep were modified are also discussed. This study indicates that Predynastic Egyptians were already familiar with horn modelling techniques and confirms that this practice has a long history in the Nile Valley.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Skeleton of a new owl from the early Eocene of North America (Aves, Strigiformes) with an accipitrid-like foot morphology
We describe a partial skeleton of a large-sized owl from Wasatchian strata of the Willwood Formation (Wyoming, U.S.A.). The holotype of Primoptynx poliotauros, gen. et sp. nov., includes all major postcranial bones and is one of the most substantial Paleogene records of the Strigiformes. The fossil shows that owls exhibited a considerable morphological diversity in the early Eocene of North America and occupied disparate ecological niches. As in the protostrigid taxon Minerva from the late early to early middle Eocene of North America, but unlike in extant owls, the ungual phalanges of the hallux and the second toe of the new species are distinctly larger than those of the other toes. Primoptynx poliotauros gen. et sp. nov., however, does not exhibit the derived tibiotarsus morphology of the Protostrigidae. Even though the new species may well be a stem group representative of protostrigid owls, current data do not allow an unambiguous phylogenetic placement. Concerning the size of the ungual phalanges, the feet of P. poliotauros correspond to those of extant hawks and allies (Accipitridae). We therefore hypothesize that it used its feet to dispatch prey items in a hawk-like manner, whereas extant owls kill prey with their beak. Primoptynx and protostrigid owls were possibly specialized in foraging on prey items that required an accipitrid-like killing strategy, such as larger-sized or more defensive mammals. The extinction of these peculiar owls may have been related to the radiation of accipitrid diurnal birds of prey, which appear to have diversified in the late Eocene and early Oligocene.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference Sinopaninae and Arfianinae (Hyaenodontida, Mammalia) from the Early Eocene of Europe and Asia; evidence for dispersal in Laurasia around the Paleocene/ Eocene boundary and for an unnoticed faunal turnover in Europe
Hyaenodontida are represented in Europe by three subfamilies: Proviverrinae, Arfianinae and Sinopaninae. Here, we review all the specimens of Arfianinae and Sinopaninae known to date in Europe and Asia. A new Galecyon species is erected: Galecyon gallus nov. sp. We discuss the taxonomic position of the two Asian hyaenodontidans Anthracoxyaena palustris and Arfia langebadreae; the genus Anthracoxyaena is synonymized with Arfia. The analysis of the European and Asian arfianines and sinopanines provides new data concerning the dispersals and faunal events that occurred during the Early Eocene in Laurasia. The Arfianinae and Sinopaninae appeared in Europe around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (reference-level MP7). The sinopanines are widespread in Europe; they are known in Dormaal (Belgium, reference-locality of the level MP7), Rians, Soissons, Pourcy, Try, Le Quesnoy (France), and Abbey Wood (England). The analysis of the paleogeographic distribution of all Oxyaenodonta and Hyaenodontida at and after the MP7 supports the existence of two European provinces: the North Province and Mesogean Province. We show that the Arfianinae and Sinopaninae rapidly disappeared from Europe; they are unknown in Avenay (reference-locality of the level MP8+9) and younger localities. Their disappearance from Europe is synchronous with that of the Oxyaenodonta. These observations support the existence of a faunal turnover, which occurred between the reference-levels MP7 (Dormaal) and MP8+9 (Avenay). The hypothesis of a dispersal from Europe to North America during the Paleocene-Eocene transition for the Arfianinae and Sinopaninae is supported. Moreover, the study of Arfianinae supports a dispersal from Europe to Asia around the P/E boundary, followed by a short period of endemic evolution. However, our study does not support a close relationship between Arfia and the ‘‘Arfia-like South Asian Proviverrinae’’ (Kyawdawia, Indohyaenodon, Paratritemnodon and Yarshea).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications